Eduard Martin · CEO · Schwabenprint
Eduard Martin operates Schwabenprint – a printing company specialized in manuals, documentation, and other B&W productions. Schwabenprint delivers stitched and glued products in a very efficient production using Horizon and Hunkeler equipment together with the company’s Domino Inkjet press.
An exciting story and funny to see how niche products can be done fast and efficiently using the right technology. Enjoy!
Several companies belong to this group, all of them digital printing, print on demand and we have been at this location for two and a half years.
The company has been around for almost 20 years since we founded it from scratch. Started with one machine and have now grown to 96 employees, which I am of course very proud of. We have several companies that belong to the Schwabenprint Group, among other things, we are spread across Germany, now there are five corporations that have specialized in one
purpose, namely digital printing.
we have a huge chance for the near future and of course we hope that the corona restrictions will soon be lifted so that we can finally develop our performance potential. We were very, very lucky with our customers, so we relied on an industry that has grown very strongly, and that has brought us very, very much to get through the Corona period and we feel very connected to these customers towards and this mutual respect, I believe, we also experience from our customers, so that a great cooperation has emerged. Definitely in our field. Every crisis also harbors opportunities
and that should really be taken literally.
With us too, so of course we were now able to score very well in the area of print on demand.
Customers were now dependent on very short delivery times and production times during the Corona period and our strengths in this area are extremely high. Definitely, what we specialize in now in the printing of books, banking, training materials.
I think this area will change, especially in the educational area. But it will still be an alternative to all the new media. That means, we don’t see ourselves as competition to economic development, we see ourselves as good ones Alternative and a good addition to it. We try to get on a broader footing by acquiring other companies, of course, whereby we make sure that we buy what we also know about and what we understand well, what complements us well. We concentrate on key areas. We stay with our business area and don’t want to dare to experiment. In this Corona time, we are of course also trying to position ourselves better with such additions in order to be safer for the employees and for our business purpose. So I see a very, very positive development for digital printing because we are getting more and more customers who come from off-set printing
because they value this flexibility. We are also very competitive in terms of costs and economics, and in some cases are also cheaper, which is why I see less competition. I also notice that we, our competitors in the market, have grown together in the Corona period because we see that working together is more likely to bring us forward than to work against one another.
We notice this when it comes to paper procurement, because now the raw material shortage has clearly set in and we are helping each other out. I think that’s very good.
We are trying to eliminate bottlenecks. At the moment our bottleneck and bottleneck is, so to speak, in the area of printing. We have now been lucky enough to get Horizon as a partner because they are very flexible.
They respond to all challenges and at the moment it is really the case that we have become extremely efficient with postpress, so we are now planning to buy more printing systems to eliminate this bottleneck, so to speak. There were several aspects that made us decide to invest in this production line. On the one hand the economic aspect, the flexibility and we were able to relieve our workforce extremely.
The product that we are now producing on this bookline has required three to four employees up until now. These employees were extremely physically busy. With this line we were able to create new capacities.
The employees are now responsible for monitoring activities and thus we can better utilize the production times and relieve the employees.
There were other options, other alternatives, which we naturally looked at from Hunkeler or other machine manufacturers. But the overall concept worked. That means, of course, before the signature, we already got a market overview and compared many, many machines.
But in terms of the concept and the cooperation between people, it simply worked best with Horizon. And I am still convinced that our future decisions regarding investments will definitely take place with Horizon. Yes, it was a very good decision economically. We are completely autonomous, that is, we are going in the direction of digitization of the entire company. And for me it is very important that we can handle the capacities of our employees more efficiently, that we can plan better
and because of downtimes, because of Corona. This means that we can work much more independently and thus we also create a certain flexibility and security for the customer that we can work with Horizon machines with very, very few staff. And before that we hadn’t imagined it to be as easy as it really is. We see the future very positively, definitely because we simply work with passion, work with very good partners. The customers are very reliable and that is why we will continue to develop as we have done for the last 20 years. I’m just looking forward to it.