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Thu October 31st


Workflow Drives the Productivity · Jane ...

Jane Nerf works with software and workflow solutions. The workflow suite Canon offer is called PRISMA and is essentially an umbrella of products and services. The solutions delivered today are vendor agnostic, making it possible for Canon to deliver solutions either as part of an existing workflow or as part of a broader solution. Jane Nerf excellently explains why Canon could be a solution partner for you and your company. But listen for yourself and judge!

Sun May 28th


WORKFLOW · Infigo · Enfocus · HP · Kongs...

Enter the collaboration between industry leaders Enfocus, Infigo, HP & Kongsberg to get Jacques to the beach bar equipped & ready with his own personalized surfboard as smoothly as possible. An industry story about automation, collaboration, and serving happy customers. (spoiler alert! Happy end) Starring: Chris Minn (Infigo), Laurent De Wilde & Piet De Pauw (Enfocus), Rob Stalenburg (HP), Hilde Van Eetvelde (Kongsberg precision) & Jacques Michiels (INKISH). Camera: Žiga Kovač, INKISH. Production & screenplay: INKISH.TV

Wed March 27th


Wolfram Verwuester · HP · Replay · PreDr...

LinkedIn Profile:

Tue September 21st


Without Investments We have NO Chance · ...

Production and Sales Director Mirko Breznan from TBB in Slovakia is very direct when he in this film says, "Without investing, there is no chance of surviving." And that is precisely what the company does. INKISH visited the printing company and, it was an exciting business to see how books are printed in a modern 100% up-to-date production. Offset equipment, binding equipment, efficient workflow, and spiced with the recent investment in Scodix - digital enhancement. Watch this really nice looking film, and enjoy!

Mon August 19th

With 100 jobs follows 100 “standar...

Idealliance is a well-known international organization and the founder of G7. In previous INKISH films, we have shared information about the G7 organization led by Tim Baechle. In this quite exciting interview with Mr. Selvan from Pressman (who represents Idealliance in India), we get an insight into some of the challenges with color-management in India. Color-Management is not only interesting for the brand-owners, but also for the printing companies Selvan explains - and even with more than a 1.000 programs in place in India - still, 249.000 is remaining. Visiting India, and looking at the quality of print - the delta E's are quite big, to say it mildly, but no question that the work Pressman/Idealliance does is excellent, valuable, and well-received!

Mon October 24th


Winner of the Unicorn Award · Day 3 · Al...

The third winner of the new INKISH UNICORN Award is Aleksey Etin, owner of the Lithuanian-based company Veika. The company won the award because of its excellent Dimense product. See the print samples in this film, and you immediately see the opportunities. It's a structured print, but rather than layering like in a 3D; the paper is prepped with foam, giving the print a structure. Great technology and a well-deserved win. Congratulations!

Sat October 22nd


Winner of the Unicorn Award · Day 2 · Si...

The winner takes it all but in this case? Nah... the customers get an excellent and straightforward product to use to share happy memories. The Unicorn Winner Nations Photo Lab has developed a photo frame that allows customers to place and replace canvas without needing any tooling - fast, innovative, and looks excellent. The Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse, Deborah Corn, found the Unicorn Award winner, who here receives the award and shows the idea/product to you! Congratulations, and enjoy! LinkedIn Profiles:

Fri October 21st


Winner of the Unicorn Award · Day 1 · An...

We wanted to create a new fun award that awards a product/technology/application picked by the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse, Deborah Corn. Walking a tradeshow takes time, and finding a thing that stands out isn't always easy. However, W+D's new solution for creating creative and unique mailing solutions was picked for the opportunities it gives marketers to communicate and engage. The INKISH team salutes the pick, as it technically is a super interesting product, and as Andrew Schipke told us later, sales have already started at PRINTING United - good work!

Sun June 9th

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Wim Vandendriessche · SwissQprint Benelu...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Sinds 2021 is SwissQprint Benelux de jongste telg van de 6 dochterondernemingen van het Zwitserse hoofdhuis. We gaan wat dieper in op hun aanwezig op Drupa en wat dat zij voor de Benelux markt naar voor schuiven. Modulariteit en stabiliteit zijn enkele van de core values van dit kwaliteitsmerk. Een leuke babbel met GM Wim Vandendriessche. -- EN -- Since 2021, SwissQprint Benelux has been the youngest member of the 6 subsidiaries of the Swiss head office. We go into more detail about their presence at Drupa and what they propose for the Benelux market. Modularity and stability are some of the core values ​​of this quality brand. A nice chat with GM Wim Vandendriessche.

Tue April 21st


Wim Fransen · Over The Skype · Enfocus

Wim Fransen is one of our frequent guests here at INKISH, so of course, we were very curious to hear more about Enfocus these days. That was good. First of all both PitStop and Switch are being updated to 2020 editions - and quite some features are revealed. I.e. PitStop got a new feature that enables it to look into the document processed and compare, i.e. logos, etc. for being the right version. This is of course, truly amazing, but it's just one of more features. For the API people Switch got a major make-over in their scripting language, that we now know, is a feature that IT people have been wanting for a long time. AND - One More Thing. Wim Fransen reveals the frame-work of new software that Enfocus is currently developing. Though details are still limited, it's the first new product from Enfocus in years (besides the many major updates of PitStop and Switch of course.) As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Wed February 9th


Wim Brunsting & David Petit Bayot ·...

This is a fun interview. Wim Brunsting has a background with Canon, and of course, he presented himself through his old company by default, but what I like about this interview is the honesty. We smile, laugh, and deliver SO much valuable information about Kongsberg, where Wim Brunsting today is the Sales Director for EMEA. During the interview, I suggest making a demo. How unfair is that? But Wim's colleague David Petit Bayot accepts the challenge and shows precisely why Kongsberg is the master of precision cutting - LOVE it! LinkedIn Profiles: Wim Brunsvig David Petit Bayot

Thu April 7th


Wim Brunsting · Kongsberg Precision Cutt...

At Kongsbergs booth the good old VW was once again brought to life and to have some fun Wim Brunsting from Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems and Editor Morten B. Reitoft went on a ride around the Stockholm area talking business - of course. Really enjoyable ride, and fun to once more meet Wim Brunsting. Until next time Wim!

Fri May 15th


Wilson Chung · Over The Skype · WYS Syst...

"Over the Skype" has been the INKISH response to the coronavirus crisis, but it has given us tons of opportunities to talk to exciting people from all over the world. In this session, we talk to Wilson Chunk, who works and live in Hong Kong. Wilson Chung works with Idealliance and is a colour specialist and a capacity in both Hong Kong and China. With several books, hardware- and software development, we are sure you will enjoy listening to Wilson Chung's great story here on "Over the Skype." As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Sun December 3rd


William Crabtree · CEO/President · Tampa...

Maybe the headline was a bit "catchy" - as the headline from Strip to Print said. Nevertheless, Will Crabtree does have a colorful career and has, despite this, been able to grow his company into almost 40 employees at a rapid pace, and this is what he talks about here at the NON-EVENT23 - enjoy!

Wed September 14th


Why Tilia Labs chose to be acquired by E...

There are always two sides to a coin, so in this Interview, editor Morten B. Reitoft talks to Tyler Thompson, Solutions Director and former co-owner of Tilia Labs. In the interview, we talk about what ESKO's acquisition means to existing Tilia Labs customers, but also how this will benefit Tilia Labs by being part of a large and exciting company. In the short-term, few changes. In the long-term, we believe that the Tilia Labs technology will find its way into ESKO packages and many more exciting things. Time will tell!

Mon May 23rd


Why the GREEN agenda is the ONLY way to ...

At the Sign, Print & Promotion '22 in Helsinki I was asked to give a presentation under the above title - and it was quite fun to do, though the topic, of course, challenges many. It's not fair to deliver a polluted world to the next generations. We have to make a business based on green values, and sustainable behaviors. I don't have answers, but maybe the questions and the speculations can help you and set your agenda? LinkedIn Profile:

Sun December 6th


Why Smart Factory in Production Print? ·...

The next industrial revolution has already arrived. With a continuing surge in new technology and data analytics, the first generation of Industry 4.0 is rapidly making automation essential on the Production Print floor. Meanwhile, we continue to evolve towards the fifth industrial revolution focused on mass customization and personalization for customers. Though the need for an automated workflow is becoming universal, there’s no one-size-fits all solution. Jobs flow differently in commercial print shops than they do in high-volume transactional data centers, direct mail houses, or book manufacturing. During this session, you will hear from industry experts from Canon the advantages of automating the entire production print process from start to finish. Speaker for this session are: Allen Filson · Jane Nerf · Dennis Soucy · Nick Thorne

Mon December 6th


Why Robots in the graphics arts industry...

German language · English subtitles. Robots are essential in the production of, i.e., cars. Still, though the printing industry also experiences heavy lifting and repetitive work, it's only now robots are entering into binderies in particular. We talk to robot specialist Henrik Christiansen from Cool Graphics, who works with MBO on various robot projects. In this film, he explains the difference between robots and cobots. Together with CEO Thomas Heininger, they both talk about why robots are becoming more and more critical. Important! LinkedIn: Thomas Heininger Henrik Christiansen

Wed July 24th

Why Not Print Your Own Wardrobe? · Print...

It's not because your host, Pat McGrew forgot or lost her luggage (but that happens) at FESPA that she talks over shirts - but here she is truly amazed over the possibilities today possible. In this 25th Print Sample TV, Pat McGrew speaks over the 'Sports factory' from FESPA Berlin where the print sample is an actual print produced on the spot. From a computer, Pat McGrew select colors, font faces, bands, etc. and shortly after she get's her own personalized shirt. Watch, Like, and Share (as usual)

Mon October 29th


Why is swissQprint so successful? · Maur...

swissQprint is according to Infosource one of the leading large-format print vendors in Europe and when you look at the interest in their products this seems to be correct. In this interview recorded at FESPA 2018 in Berlin, Product Manager Maurus Zeller tell that swissQprint is both more expensive but also at the same time much better. Take a look at this film and let us know what you think. Whenever we go to international exhibitions the swissQprint machines deliver an unparalleled quality.

Sun December 2nd


Why Everybody Needs Automation · Toon Va...

Many believe automation is only for the bigger or for the few. In this interview, we asked Product Manager Toon Van Rossum from Enfocus why automation is something everybody should consider. We actually ask Toon Van Rossum the same question three times but in perspective; the small printing company, the medium size printing company and finally the large printing company and well - listen to Toon Van Rossum's answers and consider whether this applies to you and your printing company!

Wed September 14th


Why ESKO acquired Tilia Labs · Geert De ...

One of our Lunch Break Hour partners is ESKO, and when you approach the ESKO booth, a quite considerable part of the booth is dedicated to the newly acquired company, Tilia Labs. Tilia Labs has often featured on INKISH, as we genuinely believe Scott More and Sagen de Jonge are among the smartest developers in our industry - so here, Director of Product Management, Geert De Proost, explains why ESKO got interested in the company!

Thu January 24th


Why Considering Label Print as part of y...

At the annual meeting for Federation of Norwegian Printers, we got the chance to meet with Senior Management Consultant Michael Bach Nielsen from Medit Consult. He is one of the leading consultants in the Scandinavian print market and has a great insight in both label print - as well as management in general. No doubt that many printers these days are looking for alternatives in their offerings and though label seems to be a consistent and profitable business area, Michael Bach Nielsen warns about the challenges that have​ to be considered before entering the market space. Listen, learn, watch, like, and share!

Wed October 30th


Why CHILI-Publish has such an enourmous ...

PRINTING United is, of course, about products, services, and network, but it's also about knowledge, sharing, learning, education, and sales. At PRINTING United we broadcasted LIVE from CHILI-Publisher's booth October 24th which was really cool. One of the inspiring people we spoke with was Director of Sales Operations, Seth Kane. In this film, he envisions the potential of CHILI in north-America, and we really liked talking with him, but dig in, and listen for yourselves.

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