Super Optimized Label Production · Peter Vogt · CEO · Labelhub
A webinar just a few days ago said that Label Converters see up to 80% of their production being re-orders. With Labelhub, most of these orders can be 100% automated and managed by the customers freeing up capacity, enabling faster turnaround, and by all means, helping Converters. Labelhub offers their customers the option to create customer portals integrated into the Converters MIS systems. Updated designs can, with drag’n’drop, be easily replaced, proofed, stepped, and sent directly to the printing machine, including laser dies, production data, etc. Labelhub seems to be a super interesting tool, and as we speak with the founder and CEO, Peter Vogt, we learn that Labelhub is an add-on to existing MIS systems. Still, by building up the customer portals in Labelhub, you essentially make it easier for yourself if you, at some point, decide to change MIS/ERP system.