Robert Godwin · Fast Forward · In the Mo...
In the morning when I first start, I work with two monitors. And I don't want to stare at the monitor all day. So I've set it up with a window background, which no one recommends. But it gives me a chance to take a look at the view. You know the activity as the morning rises - because I start very early. Look at all the emails, different newsletters, especially INKISH. No kidding. And that's what I do. That is how I start my day. The pandemic has allowed me to take deeper contact with a lot of people. Because they have more time to spend in communication on the computer than they would have ever had before. Absent a formal webinar circumstance where people are generally stiffer. There's a lot more interaction of conversational type of communication that takes place. You learn more about the person when you do that. So that's one benefit of the pandemic. I hope the communication doesn't go away. Books are extremely important. This is merely a small amount of the books that I have. It's well over two thousand. And that's been shaved down when I moved down to Chile. A lot of them are reference books that I have. That I use on a constant basis. I'll think of something and I want to verify it. But I like the books. And if you can read any of the titles that are in the background. There's a lot of art books. I think that books have an interactivity that is important. So I think printing industry and its relationship to books is really important. I have a wall that I look at. Prominent on the wall is a portrait of Pablo Picasso and Henry Moores. These are important to me as inspiration. As people who, with their own path, spoke their own minds and did creative things. I think of myself in business as being a creative person. In the upper left hand corner there's a sketch of my mother when she was young. And a sketch of my father when he was old. He loved sailing and he is there working on the chart. And he would always dress up whatever character he was playing. As a photographer, as a sailor, as a businessman. And I don't have his fashion skills. But I appreciate the photos that he's created. And I love that portrait of him.