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Mon June 3rd


Ralph C. Rieker & Henrik Knauber · ...

Rieker Print Finishing specializes in print finishing, and in this film, you learn how they have divided the finishing into visual and functional. Print is tactile; with finishing, users will get an additional layer of "touch" if requested. A beautiful film with many great examples - and, of course, always interesting to hear from the specialists, in this case, Ralf C. Rieker and his son Henrik Knauber. Great! LinkedIn Profile:

Tue February 27th


Ralf Sammeck · PreDrupa FEB27TH

The conversation is between Morten and Ralf, who discuss Koenig & Bauer's participation at Drupa, which is highly significant in the printing and packaging industry. Ralf expresses his excitement about showcasing their latest technologies at Drupa, where they are among the largest exhibitors. Ralf highlights that Drupa is a platform for showcasing equipment and introducing digital innovations that could significantly impact the printing and packaging sectors. The company aims to demonstrate a comprehensive view of the future possibilities in these areas, including workflow solutions and digitalization, emphasizing its role as a full-spectrum provider capable of offering the best solutions to its customers, regardless of the technology (digital printing, conventional printing, flexo printing, etc.). The conversation also touches on the company's long history, over 200 years, and its continuous innovation, including forming partnerships with other industry leaders to stay at the forefront of technology. Ralf mentions their strategic focus on being a trusted advisor to their customers by offering a wide range of solutions tailored to their needs. Moreover, Ralf speaks about the company's focus on packaging and commercial printing markets, with investments in new technologies and workflow solutions aimed at reducing make-ready times, demonstrating a commitment to both sectors despite the perceived decline in commercial print. The digital transformation within the company and its offerings is highlighted as a critical component of its strategy, aiming to meet the evolving needs of its customers and the industry at large. Koenig & Bauer intends to showcase these advancements and solutions at Drupa, indicating a significant step towards the future of printing and packaging and inviting attendees to witness what they describe as a "firework" of innovation.

Fri September 30th


Ralf Brückner · Account Manager · HP Deu...

Ralf Brückner is Account Manager for HP Germany, and with the success of HP everywhere, he is busy visiting customers. In this short interview from the Horizon Finishing First event, we ask whether print or finishing comes first. Ralph Brückner also talks about the partnership with Horizon and gives an example of how the SmartStacker (B2 format) fits perfectly with HPs B2 presses. The language is German, but it will shortly be subtitled!

Fri May 22nd


Rainer Wagner · Over The Skype

Nothing stays the way it has been! - Experience from the new world: Rainer Wagner is a first-class print expert, with around 40 years of experience at the forefront. Nothing escapes him. And he can immediately classify everything correctly. For over 30 years, the person born and trained in Germany has lived and worked in LATAM, i.e. South and Central America, without losing ties to Germany. For INKISH D-A-CH and Andreas Weber there was a very interesting field of tension between: From old to new. Without compromises! The conversation touches on explosive points: What does the situation on the print market actually look like? What can you learn from LATAM in the D-A-CH region? How do German players arrive in LATAM? And above all: what is the situation in LATAM? What options are there? - What is happening in view of the digital transformation and the corona crisis? - What significance and what form does artificial intelligence have in the print sector? - Is the print technology as good as manufacturers claim? - What is really important from a practical point of view in print shops? - How can you keep the overall view in order to produce high quality and needs-based print products today? Rainer Wagner's answers are clear, unambiguous, precise and certainly surprising for many. Especially for those who want to focus on the old world of print with newly formulated performance promises. Info tip: Rainer Wagner shares his knowledge, experiences and observations in a Spanish-language blog that is heavily frequented in LATAM and beyond. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy! --- German edition --- Nichts bleibt so, wie es mal sein wird! — Erfahrungen aus der neuen Welt: Rainer Wagner ist ein Print-Experte allererster Güte, mit rund 40 Jahren Erfahrung an vorderster Front. Ihm entgeht nichts. Und alles kann er sofort richtig einordnen. Seit über 30 Jahren lebt und arbeitet der in Deutschland Geborene und Ausgebildete in LATAM, also Süd- bzw. Mittelamerika, ohne die Bindung an Deutschland zu verlieren. Für INKISH D-A-CH und Andreas Weber ergab sich im Gespräch ein hochinteressantes Spannungsfeld zwischen: Aus Alt wird Neu. Ohne Kompromisse! Das Gespräch berührt brisante Punkte: Wie sieht er die Lage des Print-Markts tatsächlich aus? Was kann man n der D-A-CH-region von LATAM lernen? Wie kommen Deutsche Player in LATAM an? Und vor allem auch: Wie ist die Lage in LATAM? Welche Optionen gibt es? - Was tut sich in Anbetracht der digitalen Transformation und der Corona-Krise? - Welchen Stellenwert und welche Ausprägung hat Künstliche Intelligenz im Print-Sektor? - Ist die Print-Technik so gut, wie Hersteller behaupten? - Worauf kommt es aus Sicht der Praxis in en Druckbetreiben tatsächlich an? - Wie kann man den Gesamtüberblick behalten, um heutzutage qualitätsvoll und bedarfsgerecht Print-Produkte herzustellen? Die Antworten von Rainer Wagner sind klar, eindeutig, präzise und sicher für viele überraschend. Vor allem für solche, die mit neu formulierten Leistungsversprechen die alte Welt des Print in den Fokus rücken wollen. Infotipp: Rainer Wagner teilt sein Wissen, seine Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in einem spanisch-sprachigen Blog, der in LATAM und darüber hinaus stark frequentiert wird. Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren "Over the Skype"-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato mehr als 50 besondere Persönlichkeiten aus aller Welt zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Thu April 28th


Rainer Simon · Meech International · Xei...

Jacques Michiels in conversation with Rainer Simon, General Manager Meech Int. Getting the grips on web cleaning to be able to prepare for quality print runs. Meech International is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of static control, compressed air technology, and web cleaning systems, both contact and non-contact. Meech has specialized in industrial electrostatic control for over 50 years and pioneered the industrial use of pulsed DC technology for static control and now has thousands of systems installed in the plastics, converting, printing, and packaging industries.

Mon June 10th

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Rainer Prosi · Senior Workflow Architec ...

At Drupa, we learned about the latest update on the CIP4 standard—now including Jason and API standards. As always, it was interesting to learn from the master himself, Rainer Prosi!

Tue July 14th

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Rafael Mari · Over The Skype · Realisapr...

During this "OVER THE SKYPE" interview, Rafael Mari, one of the co-founders of Realisaprint, tells us about the beginnings of this online printing company, which today competes with the main players in the market. He tells us about the particularity of his company, the origin of its success, its family spirit. He also reveals to us how confinement has strengthened the ties and team spirit of the members of this family to meet the new expectations of customers and to continue despite the current context the ambitious development of this very beautiful “niçoise” online printing company. An interview that makes you feel good, so don't hesitate to watch this video. Durant cet entretien « OVER THE SKYPE », Rafael Mari, l’un des cofondateurs de Realisaprint, nous raconte les débuts de cette imprimerie en ligne qui rivalise aujourd’hui avec les principaux acteurs du marché. Il nous raconte la particularité de cette entreprise, l’origine de son succès, son esprit de famille. Il nous révèle aussi comment le confinement à renforcer les liens et l’esprit d’équipe des membres de cette famille pour répondre aux nouvelles attentes des clients et poursuivre malgré le contexte actuel le développement ambitieux de cette très belle imprimerie en ligne niçoise… Un entretien qui fait du bien au moral, alors n’hésitez pas à visionner cette vidéo.

Sun October 25th


Pushing the Envelope to a higher level ·...

In this Print Sample TV episode, host Pat McGrew pushes the envelope - so to speak. With beautiful envelopes from Tension, designers and marketers can take the envelope to a whole other level - simply amazing what's possible. Challenge yourself and surprise the mailman and the letterbox.

Wed November 24th


Publishing books globally using Cloud Pr...

The world is getting smaller and smaller, and what looked almost impossible years ago is today becoming simpler. In this INKISH film Steven Booth from Genius Books & Media explains how he is using Cloudprinter in his publishing business enabling him selling books everywhere. Cloudprinter is a global API that connect storefronts with a vast global network of printing companies. Enjoy! LinkedIn Profile

Fri February 25th


Publishing · Vanessa Wilson by Jean Lloy...

In this new INKISH format host Jean Lloyd invites a guest to explain, in this case, publishing. In this first episode her guest is is Vanessa Wilson, who is a famous and recognized author and publisher in South Africa. Her book "Publishing like a Pro" has become a popular title, and here you'll learn more about the book, the reasons for writing and publishing it, and well - just a new great format that we welcome on INKISH. For PSPs, Vanessa Wilson gives advice on how you can work closely with publishers understanding their needs!

Sat September 24th


Project Peacock Print Production: The Id...

Project Peacock Network is a new offer from the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse. Deborah Corn - and INKISH have partnered with her to create a unique, genuinely great series of educational films. The idea bridge technology and business with substrates, creatives, and campaigns that essentially makes the work for all of us. You can always check the most recent episode on Project Peacock TV, but we will also share the films here on INKISH. This film is about the launch of Neenah Papers Idea Shop and how they work with Design Army and Fey Printing to realize a project that can inspire designers and printers everywhere! What you see is super great filming quality that will inspire your current and future projects, and on Project Peacock TV, you can also see the show notes and more information about what you see. Deborah Corn developed the concept, and the film was filmed and produced by INKISH. A big shout out to Jan Majnik for filming and editing! To get the most out of this session, visit © 2022 Print Media Centr

Sat September 24th


Project Peacock Print Production: Open K...

Canon Solutions America takes us along with their amazing technology to the kitchen, and what's not to like? Food, Print, and good company? Seeing is believing, and with Project Peacock Network, Deborah Corn and now deliver printspiration to a far larger audience by filming great-looking films (by us, of course) and great stories. Find inspiration and use print to grow your business. We are very happy to be part of this project. For show notes, please visit ©2022 Print Media Centr in collaboration wit INKISH.

Sat September 24th


Project Peacock Print Production: Area R...

A new chapter in the new series of films from Deborah Corn and PrintMediaCentr. For a long time, Peacock has been where you see how design, substrates, and printing technology merge into a brilliant communication piece. What you see is super great filming quality that will inspire your current and future projects, and on Project Peacock TV, you can also see the show notes and more information about what you see. Deborah Corn developed the concept, and the film was filmed and produced by INKISH. A big shout out to Jan Majnik for filming and editing! To get the most out of this session, visit © 2022 Print Media Centr

Fri March 15th


Project Peacock Print Fair NYC · March 1...

Project Peacock Print Fair is honestly one of the best events we have attended and it's a new event, it's a recurring event, and it's just different. Most of the events in the printing industry are directed to the printing companies and are mostly about equipment. Project Peacock Print Fair is an opportunity for the vendors in the printing industry to communicate directly with designers, purchasers, brand-owners, and all the people that influence the purchasing of print. The show is founded by the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse Ms. Deborah Corn - and this event was simply stunning. The location at the Angel Orensanz Foundation in NYC was fantastic and with almost 300 attendees and many representing impressive accounts - everybody was I would say both surprised and happy. INKISH got the chance to test our newest equipment to broadcast live and in this cut-down version you can see what we are capable of doing now - we are thrilled! Later you will get an official postcard from us - and during the next week's extensive interviews with Tonya Powers from Canon, Mark Subers from NAPCO, Sarah Markfield from APTech, and Donna Covannon from Xeikon - so stay tuned!

Sun April 14th


Project Peacock Peeks: Xeikon Applicatio...

Learn about the print and packaging possibilities with presses from Xeikon. Step up your print service game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Xeikon: Request print samples from Xeikon: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at

Sun April 14th


Project Peacock Peeks: Xeikon – Te...

Learn about the print and packaging possibilities with presses from Xeikon. Step up your print service game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Xeikon: Request print samples from Xeikon: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at

Sat December 8th


Project Peacock Peeks: The Domtar Differ...

See how the Domtar Difference can help you grow your print business and keep your customers coming back. Step up your print game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Domtar Paper: Request print samples from Domtar Paper: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at *********************************** Special thanks to The Association for PRINT Technologies and their support of Project Peacock Peeks. Learn more about APTECH and their programs at ***********************************

Sun February 10th


Project Peacock Peeks: Ricoh – Tec...

Technology is only interesting when it is used for something but most of the times you'll need to know what the equipment is capable of to understand the applications that you as a print-service-provider can offer your clients. In this film from Ricoh Anthony Sarno and some of his colleagues takes you through some of their landmarks. Great information in my opinion. Watch, enjoy, and share - of course! Morten B. Reitoft · Editor INKISH.TV --The below words are from the original PrintMediaCentr post-- Learn about the print possibilities with digital, inkjet and wide format printing from Ricoh. Step up your print service game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Ricoh: Request print samples from Ricoh: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at *********************************** Special thanks to The Association for PRINT Technologies and their support of Project Peacock Peeks. Learn more about APTECH and their programs at ***********************************

Sun February 10th


Project Peacock Peeks: Ricoh – App...

See some of the print possibilities with digital, inkjet and wide format printing from Ricoh. Step up your print marketing game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Ricoh: Request print samples from Ricoh: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at *********************************** Special thanks to The Association for PRINT Technologies and their support of Project Peacock Peeks. Learn more about APTECH and their programs at ***********************************

Tue November 20th


Project Peacock Peeks: Domtar Paper R...

See some of the possibilities with Domtar Paper and learn why your paper choice matters more than ever. Step up your print marketing game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Domtar Paper: Request print samples from Domtar Paper: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at *********************************** Special thanks to The Association for PRINT Technologies and their support of Project Peacock Peeks. Learn more about APTECH and their programs at ***********************************

Thu May 9th


Project Peacock Peeks: Canon Solutions A...

Learn about the print possibilities with large format presses from Canon Solutions America. Step up your print service game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Canon Solutions America: Request print samples from Canon Solutions America: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at

Tue December 4th

Project Peacock Peeks: Canon Solutions A...

Learn about the print possibilities with inkjet presses from Canon Solutions America. Step up your print service game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Canon Solutions America: Request print samples from Canon Solutions America: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at *********************************** Special thanks to The Association for PRINT Technologies and their support of Project Peacock Peeks. Learn more about APTECH and their programs at ***********************************

Sun April 14th


Project Peacock Peeks: Canon Solutions A...

Learn about the print possibilities with large format presses from Canon Solutions America. Step up your print service game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Canon Solutions America: Request print samples from Canon Solutions America: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at

Tue November 13th

Project Peacock Peeks: Canon Solutions A...

The very first film we did together with Deborah Corn in the Project Peacock Peeks film was with Canon Solutions America in Boca Raton, Florida. It was fun. It was great to see how Canon see applications in their own marketing and I have experienced this with Canon also in other parts of the world. Instead of using customer material they invent non-existing customers like a holiday resort or a retail store or something completely different and then they create applications around that idea. First - I find a truly great idea since you can develop whatever application you can think of, that in itself is great - but it's even greater - since this can also inspire buyers of Canon equipment. In Boca Raton, Deborah Corn met with Tonya Powers and they went through a bunch of applications showcasing Canon technology. I am sure you will like this film. Morten B. Reitoft · Editor INKISH.TV --Below you will find the text from the original post by PrintMediaCentr-- See some of the print possibilities with inkjet presses from Canon Solutions America. Step up your print marketing game... Peacock Long and Prosper! *********************************** Connect with Canon Solutions America: Request print samples from Canon Solutions America: *********************************** Project Peacock is produced by Print Media Centr. Connect with the Printerverse: Project Peacock Peeks was directed, filmed and edited by Inkish.TV. See their amazing library of films at *********************************** Special thanks to The Association for PRINT Technologies and their support of Project Peacock Peeks. Learn more about APTECH and their programs at ***********************************

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