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Fri October 20th


Printing United 2023 · Eric Hollingswort...

Listening to Eric Hollingsworth is nothing but impressive. RevSpring is a well-known company, but more than 1 billion pages annually are part of what they do - listen to Eric Hollingsworth and learn - how he uses Solimar to secure his workflow best!

Sat October 21st


Printing United 2023 · Ellen Manning · V...

Eagle Systems IS, in many ways, Mike King, but for years, Ellen Manning has also been the (prettier, sorry pal) face of Eagle Systems. In this interview, Ellen Manning speaks about cold-foil, the Eagle Systems technology, and all the wonderful applications that take advantage of metalization. Nice to talk to Ellen Manning, and we hope you will enjoy the interview as well :-)

Thu October 19th


Printing United 2023 · Elias Jo · CEO · ...

Elias Jo is the CEO of Entourage Yearbooks, and we actually had the pleasure of filming him back at the very first PRINTING United in 2019, Dallas. Now we meet again, and in this film, we talk about how SpencerMetrics helps Entourage Yearbooks with a much better overview of the production and how employees perform differently, so SpencerMetrics will also be used as an asset in compensation plans, etc. Learning how software like SpencerMetrics can support different objectives is super interesting. In the film's first 4-5 minutes, Elias Jo and editor Morten B. Reitoft talk about the yearbook market, and Elias Jo says that he has about 20-30% of the 1 billion USD market - needs to clarify that he talks about 20-30% of the digital printed yearbook market - just to be aligned!

Fri October 20th


Printing United 2023 · Early Christmas a...

There was much fun at Infigo's booth as we got a visit by Santa Claus, North Pole · Chris Minn, Infigo, and State Representative Soo Hong 103rd district. Infigo donated many gifts for kids in Soo Hong's district - and we certainly had fun at the booth.

Fri October 20th


Printing United 2023 · David Dey · VP Ma...

PRINTING United is about technology, business, and networking. Often, gatherings are organized at the booth when the show nears the closing hours, and people are invited to join for a party. That is exactly what happened at AGFA's booth on the second day of PRINTING United. We suggested Deborah Hutcheson from AGFA invite some of the AGFA customers we filmed for the past years for a 'reunion,' and five super nice people agreed to join us. Here is our first guest, David Dey, from ColorDynamics in Allen, near Dallas, TX. Link to film from ColorDynamics:

Fri October 20th


Printing United 2023 · Dan Deveau · Owne...

Dan Deveau owns Camad in Toronto, and INKISH filmed at his company a little more than a year ago. Meeting Dan Deveau again was super. Before we started, he said, 'It's impossible to tell my company's story short' - but we made an attempt, and one of the conclusions is that shifting from screen printing to digital saved the company - but listen for yourself. PRINTING United is about technology, business, and networking. Often, gatherings are organized at the booth when the show nears the closing hours, and people are invited to join for a party. That is exactly what happened at AGFA's booth on the second day of PRINTING United. We suggested Deborah Hutcheson from AGFA invite some of the AGFA customers we filmed for the past years for a 'reunion,' and five super nice people agreed to join us.

Fri October 20th


Printing United 2023 · Chris Raney · VP ...

At our great friends from Tecnau''s booth, we met with Chris Raney, VP of Heidelberg USA - and he is telling us about the collaboration between Tecnau and Heidelberg - and demonstrated at the booth with an integrated Stahlfolder. Raney, however, explains that the integration now can be with pretty much any Stahl product. It is interesting to see how partnerships in the industry keep developing.

Sat October 21st


Printing United 2023 · Chris Manley · Sa...

At Graphco's booth, we meet on the first morning of PRINTING United: Chris Manley, owner of Graphco and distributor of RMGT in 17 states (I believe) - and as we start the interview, the new 9-series at the stand - and by the way the only offset machine at PRINTING United, has a beautiful plague that has a super cool history - actually involving Heidelberg. That story you, however, have to get listening to Chris Manley here on INKISH. Enjoy!

Sat October 21st


Printing United 2023 · Chris Harrington ...

We passed their booths at previous North American print shows and always wanted to meet them, and suddenly, an invite to a party on Wednesday evening gave us an opportunity. Chris Harrington is the VP of sales, and as you may already know, Graphic Whizard does things differently than most. Two times a year, they do road trips showing customers, offering training, and well - as Editor Morten B. Reitoft says - if Mohammed doesn't come to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed. Nice concept, and well - listen to what Chris Harrington has to say!

Fri October 20th


Printing United 2023 · Bonjour#3 · Volke...

Bonjour day 3 from PRINTING United - and again, a wonderful morning program with our guests, Volker Leonhardt and Andrew Fetherman. Perfect collaboration across the pond, exchange of ideas, and a clear focus on the future. Enjoy our third and last Bonjour :-)

Thu October 19th


Printing United 2023 · Bonjour#2 · Steve...

Though Bonjour is early morning, with the smell and taste of warm coffee, it's always great to meet people passionate about what they do. Steve Billow and Ron Gilboa work for Fujifilm Dimatix - the division of Fujifilm that delivers print heads. Samba is the most known name in the printing industry, but Fujifilm Dimatix supplies various types based on requirements and applications. This Bonjour discusses digital transformation and what drives the market forward. Interesting morning. Enjoy!

Wed October 18th


Printing United 2023 · Bonjour#1 · Scott...

Amazing start at PRINTING United Atlanta 2023 - and so lovely to meet General Manager Fujifilm Scott Mackie & President Mark Subers, PRINTING United Expo, in our first BONJOUR. Stay tuned for new morning shows during PRINTING United.

Thu October 19th


Printing United 2023 · Andrew Gunn · VP ...

We promised to ask Xerox if they are leaving the professional production space after many speculations - and the answer from VP Global Production Marketing, Andrew Gunn, gave us a loud and clear 'no' to this question. With a renewed agreement with Fujifilm about developing new products, this is at least not something to be worried about now. What is MORE interesting, however, is Xerox's focus on marketing automation, AI, and many more things that, in our view, add value for Xerox customers but eventually free Xerox from specific hardware platforms. Like HP's PrintOS can be used with other brands, so is it for Xerox - if we understand Gunn correctly - but listen to Andrew Gunn and judge yourself. To us, great and encouraging statements from Xerox.

Sat October 21st


Printing United 2023 · Andrew Bailes-Col...

Ultimate TechnoGraphics is one of the absolute forerunners in the workflow/automation part of the graphic arts industry - not only because of the workflow/automation software but also because of their openness. In the months before PRINTING United, the company announced several partnerships and some major product announcements, like a brand new nesting engine, but too many, maybe even more important, an option to scale processing power dynamically as needed. This interview with Andrew Bailes-Collins - Head of Product Management - gives us great insights, so get on board - NOW!

Thu October 19th


Printing United 2023 · Al Kennickell · T...

Passing on your company to the next generation is filled with emotions, but shaping a business with a great understanding of software, hardware, and all the human capital it takes to create an interesting business. And interesting it is, as the business does transactional print but has, after an investment in an MGI 3D JetVarnish, focused on getting more embellishment customers. Files and workflow are essential, and Solimar delivers software to ensure a smooth operation, but listen for yourself to this super nice interview with Al Kennickel :-)

Sat October 26th

PRINTING United 2019 Day 3 · Multiple Lo...

Friday, October 25th 2019 was the last day of the first Printing United event. The last day we chose to film LIVE from the show floor. We covered 10+ exhibitors including PrintBox, Xerox, Solimar, Keypoint Intelligence, RISO, Konica-Minolta, Mindfire, and of course the President and CEO Ford Bowers from SGIA. We hope you have enjoyed our coverage. It was the first time we did a huge print-show like this, and though there is still room for improvement, we are still pretty happy with the result. Enjoy!

Fri October 25th


PRINTING United 2019 Day 2 · CHILI Publi...

One of the companies that have always continued to surprise us is CHILI Publish from Belgium. The company has one product on the shelf called CHILI Publisher and the first thing that comes to mind when you see it is Adobe InDesign in an online-version. However, CHILI Publisher is way more. It's an online templating and collaboration tool that enable users to create a stunning design online with sources from off-line to PIM's, DAM's and other data sources. October 24th we broadcasted LIVE from their booth at Printing United, and here is it. The un-edited version will shortly be trimmed into easier to consume 'bites' - however until then below is an approx. time-line. Enjoy! 7:56 Introduction and Interview with Fabian Prudhomme 17:18 LIVE demo with Sean Crowe incl. presentations of a few new features! 35:07 Interview with Seth Kane (issues with sound the first five/six seconds) 50:06 Print Sample TV LIVE with Pat McGrew 1:07 Interview with Fabian Prudhomme 1:20 LIVE demo/presentation by Sean Crowe and Elias Jo from Entourage Yearbooks 1:39 Interview with Fabian Prudhomme 1:52 Interview with Gabriel Flippo

Thu October 24th


PRINTING United 2019 Day 1 · Canon Solut...

This is the un-edited LIVE feed from Printing United Day 1, October 23rd 2019. Over the next week or so each interview will be cut and re-posted, so it's easier to find what interests you. Below you can find the apprx. times for each interview! 9:17 Introduction with Tonya Powers 16:20 Interview with Michael Poulin 28:55 Interview Perry Fernandez from PCI 47:31 Print Sample TV LIVE with Pat McGrew 1:10:20 Interview with Jeff Sarringar 1:22:48 Interview with Jane Nerf 1:34:52 Interview with Lucy Perez-Sierra 1:46:00 Interview with Tonya Powers and rounding up the LIVE broadcast.

Tue February 8th


PrintFactory enable load balancing of jo...

FESPA is about large format, signage, textile, but, of course, the software is needed to drive the technology. PrintFactory used to be a wide-format printer and therefore knows what wide-format printers need. With that knowledge in mind, PrintFactory today delivers a suite of tools enabling lights-out production, better colors (consistent), and a RIP more suitable for all types of wide-format printing. In this interview, Director, Global Strategy Simon Landau from PrintFactory talked to INKISH BENELUX Jacques Michiels about why exhibiting at FESPA and what the latest and greatest is!

Mon August 20th


Printers still have a huge un-released p...

Recently the Federation of Printers in Denmark, Grakom, and Medit Consult - a highly acclaimed consulting company in the graphics industry hosted a one day conference about 'Automation and Workflow.' One of the speakers was Freddy Pieters from Enfocus. We got the chance to catch up with him during one of the breaks and spoke about the un-released potential for many printers. Workflow is one of the major topics in the global printing industry so always good to hear an opinion from one of the market leaders. Enjoy!

Mon March 4th


Printers should invest now instead of wa...

At the recent Hunkeler Innovationdays 2019, we got the chance to talk to General Manager Global Business Yoshihiro Oe from Horizon about global trends, the state of the industry from a Horizon perspective and how it is to work 32 years in the same company. This conversation was, and we hope you will enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed doing it!

Thu October 4th


Printed Textile Moves Forward with Korni...

Oliver Luedtke is the European Marketing Director for Kornit Europe GmbH. At Fespa 2018 in Berlin, we got the chance to talk to him about the huge potential he sees in digitally printed textile. Kornit produces textile printers able to print on practically every textile without priming and with waterbased and organic inks. The potential is huge and Oliver Luedtke explains that the potential to use digital technology to the greater good for the world from an environmental perspective is now a possibility. Enjoy the film.

Wed June 13th


PRINT®18 is just around the corner · Kel...

Kelly Kilga is Vice President of Meetings & Events at APTech and is responsible for the events at PRINT®18 in Chicago. One of her major achievements is to get Seth Godin as a keynote speaker at the show. We got a chance to talk with Kelly Kilga about the show, the expectations and it was great - watch and listen.

Wed December 18th


Print samples by Crown van Gelder · Pat ...

In this Print Sample TV episode, your host, Pat McGrew, talks about how paper manufacturer Crown van Gelder uses variable data and print samples to show their paper qualities.

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