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Sun March 5th


Solimar Systems · Jamie Walsh · Hunkele...

In this interview, Jamie Walsh from Solimar Systems explains how using Solimar Systems will free up capacity on existing printing equipment, as the data will be more streamlined, freeing up space on the machines. Solimar has a great reputation for involving customers in its academies and is engaged with customers to secure success. Jamie Walsh handles EMEA. Enjoy!

Sun October 23rd


Solimar Software Manage in/outbound mail...

Managing tons of in and outbound mail in an assurance company requires the right software and printers to optimize production. Craig Coley, Corporate Services Director, explains how he is using Solimar - and their support - to manage to scan of inbound documents and to manage an optimized PDF output. Craig Coley also emphasizes that the support he gets from Solimar is amazing, but listen to him for yourself!

Fri May 7th


Sold on enhancement · Pat McGrew · Print...

When you see this wonderful Print Sample TV episode, you will clearly see how you get your way to host Pat McGrew's heart. Enhancement is the secret element, and ABG for sure has created a sample kit that demonstrates the value of working with his great company. Check in and enjoy the enhancement moment.

Wed July 4th

Software to increase Productivity now av...

Most printers are looking for ways to increase their productivity and with software from US-based OpenSoft, the chances have become greater. DaVinci is a software where customers can preview their designs with varnishes and foils. Really cool. OpenSoft is also the developers of Scissorhands - a unique software to increase productivity on your guillotine. At Argos Inspiration Days in Brussels, we got a chance to talk to Eric Ninane who is the Sales Manager of OpenSoft in Europe. Enjoy!

Sun December 6th


Smart Factory Digital Book Manufacturing...

Though the need for an automated workflow is becoming universal, there’s no one-size-fits all solution. The Book Smart Suite is an automated end-to-end solution designed to increase the efficiency of book printing. This package of proven automated workflow, press, media and finishing solutions is tailored to meet the needs of book manufacturers and publishers, while opening the door for commercial printers looking to expand into the digital production book market. Book iX combines the varioPRINT iX-series inkjet color digital press and Inline Finishing with Conveyance Workflow’s intuitive business rules, enables the batching of incoming work orders by similar job groupings, applies dynamic impositions, creates barcodes for cover and text block authentication, routes and tracks order items to appropriate devices, and helps maintain the integrity and order status communication via JDF/JMF protocol. During this session, you will learn about the Book iX end-to-end digital book manufacturing solution, the newest addition to the Book Smart Suite. Speakers for this session are: Allen Filson · Jane Nerf · Jeff Sarringar · Dennis Soucy · Nick Thorne

Sun December 6th


Smart Factories require Smart ERP soluti...

Smart Factories need powerful MIS systems to automate & communicate, where is it going?

Mon February 5th

Slimbox@Argos Inspiration Days 2018 · Br...

Slimbox is one of the exhibitors at Argos Inspiration Days in Brussels famous Autoworld car museum. Slimbox is a new machine that makes packaging even more flexible and with cost saving just one of the many advantages. Sign up:

Wed June 12th


Sławomir Janecki · Director of Asia ...

Super interesting chat between James Quirk and Sławomir Janecki - talking about being one of the world's largest suppliers of various consumables - solving some of the challenges converters face. Super interesting!

Tue July 18th


SITMA acquired by Tecnau · Interview wit...

Recently Tecnau sent out a press release stating that they have acquired SITMA. SITMA is also located in northern Italy and specializes in packaging and logistics solutions. In this interview with CEO Stefano De Marco from Tecnau, De Marco explains some of the reasons why SITMA, in his opinion, is a good fit for Tecnau and how SITMA and Tecnau complement each other. He also explains that SITMA has customers in segments other than Tecnau and a different market presence, giving both companies new opportunities. SITMA will continue to operate under the SITMA brand - but, of course, seeking to explore the synergies.

Fri April 29th


Sitha Sok · Assistant Manager · Italgraf...

Sitha Sok with Italgrafica offers label printing and has had a great experience using DURST presses. She describes how important it is for them to serve their customer base with a variety of products for every label sector.

Wed July 5th


Simon Roberts · IST Intech · IST UV-Days...

Simon Roberts is the MD/GM of IST Intech in the UK. With a background in automotive, his perspective is broader than print, and he also explains that as IST Intech grows, it's important to grow outside the printing industry even more. Interesting interview that also touches upon the integration between the different branches - and always interesting to talk to management., and understand where business is going. Enjoy!

Thu June 6th


Simon Lewis · VP Strategy & Marketi...

Interesting chat with Simon Lewis from Highcon!

Tue May 7th


Simon Lewis · VP Strategy & Marketi...

Preparations for drupa are in focus, and many things have changed at Highcon since the 2016 edition. If you were there, you for sure remember the booth and the beautiful paper dresses that were used to show how great highcon products are - but also a bit misaligned with today's strategies, which are razer-focused on folding cartons and corrugated - and in this interview with VP Strategy & Marketing, Simon Lewis we get a great insight into what to expect. Enjoy!

Wed June 28th


SignAgain – recycled PVC done righ...

This is a VERY interesting film - full disclaimer - I love it. Karis Copp interviewed Jordy Silva de Jong in a recent interview done at FESPA - and we simply had to talk with him about their project SignAgain. Probo is a large reseller-only wide-format production company in the Netherlands, and as so many companies experience - they produce waste from the production. Still, they also deliver products that often end up in landfills or are burned. Probo has now turned waste into a viable recycling venture called SignAgain, which takes PVC waste and recycles this into new boards with many great properties - and in this film, you can hear and see all about it. And pay attention to the Wonderland event Jordy Silva de Jong speaks about initially.

Thu October 6th

Sign&Print 2017 Stockholm, Sweden

Sign & Print in Stockholm is THE leading industry event in Scandinavia and with more than 3.600 expected visitors, exhibitors will for sure be able to present great solutions for the printing industry. INKISH.TV will of course cover the event. Here is the teaser for the event. Please register your interest at

Wed November 9th

Sign&Print 2017 – Stockholm

Counting down to the leading Scandinavian industry event - Sign & Print 2017. The event takes place in Kista Mässan in Stockholm from February 7th till February 9th - both days included. We at INKISH.TV will, of course, cover the exhibition, so stay tuned for insights and interviews·

Fri May 20th


Sign, Print & Promotion · Helsinki ...

Great event - enjoy our postcard :-)

Mon November 14th


Sign & Print Stockholm 2017 – ...

Scandinavias leading exhibition February 2017. We look SO much forward to cover the exhibition. We have made this small teaser - we hope you like it.

Sat August 20th

Sign & Print 2016 appetizer – ...

Sign & Print is the leading exhibition in the Scandinavian countries, held in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This appetizer is for the Norwegian Sign & Print that is soon due. INKISH.TV will cover the exhibition and give an insight to both local and international viewers with interviews of interesting people in the printing industry. Stay Tuned!

Thu March 16th


Sign & Print Expo · Rowdy van den N...

English Subtitles will be ready soon. Wat zijn de eerste indrukken van de organisator van de Sign&Print Expo 2023? We komen het te weten van Rowdy Van Nieuwenhuizen, Head of Event bij Easyfairs. Winnen de regionale en meer gefocuste vakbeurzen aan tractie en hoe staan de exposanten en bezoekers hier nu tegenover. Zijn fysieke events nog relevant? Ook deze editie blijkt weer een aantrekkelijke propositie die steeds meer bezoekers, niet enkel uit Nederland, maar ook steeds vaker uit Vlaanderen en zelfs Duitsland aantrekt. De combo met het erg geslaagde BOPE (Benelux Online Print Event) – door VIGC georganiseerd op dinsdag was alvast een extra stimulans en bracht heel wat extra volk mee naar de beursvloer. Goed bezig dus, volgende zitting mogelijks in een nieuw jasje in 2025!

Thu March 16th


Sign & Print Expo · Guus Kil · Bron...

English subtitles will soon be ready. Zijn achternaam verraadt het tegendeel van wat ze eigenlijk doen, met name Hotfoil veredeling. Een warm gesprek dus over het initiatief van 3 spelers in de drukwerkveredeling met het gezamenlijke doel om het “foilen” weer wat meer onder de aandacht van de druksector te brengen. INKISH eigen Jacques Michiels bracht een bezoek aan het Folie Expertise plein dat centraal gevestigd is op deze Sign & Print Expo.

Thu March 16th


Sign & Print Expo · Germen Kroon · ...

English Subtitles will soon be ready. Op Sign&PrintExpo23 werkt de Nederlandse integrator GrafiStore “samen” met verschillende standhouders (Omikai – Enfocus – Canon – GrafiStore). Aan de hand van een real life bestel- en productieproces (met een posterprint als uitvoer op de Canon stand) willen zij de nieuwe mogelijkheden van API-koppelingen duidelijk maken. Productieprocessen hoeven niet over over-gecompliceerd te zijn als ze maar van in het begin duidelijk en transparant worden uitgetekend. Vaak goede redenen om een bekwame integrator onder de arm te nemen. Gerlen verteld er ons meer over en wat ze in de Be-ne(lux) markt neerzetten.

Thu March 16th


Sign & Print Expo · Arnoud Kerkhof ...

English Subtitles will be ready soon. Jacques Michiels in gesprek met de dealer en Nederlandse importeur van Plockmatic – Morgana, vooral bekend van de auto-creaser en rilmachines voor digitaal drukwerk. SSD is van origine constructeur en toeleverancier bij bekende Printermerken zoals Canon, Konica Minolta en Kyocera, maar brengen expertise in zowel online als offlineoplossingen voor de (digitale) print- en drukkerijbedrijven in de Benelux. Een kennismaking en kort overzicht.

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