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Fri August 18th


Super Optimized Label Production · Peter...

A webinar just a few days ago said that Label Converters see up to 80% of their production being re-orders. With Labelhub, most of these orders can be 100% automated and managed by the customers freeing up capacity, enabling faster turnaround, and by all means, helping Converters. Labelhub offers their customers the option to create customer portals integrated into the Converters MIS systems. Updated designs can, with drag'n'drop, be easily replaced, proofed, stepped, and sent directly to the printing machine, including laser dies, production data, etc. Labelhub seems to be a super interesting tool, and as we speak with the founder and CEO, Peter Vogt, we learn that Labelhub is an add-on to existing MIS systems. Still, by building up the customer portals in Labelhub, you essentially make it easier for yourself if you, at some point, decide to change MIS/ERP system.

Fri January 21st


Sumners uses eProductivity Software in M...

COO Courtney Sumners of Benson Integrated Marketing Solutions speaks with Robert Godwin about how her company utilizes a range of eProductivity Software solutions in their offerings to their customers. Enjoy!

Wed October 30th


Successful PRINTING United for Printbox ...

At PRINTING United 2019 INKISH broadcasted LIVE from various booths Friday 25th. It's always a challenge, but likely more a problem to be so successful that all leaflets and marketing materials were gone. We got a chance to talk to CEO Michał Czaicki from Printbox from the booth and here is the interview from what seems to be both a successful company appreciating a very successful tradeshow. Enjoy.

Sat October 22nd


Successful PRINTING United for Koenig &#...

Tom Fitzgerald is responsible for Post Press Products for Koenig & Bauer North America, and for him and his company, PRINTING United has been very successful. In the interview, Fitzgerald can't hide his appreciation of the sales achieved - and as with the rest of the Koenig & Bauer team, everything seems to move up and forward. Good work, guys!

Thu September 30th


Successful Peak Performance event in Bru...

The Fujifilm event Peak Performance Print Experience was held in Brussels on September 28th and 29th, 2021. It was a great event with many people, really good print samples, and an insight into where Fujifilm sees their technology. Here we speak to Taro Aoki, who is the head of Fujifilm digital press solutions. The new Revoria brand was also demonstrated on the first day, but only to customers in Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, and Portugal - since Revoria is only available here now. The event gave the audience an insight into the technology, like the new Jet Press 750s with faster print speed, still fantastic quality, and a few other great and exciting upgrades. LinkedIn profile:

Mon March 30th


Success With a New Take on Flexible Pack...

ePac is, by far, one of the most recognized companies in the printing industry these days. With digital production of roll/pouches, the company has got attention from brand-owners of all sizes. Small print-run, fast turn-around time, stunning quality, and well - as MD Johnny Hobeika explains, in this interview, competitive prices, when everything from time, to obsolete stock, is taken into considerations. Great interview. Great company!

Thu October 29th

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Success in long-lasting value creation ·...

Jean-Pascal Bobst, CEO of Bobst Group SA, shares his views and strategies with Jacques Michiels our CEO of INKISH Benelux. In this truly open and revealing conversation, Jacques Michiels gets the answers to his most pressing and sometimes quite personal questions. This year, BOBST celebrates its 130th anniversary – proof of their resilience, competences and success in long-lasting value creation. Jean-Pascal Bobst talks about how they can futureproof the business of their customers as well as their own. BOBST has a presence in more than 50 countries, runs 15 production facilities in8 countries and employs more than 5500 people around the world. So, as a leading technology company in the packaging world, Bobst is greatly responsible for shaping this part of the industry and Jacques Michiels asks about new product developments, innovation, the people, sustainability and the challenges Bobst is facing in the next 3 years. Jean-Pascal Bobst unveils that they build new substrate processing technologies to increase sustainability along with innovating in digital printing with their Mouvent ink-jet technology, this as well as a stand-alone Label printing technology, but also integrated into the UV flexo “hybrid” printing machines turning in Beta as we speak.

Fri October 30th

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Succès dans la création de valeur durabl...

Subtitles in English and French available: Jean-Pascal Bobst, PDG de Bobst Group SA, partage ses points de vue et ses stratégies avec Jacques Michiels, notre CEO INKISH Benelux. Dans cette conversation vraiment ouverte et révélatrice, Jacques Michiels obtient les réponses à ses questions les plus pressantes et parfois assez personnelles. Cette année, BOBST célèbre son 130e anniversaire - preuve de sa résilience, de ses compétences et de son succès dans la création de valeur durable. Jean-Pascal Bobst explique comment ils peuvent pérenniser les affaires de leurs clients ainsi que les leurs. BOBST est présent dans plus de 50 pays, gère 15 sites de production en 8 pays et emploie plus de 5500 personnes dans le monde. Ainsi, en tant qu'entreprise technologique de premier plan dans le monde de l'emballage, Bobst est grandement responsable de façonner cette partie de l'industrie et Jacques Michiels interroge sur les développements de nouveaux produits, l'innovation, les personnes, la durabilité et les défis auxquels Bobst sera confronté au cours des 3 prochaines années. Jean-Pascal Bobst dévoile qu'ils construisent de nouvelles technologies de traitement des substrats pour augmenter la durabilité tout en innovant dans l'impression numérique avec leur technologie à jet d'encre Mouvent. Cela étant aussi bien une technologie numérique autonome à l'impression d'étiquettes (Labels), mais également intégrée dans l'impression UV flexo «hybride» comme dans leurs machines tournant en Béta en ce moment. --- Jean-Pascal Bobst, CEO of Bobst Group SA, shares his views and strategies with Jacques Michiels our CEO of INKISH Benelux. In this truly open and revealing conversation, Jacques Michiels gets the answers to his most pressing and sometimes quite personal questions. This year, BOBST celebrates its 130th anniversary – proof of their resilience, competences and success in long-lasting value creation. Jean-Pascal Bobst talks about how they can futureproof the business of their customers as well as their own. BOBST has a presence in more than 50 countries, runs 15 production facilities in8 countries and employs more than 5500 people around the world. So, as a leading technology company in the packaging world, Bobst is greatly responsible for shaping this part of the industry and Jacques Michiels asks about new product developments, innovation, the people, sustainability and the challenges Bobst is facing in the next 3 years. Jean-Pascal Bobst unveils that they build new substrate processing technologies to increase sustainability along with innovating in digital printing with their Mouvent ink-jet technology, this as well as a stand-alone Label printing technology, but also integrated into the UV flexo “hybrid” printing machines turning in Beta as we speak.

Thu February 2nd


Substrate, feather mechanism, and great ...

Imaging Solutions AG (ISAG) Are best known for their frames and lay-flat-photo books solutions, but the company also develops and sells other products. At C!Print '23, Imaging Solutions co-exhibited with and showed a clever yet simple solution, together with a new alu/poly-based substrate, that can make stunning images printable, easy to send, and VERY easy to assemble. Two software solutions were also presented - by Imaging Solutions, as far as we see :-) The first is an extremely important software in the digital age, an AI-based image scaler that uses AI to render images to be used in a larger format - very convincing. The name of the software is Viesus. The other was equally interesting, though I found it strange that Imaging Solutions don't offer a demo- site to test the software's capabilities. The service is called, and what you do is upload min. 10 photos will then be made - again with the help of AI - into stunning images that can be used for your art. Everybody talks about AI, and with OpenAI's Dall-E2 and ChatGPT, is a welcome addition to the creative use of computers. Super nice to see! LinkedIn Profile:

Fri November 5th


Stuart Fox · President & CEO · Kong...

Many companies grow through mergers and acquisitions - but Kongsberg is an example of the opposite since Kongsberg became its entity after a peaceful separation from Esko. In this Conversations editor, Morten B. Reitoft talks with President & CEO Stuart Fox. Teamwork, innovative technology, and a strong belief in the future are just a few of the takeaways! LinkedIn Profile

Sat January 11th


Storytelling Business Cards · Print Samp...

Ladies and Gentlemen. It's time to do business cards that are more than black text on white paper. Let the business card lead into the story you want to tell. In this Print Sample TV episode host, Pat McGrew gives you examples on business cards that are changing the perspective of a business card. The good thing is. If you have a printing press, you can do more, and better to engage with your clients. Here you'll find inspiration!

Wed May 17th


Steve Billow · New President for Fujifil...

Steve Billow was recently appointed President & CEO of Fujifilm Dimatix. You may not know that name so well, but in the graphic arts industry, that equals Samba print heads, used in many inkjet printers. We got a chance to talk to Billow about his job, inkjet in general, and many more things - super nice talking to you, and looking forward to further conversations!

Tue July 4th


Stéphane Royère · Leonhard Kurz · IST UV...

Stéphane Royère is the head of Packaging and Print with Leonhard KURZ. We got a chance to talk to him after he finished his panel discussion with Sabine Geldermann (drupa), Sebastian Tange (Koenig & Bauer), and Tim Sterbak (IST Metz) and talked to him about sustainability, value-adding, and of course, also their platinum sponsorship at drupa 2024. Enjoy!

Thu June 23rd


Stéphane Royère · KURZ · KURZ Label Week...

What is KURZ Label Weeks about? Well, it all started with the cancellation of LabelExpo, which KURZ considers a very important trade show. Stéphane Royère explains in this interview the idea behind Kurz Label Weeks - and what the expectations are. Interesting to learn how vendors turn a cancellation into an opportunity, and of course, interesting to see the result of Label Weeks which last almost four months!

Tue June 11th


Stéphane Royère · Head of Business Are...

In this episode, Stéphane Royère from KURZ will show new silver products that maybe have less "blink" but still can make people look one more time.  

Fri March 17th


Stéphane Cannone · DB Print · Komori Ope...

French with English subtitles: DB Print, based in Lille, France, is one of Komori's heavy users of its printing equipment and current offering. What are the new challenges, and what solutions are the large offset printers looking for, especially in commercial printing? What are the drivers when they seek to invest in new technologies, and how do they anticipate entrepreneurial difficulties? We chat with Stéphane Cannone, Managing Director of DB Print, and hear some of his thoughts on the matter. It turns out to be a difficult choice and must consider the lifespan of the technology, the cost savings, and the search for prolonged efficiency gains. -- DB Print basé à Lille, France est l'un des gros utilisateurs de Komori de son équipement d'impression et de son offre actuelle. Quels sont les nouveaux défis et quelles solutions les grands imprimeurs offset recherchent-ils réellement, en particulier dans le domaine de l'impression commerciale ? Quels sont les moteurs lorsqu'ils cherchent à investir dans les nouvelles technologies et comment anticipent-ils les difficultés entrepreneuriales ? Nous discutons avec Stéphane Cannone, le directeur général de DB Print, et découvrons certaines de ses réflexions à ce sujet. Il s'avère être un choix difficile et doit tenir compte de la durée de vie de la technologie, des économies de coûts et de la recherche de gains d'efficacité prolongés.

Thu February 29th


Stephan Reiter · OneVision

OneVision delivers Workflow Solutions to the industry - and has developed a modular-based solution that fits all sizes. In this engaging interview with Stepha Reiter, you get an insight into what OneVision offers, the challenges, and what to expect at drupa. Nice talking to Stephan Reiter again!

Sun July 24th


Stephan Plenz · Managing Director · Acte...

Since Stephan Plenz left Heidelberg years ago, he has worked as a consultant for a number of companies. Ten months ago, he was appointed Managing Director for Actega Metal Print, and together with his team, he is now working on bringing Ecoleaf to the market - initially in the labels segment, but as Stephan Plenz explains in the film - later for other segments. Ecoleaf is developed on technology acquired from Landa Labs also years ago but is not, according to Plenz ready for the market. He describes Ecoleaf as a disruptive technology. Plenz is also a board member of Tresu and Landa, so a busy man :-)

Sun June 9th

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Stephan Jacobs · Zünd Benelux · the VIGC...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Kennismaking met de exclusieve verdeler in de Benelux van het Zwitserse Zünd. We bespreken de trends in het "vrijmaken" van drukwerk en industriële applicaties. Termen als automatisatie, robots en connectiviteit zijn ook in de afwerking zeker niet meer vreemd, integendeel. -- EN -- Introduction to the exclusive distributor in the Benelux of Zünd. We discuss the trends in the "liberating" of printed sheets and industrial applications. Terms such as automation, robots and connectivity are certainly no longer strange terms in the finishing department, on the contrary.

Tue February 27th


Stephan Eckner · PreDrupa FEB27TH

In this engaging conversation, Stephan discusses Tessitura's innovative technology designed to seamlessly connect hardware and software within the printing industry. Tessitura specializes in creating a "transporting and translation medium" that facilitates communication between various systems, such as MIS (Management Information Systems), workflow systems, machines, and reporting services. This integration extends to both modern and classic machines, offering a comprehensive solution for improving operational efficiency and data accuracy. Stephan highlights the origin of the company's name, "tessitura," an Italian musical term meaning "the weaving" or "comfort range of a singer," reflecting the company's mission to interweave different technological systems harmoniously. Most Tessitura team members are musicians, adding a unique cultural layer to their technical endeavors. The conversation delves into the practical benefits of Tessitura's technology, emphasizing its ability to provide production leaders with a transparent overview of production progress, enhance quality control, and facilitate accurate cost calculations. Stephan points out the challenge in postpress operations, where performance often relies on guesswork. Tessitura solutions offer a way to gather precise data, enabling better operational decisions and efficiency. Moreover, Stephan explains how Tessitura's technology simplifies the integration process between different vendors' systems, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming custom project work. The company's approach significantly reduces development time and expense using a specialized interface that translates and transports data between systems. The discussion also touches on Tessitura's participation at Drupa, showcasing its integration capabilities, classic machine integration solutions, and tools for enhancing shop floor transparency. Stephan invites interested parties to visit their booth for more information. Despite being a relatively new player in the industry, Tessitura has made a significant impact. The market's reception has been mixed, with some clients quickly recognizing the potential of Tessitura's offerings while others are slower to appreciate the innovation. Stephan's narrative illustrates Tessitura's commitment to breaking down technological barriers and fostering a more connected, efficient printing industry.

Mon June 10th


Stephan de Vries · CEO · Fotofabriek · R...

Friday May 31st, Fujifilm had an award show at the Hyatt hotel in Düsseldorf - and one of the winners was Stephan de Vries from Fotofabriek in the Netherlands. First and foremost, congratulations - and second, in this interview you will learn more about how Fotofabriek won the Innovation Award by making a children's book product using AI.  

Thu March 6th


Steffen Tomasi · CEO · Flyerline · Hunke... is a major Swiss-based company specializing in high-quality printed materials, promotional items, and packaging solutions. While we love hearing stories from vendors and tech companies, it’s equally important — perhaps even more so — to listen to the heavy users of this equipment. These users need solutions that ensure profitability and enable them to make their mark in this rapidly evolving printing space. Being in Switzerland, it only makes sense to hear from one of the “national” online print service providers to gain insights into the reality of online digital printing and the true needs of such operations.

Mon September 30th


Steffen Franzisi · CEO/Geschäftsführer ·...

“It’s always about people, but a party is, of course, an opportunity to also meet each other in a more relaxing environment,” Franzisi explains, and as Editor Morten B. Reitoft has been with the company for a week, the interview circles around topics like people vs. technology, growth, and operating in a competitive environment. Steffen Franzisi is a straightforward leader with high expectations for his people and great expectations for the future - analog, digital, or whatever serves the customers best. Interesting interview. Language: German Subtitled: English

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