Theo Buchmeyer · manroland Goss · PreDrupa LIVE · May 14th 2024 · Replay
Morten Reitoft and Theo Buchmeyer discuss Manroland Goss’s participation in the upcoming Drupa 2024. Buchmeyer emphasizes the importance of attending Drupa for the company despite the absence of their “brother” company. He sees it as a key opportunity to showcase new products, meet customers, and build new relationships.
Reitoft praises Manroland Goss for adapting to market changes through refurbishment and technological innovations, ensuring the continued relevance of their web offset presses. Buchmeyer confirms the significant install base of over 3,000 active presses worldwide and their plans to support these with retrofits and improvements.
They discuss Drupa’s role as a statement of commitment to the future of the print industry and the importance of maintaining connections with customers. Buchmeyer highlights the company’s efforts to integrate digital tools like VPN and IoT boxes for monitoring press performance and predicting downtime, enhancing productivity through tools like Manroland Sense, an artificial intelligence tool for predictive maintenance.
Buchmeyer acknowledges the growth of digital printing but emphasizes that offset printing remains a robust, productive process for mid to large runs. He predicts a coexistence of both technologies, offset retaining its place in the industry for the foreseeable future.
Manroland Goss’s booth at Drupa will focus on its new VarioMAN packaging press, showcasing its flexibility and cost-efficiency in reducing production costs and carbon footprint. It will also demonstrate maintenance tools and emphasize the importance of sustainability and extending the economic life of its installed presses.
Reitoft and Buchmeyer discuss the continued relevance and growth of web offset printing in certain markets, noting that some customers are expanding their volumes through consolidation and new titles. Buchmeyer concludes by emphasizing the importance of supporting the existing install base and showcasing Manroland Goss’s upgrades and innovations at Drupa.