Taktiful Tuesdays Ep. 2: Digital Embelli...
In this exciting episode of Taktiful Tuesdays, Eric Vessels, Taktiful's Chief Experience Officer, chats with Richard Romano, Senior Editor at WhatTheyThink, about the future of digital embellishments and the critical need for industry standards. They dive into: The evolution of digital embellishments Challenges printers face: selling, pricing, and educating customers The importance of creating universal standards for gloss, foil, embossing, and more Insights from Taktiful & WhatTheyThink’s groundbreaking industry surveys And, of course, they redefine “Taco Tuesday” as “Taktiful Tuesdays.” Get involved! Participate in the digital embellishment survey (link below) and help shape the future of printing. As a thank-you, receive a free executive summary with actionable insights and a link to last year’s study. Don’t miss this insightful (and delicious) conversation! Links: Take the digital embellishment survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/Taktiful25 Watch the Digital Embellishment Panel: https://youtu.be/vqiiQJ3qPT8 Learn more about Taktiful: www.taktiful.com Printing Outlook Survey: https://store.whattheythink.com/downloads/printing-outlook-2024 Subscribe for more episodes of Taktiful Tuesdays, where we bring you the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the printing industry!