NEW C4 Compact from MPrint · Achim Herzog ·
The new MPrint C4 Compact sounds almost like the name of a new car, but it’s not. The C4 Compact is a UV-coated 4-color printing device that can be fitted onto any existing Flexopress, essentially turning the Flexopress into a hybrid machine. Super nice idea that should be THE option many are looking for. Mprint is a company owned by Kurz, and they develop some pretty nice technology. A small four-color label printer was presented when we met with Achim Herzog at the IST UV-Days just a few months ago. Still, at LabelExpo, they introduced the 4C Compact, which, in our opinion, probably should have won the prize for best new business idea! Many excellent digital print bars/print heads are mounted on flexo presses. Still, with the Mprint 4C Compact, Mprint has developed a 4-color printer that can be mounted on almost any flexo press and essentially turn the machine into a flexo press with digital printing capabilities. Herzog emphasizes the potential, and well – it’s a super great idea!
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