Dayaker Reddy Sripathi · Over The Skype · IPAMA

Reddy Dayaker is the President of IPAMA – one of the oldest federations/organisations in the printing industry of India – more than 30 years old. IPAMA is mostly known for the Print Pack India exhibition, previously covered by INKISH.

You can find the films from the latest Print Pack India here:

In this interview K.S. Ashik from INKISH India have a great conversation about the India industry, IPAMA, and of course the importance of the Print Pack India show – next one is in Feb. 2021.

As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now.


Hello. Welcome to our show. And today we have Mr. Dayaker Reddy. Mr. Reddy, could you please introduce yourself for the audience?

Ya. Good evening all. Myself Dayaker Reddy, Printing technologist and president, current president heading Indian Institute, Indian printing and packaging and allied machinery manufacturer’s association, Which is Indian printing and packaging machinery manufacturer’s association, which is started about 30 years back. And you all know, we organize international event called “Print Pack India” every 2 years, it’s a biennial annual. Our next show would be coming up in 2021 from February 3rd to 8th, in Greater Noida. And IPAMA is, one of the oldest association in the country. Our members are basically from printing and packaging related machine manufacturers. We have about 500+ members across the country. And, apart from exhibitions, IPAMA does lot of, lot of activities like doing seminars and International events organizing for our own members. These things we organize regularly.

Ya that’s really great. And I think this is one of the major show in India, right?

Yeah this is, in fact, not only major show, I would say top 10 shows in the world. So last year it was about 60,000 square meters with 510 exhibitors. And it is a 6 day show. Probably, IPAMA is one of the show. After drupa, the longest duration is only in India. It is a 6 day show actually. And we cover all segments like pre-press, digital, post-press, web-offset, label, corrugation. So last year onwards, I think 2017 onwards, we have done a, we have done a segmented wise display. Earlier, it used to be mixed show. So you have to look for a exhibitor, whatever the segment you are from. So, last 2019 onwards, we have started segregating the exhibition. Like, last year we tried with 2 segments. One is label and other one is corrugation. So, this year, we are adding screen printing and signage and LED also. So, it would be 4, 5 segments, it would be displayed in a segment bank. So the moment you enter into exhibition, the carpet will speak, which segment you are there. If you enter into label hall, your label hall will be a.. carpet will be talking more about label industry. If you go into corrugation industry, the carpet also will talk about corrugation industry, like that. So it is easy for visitors to identify their interested segments.

So, how you organize such a, such a big event like this?

Ya. We have IPAMA.. Fortunately, IPAMA is having a huge building in Greater Noida, NCR Delhi. And we have, we used to have 14 staff, now it is only 12 permanent staff, we have. And, the beauty of our print pack show is, IPAMA show is, we don’t hire anything. Our marketing is done by ourself, execution is down by ourself. Only we outsource the vendors, you know, during that exhibition time. But everything, from the start to end, everything is handled by our governing council members, especially our permanent staff which we have in IPAMA secretariat in Noida.

So, probably you have a great expectations for 2021. So, after the lockdown, after the COVID situation, how you are planning and what’s your expectations regarding the 2021 show?

Ya, definitely , COVID, without COVID now I would.. Whole will talk Before COVID, after COVID. So,

Right right.

Before COVID, definitely we had a huge expectation. Since India, this is almost a, more than a month lockdown, and we’re not sure when the lockdown is going to be exit. So, hopefully May, maybe first week or second week, third week probably we may come out of lockdown, but the thing is, IPAMA is really optimistic because we have seen, in 2017 also we have seen same kind of situation. Our show is always in February. So, GST era. So GST also, its same, like imparted, you know, impacted on Indian economy, when they introduced GST those days. But, we were the only people who, I think probably, within 45, 50 days, we had our show. So we did our show. We didn’t change our dates and we went ahead, and we had a huge success. So we are also expecting the same way. Definitely there would be a little challenges, no doubt about it, because maybe, it is not here, only IPAMA are print pack. The exhibitors is very important to success any exhibition. So, we are closely watching the COVID impact and probably after, post lockdown, we will be in touch with all our stakeholders and we will discuss with them in depth and if any assistance is required from, as a association of IPAMA, IPAMA is always in front of our exhibitors as well as visitor. For example, I would tell you, in 2019, print pack has return more than half a million dollars after the show. After the show.

Oh, Oh.

So, what happened, we, we, we, we we had expected ‘x’ amount of area to be sold, but we crossed ‘x+20%’. Its the example. So what we did, that 20% whatever we made extra, we have dispersed, divided into all our members and we have paid back. Probably, no where in the world, no organizer will pay back after the show. You know, we have received all, almost all the customer’s money, by the time, I think, 12 days or 15 days before we have taken this decision and we have paid back. So probably IPAMA had very good faith in our members, in our members and our exhibitors who have been continuously participating almost all 14 edition, 14 edition till date. So they’re all, definitely will looking forward to 15 edition. But as I said earlier, we will be closely watching the situation, this COVID situation, and we will be in touch with all our stakeholders, immaterial whether they’re big exhibitors or small exhibitors or regular or new, then we will come to a conclusion. But as if now, our show is on, as per our schedule, February 3rd to 8th, in 2021, in Greater Noida.

That’s good. And Dhrupad is also postponed to 2021 and you are also planning for 2021, so, how many participants are you are expecting and about the visitors and could you please elaborate on that?

Ya, infact, if we talk from India alone, Dhrupad alone I think 89 exhibitors so far registered. Out of 89, I think 28 exhibitors is 89 exhibitors about 49 or 50 from IPAMA members, basically. So apart from that, we have about, we have also taken a booth, 150 square meters in Dhrupad and we will be doing it for our members pavilion. So for our members we are doing a pavilion. I think 28 members are coming for that also. It is already, everything is already done. So we have already executed. So it would be in April. So we have, March, April. About 40… 50, 55 days gap is there. So, we will go ahead. Definitely there would be impact. Now, the biggest worry, biggest worry after COVID situation to any exhibition, not only print pack, Dhrupad or any any, for any other exhibition, the exhibitions who are depending more on foreign visitor, foreign exhibitors will be badly hit. This has to be marked very very clearly. In our case, in Indian, in print pack case, neither our, Last year we had, I think last year we had about 30..I’m not talking about foreign companies who has offices in India. Direct foreign exhibitor. We had about 39 exhibitors I think, only, From direct foreign exhibitors.

Okay Okay.

And, visitors also we received about 3000 4000 visitors from foreign, across the globe.


So definitely, since our 95 place 95 98 percent visitors are from domestic, and exhibitors also, you know, out of 509, if we remove 34, its almost 490, 480 place. So its a quiet big number.


So I feel, print pack and uh, will not be affected because of the COVID, since our exhibitors are not much from foreign, and nor the visitors are much from foreign. Definitely there is a international visitors. Last year we had 82 countries, visitors participating. 82 countries. So, probably that we will look into. Maybe we may focus more on our neighboring countries. Where in, you know, people can reach in couple of hours. Not traveling to a flight, 10 hours, 15 hours. We will definitely plan accordingly and we will try to bring as much as possible, if government is allowing. Now, the big question mark is, what it is, after post COVID, what is the government direction? Nobody knows now. Neither Dhrupad knows, neither I knows, nobody knows now. So if government says guideline, nothing doing, next there is no mass gardening, nobody can do it. So we have to obey government rules. Right?

So, I like your, I like your answer. And, can I have a question?

[Dayaker Reddy] Ya, Ya sure.

See, see after the COVID

[Dayaker Reddy] Ya?

No, everybody is in dark. Nobody has no idea about that. So, how can we do the business after the COVID? That is the big question.

Ya. It’s a very good question. And we are very optimistic. I am always optimistic. I would say, when there is a problem, You know I would, I would treat this COVID as a hurdle, you know, 400 meters hurdle or something like that. So probably once you jump from that hurdle, so always a runner will pickup. So the same way, end of the tunnel, there is a light, definitely. There is a light, definitely. So, advantage for India is, what is going to be happened is now, India is going to be trusted as one of the partners. If you see in COVID, right from Paris, Germany, America, we have supplied our medicines, which will be relieved COVID patients and every country has been applaud for that, for India. The same thing, in manufacturing segment, you must be watching Tvs and newspapers, there’s a lot of new opportunities going to come in India. Especially, e-commercing stuff. If e-commerce comes, the label industry will grow, the corrugation industry will grow. Definitely. Because every e-commerce, you need a pack. Which is a corrugated. Which is our members. Our friends, convertors will be doing. And every box need a label. That will be by label printer. And, say example, some personal care or some pharmaceuticals care, needed flexible packaging or mono carton packaging. So definitely there would be a, huge opportunity’s going to be created. Only the thing is, yes, first, sustaining for, you know, a month or so, would be a different task. Hopefully, as a, IPAMA, you know, as a front runner in all necessary required, further industry in the country, we have, we had formed, we are trying to form a federation of graphic card industry and federation, printing federation and packaging federation of graphic card industry. 14 associations have already, working with us. And we have representated, we have given a, our requirement and solution to Prime Minister Modiji also. Hopefully, we are expecting certain support from the Government of India. You know, today’s, everybody’s you know, small and medium companies, everybody’s worries is only 3 words. One is, the salaries, second one is Power BIs and third one is Government statutory payments. So if three, we’ll be considered by Government of India, definitely, only the thing is, you know, we focus only on our business. The day we start on re-working after post exit, we will put our efforts to bring the business and execute those business. So definitely we are optimistic and when there is a problem only there is a solution, and out of that solution, if you see in 2008 recession also, the great innovations have come in 2008 only. Now, what.. whatsapp, Facebook, these are all the things came in 2008. So definitely, uber. One of the biggest innovation, Uber, which is.. startup in 2008 only, so, definitely when there is a challenge, there is a solutions also. I’m optimistic, I’m optimistic.

I appreciate that and you’re optimistic and the whole people are optimistic right now. And, the question is real, the question is how you are going to market your product into the world market? How you are market your product internationally? That is the big question.

Ya. Now, we are requesting Government of India, not only printing industry, all the segments. If you see Indian government has done a program about 8, 7 years back, “Incredible India”, which is a tourist, tourism branding of the country. Which has been a very big success story. Now, if you see anywhere, you don’t need to tell about Indian tourism, you can say ‘Incredible India’, so people will understand ‘Yes, this is Indian tourism department’. Same thing, ‘Make in India’. What Prime Minister Modi’s already announced about 4, 5 years back but which is not took place in a right manner. So now, probably, now this ‘Make In India’ has to go into, across the globe, and create a brand for India, so that, definitely, Now, if you see, information technology, pharmaceutical technology, we are one of the prominent player. Prominent player, definitely. And, if you talk about printing also, lot of European and US printing is done by our Indian printers. There are, there are lot of businesses going to happen. So, definitely, probably, once this ‘Make In India’program would be further, a big hit in the global wide, so definitely it’s going to be benefited to our members as well as other segments, convertors and members also.

So, like Inkish is also having a major role in the coming after COVID situation. What do you think about that?

I, first of all, I would welcome you, Inkish, in India. That’s what, when I met Martin in 2019, I told him same thing. You know, he made, he was there about 3 days, I think, in the show, and he has done a fabulous story on print pack also. I think he came to cover few members, and I’ve been invited him for all the 3 days and I’d given him a permission for, to run a drone also. Normally in NCR you have to take a permission to use a drone So, I took a permission and gave him that provision also. He made a beautiful job. See, this is what is required. Of course we do have a , India, if you see, lot of print magazines, we have more than 40 magazines in the country. But as if now, very few magazines have started doing through YouTube, YouTube promotions. So probably, since Inkish is one of the leading online magazine in TV, online magazine in European market, so definitely it makes a impact. Because, you know, say example, if one of my member would like to promote in Europe and US, since you are already one of the prominent player, it is very easy to us to reach my customer there. So definitely, Inkish will give little flourish ness to our export players. Surely, I wish that. And that’s what I assured Mr. Martin also. Anything, any support required in India, for Inkish, IPAMA is always stands for them.

And, I’m coming to my last question, and could you please tell me about your business and how do you start it and how you get into this business?

Ya. See, basically, when I was studying my 6th class, so, I have passionated towards the printing industry.

Oh. 6th class?

Ya. 6th class.

So maybe, at the age of 11 years?

Exactly, you’re right. Ya, 11 year. Why it happens is, you know, one of my senior, where I studied, in Hyderabad, Government Institute of Printing Technology, my printing technology, my brother in law, classmate used to be, already, by that time he has passed out in GIPT and he went to government scholarship, to London. Sorry, he went to Germany.


100% scholarship of Government of India.


So, and when I met him first time in 6th class, he said, “Yaar, printing technology mein zyada padne ko nai hota”, Nothing to read much. So that was attracted me. Because I am not a very, very top class student. I am a average student, always. So that ‘clatch’ me, okay, if I want to do it engineering or medicine, I have to put a lot of efforts. So I said, okay, my career is in printing.


Then, when I started printing technology, I’m really proud to be here as a printing techno..technoprac today, because, printing technology is the most essential services for any segment. Any segment. You know.


Without printing, you cannot imagine. Today if, what mobile, we are doing the convocation now through Skype, the mobile screens is printed, its screen printing.


So every aspect, the currency, the best part is, the human driven, currency, is also a printed.


Birth certificate, death certificate, everything. Every second of a human life is connected with a print. Maybe it is a newspaper, magazine, anything. Anything and everything. So it is a print. So I am really passionate to be in this industry. Then I started in 1994, I started working into few companies. Then, 2008, post Dhrupad, I have started my own firm. Initially, we started a trading company. Then in 2009 we went into manufacturing. But then I’m not a big manufacturer, to be honest. I’m very small time manufacturer, as usually, small manufacturer. We make, highlighting machines for paper bags and files. We make that machine and we export across the, almost all 45, 50 countries we export. And, we do have our own office in Kenya also. East Africa. I have my own office in Kenya. My colleague would be looking after our African business there. We are very strong in African market, as well as Gulf market.

So now, So now, you are aiming to the US and Europe market. Right?

Haha. Not me, definitely but our members. Our one of the prominent member. I would like to tell you one thing is, from IPAMA members, if you talk about the newspaper industry, the narrow, single width manufacturing web of services, we are the world’s largest manufacturing hub in the country.

[Interviewr] Oh. Right, right.

Our, any newspaper you can take, right from US to China, Germany, everywhere, our members equipments are there. So, we are proud to be,


So definitely we are aiming for our members. When I say, as a President when I talk, I only talk about IPAMA and IPAMA members. I don’t talk about my business.

Correct. Haha.

Ofcourse, when it is IPAMA, I’m also a member, so my business will . But when I say IPAMA president, it is a purely for IPAMA. That is, that is my passion.

Thank you so much. Thank you so much for sharing your time. And thank you for, and we are expecting a great cooperation with, from you.

Definitely, and we look forward to you in many occasions, In near future, with Inkish. I wish your journey in India will go into a long, long way. So, as I say, you have to focus segment wise, because we have a lot many segments, you know, when we meet personally, we will discuss. So, whatever guidelines are required from us, we will definitely there to be assist you. And thank you very much, Ashiq. You know, these house arrest period, you have requested for a video. And before closing, I would like to tell you, I’m enjoying my house quarantine, because after 27 years, I’m spending time with my family.


After 27 years.

27 years.

You know when I started education, then after that I’ve been a very frequent traveler across the world. So I don’t stay. Normally, in a month if you see, 6, 7 days I come to home. So, by the time, you know, across the globe you travel and come, you need little rest. But now, last one month, one and a half month, I am enjoying like anything.

Thank you.

Thank you so much. Thank you Ashiq.

Ya. Thank you. And we’ll discuss later also.


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

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