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Wed July 24th


Print Samples are also about Name Droppi...

Print Sample TV is all about showing great samples to inspire buyers, designers, and the industry. When presenting great samples and pairing these with the technology used this, of course, makes sense. When we create covers and headlines, we try to make headlines that, of course, relates to the cover photo. We try to make a cover photo that makes you curious enough to click on it. If you are a printer and getting into making your print samples, you, of course, have similar considerations. Use all the means you can; like great design, excellent substrates, great print, great enhancement, great binding, great packaging, and why not 'name dropping'? Of course, be aware that you will have to ask for permission to use names, logos, company names, etc. in your marketing. But now it's time to Watch, Like, and Share the finale episode of the Symeta sequel.

Mon March 18th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Use maps...

As Pat McGrew states in this great Print Sample TV episode "you probably know your local stores, but your new neighbors may not..." and by using LOCR, you can build maps into your applications as variable data and increase the value of your marketing. We like this a lot and the nice people from LOCR for sure agrees with us :-) Watch this great Print Sample TV episode, and remember to both like and share.

Thu October 25th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · This is ...

In this Print Sample TV episode, your host Pat McGrew show a REALLY cool sample made for Black Diamond Equipment (link below) and printed by Hudson Print (also a link below) and showcase a really fantastic catalog. The catalog is more like a book with a lot of great challenges from a binders perspective. Pat McGrew tell in this film how important it is to share a story like this in order to increase your sales. Watch the film, like, and share.

Wed August 8th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Think Di...

Pat McGrew is once again your dedicated host on Print Sample TV and this time she is excited about a print sample that was SPECIFICALLY produced to her by HP. The print sample itself may be quite simple and based on a children's story, but with personalization and a call-out to think different, this print sample should inspire your business and how you can get more customers on your own. Take a look and remember to share if you like Print Sample TV. If you have Print Samples we would LOVE to hear from you. You can submit your print sample here: Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence Links:

Tue May 15th

Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · The Para...

In this episode of Print Sample TV Pat McGrew takes a look at a nice campaign made by Canon. The print is made on various substrated printed on their inkjet cut-sheet printer i300. Rather than showing print from a real customer Canon are showcasing different applications on an arbitrary beach resort called Paradise Beach Resort and this is actually a very creative approach - and by the way - a similar approach to the printed retail store Canon showcased at Argos Inspiration Days in Brussels. In our opinion, this is a great way to inspire printers to sell more print. Enjoy. Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Mon March 18th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · SGIA Jou...

Most of us receive multiple printed products almost daily and why not see them as print samples? In this Print Sample TV episode, your host Pat McGrew takes a look at the SGIA Journal that many American printing companies receive. Lane Press prints the SGIA Journal and showcases brilliantly how web-offset presses can be used to make really nice printed products!

Mon March 18th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Sappi, T...

In this GREAT episode on Print Sample TV hosted by Pat McGrew, Pat talks about a collection from SAPPI showcasing different substrates. You will get tips on how to stretch your dollars in your marketing and whether there is a price difference between coated and uncoated​ paper. Enjoy!

Wed June 20th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Phone Co...

Print Sample TV is about engaging with end-users, printers, and brand owners and if you look at the cool samples that are presented by Mat McGrew in this episode of Print Sample TV, to into you clearly see some great examples made on an Indigo printer from HP. Mobile Phone Covers, Labels, and even flexible packaging materials are what you find in this episode. This episode should really grow your offerings and find new customers. Enjoy! Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Wed May 30th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Metallic...

This time Pat McGrew got her hands on a cool sample produced on the latest Xerox digital press - the Xerox Iridesse. In this episode of Print Sample TV Pat McGrew talk about the possibilities Metallic Ink gives and how great it looks. Many vendors offer metallic toner/inks, but with the Iridesse it seems that a new level of 'true-to-physics' look, are achieved. Looks really cool, but see for yourself and enjoy Print Sample TV. Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Mon March 18th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Menu pri...

Pat McGrew has an energy level higher than most. Not only her full-time for Keypoint Intelligence, the host of her "Is Print Dead?" podcast, host here on Print Sample TV - but also owner of several restaurants in the Denver area - and why not use this opportunity to show how digital print can be used on synthetic substrates to produce menu cards that can be put into the dishwasher? Well - here you can watch, Like, and Share the episode that gives you this info!

Thu September 6th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Labels u...

In this Print Sample TV episode, your host Pat McGrew talk about the '19 Crimes'' wine labels that use Augmented Reality to sell. One thing is the actual Augmented Reality experience, second is the fact that a wine label incorporate this new exciting technology but maybe most fantastic is the fact that Treasury Wine Estates who produce the wine has got tremendous coverage in media from Forbes to almost every media in the printing industry and of course also here on Print Sample TV. A personal note from Editor Morten Reitoft - the wine is actually also good but probably hyped more because of the great story, the 19 real criminals and the user experience from the AR app. Great example and we love here at Print Sample TV.

Wed August 15th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Keep Sam...

In this Print Sample TV episode, your host Pat McGrew showcase a print sample ordered by herself. It's a book where the content is printed on an HP T-350 printer and the cover on an HP Indigo printer. The book was printed by Hudson Printing and the point in this film is to remember using your daily work for samples to future customers. Not all print samples have to be "over the edge" to be representative for the value of print. If you have Print Samples we would LOVE to hear from you. You can submit your print sample here: Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Wed May 9th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Introduc...

Print Sample TV is a brand new online TV-channel featuring Pat McGrew. Pat McGrew has been a public person for years in the printing industry and known for her passion for print, workflow, network and many more things. Print Sample TV is the newest venture on Pat McGrews CV and here she will share not only print samples but also how they are made, on what substrates, and, of course, when allowed also who printed the print sample. Some of the content will be sponsored and some will be editorial. Regardless of this Pat McGrew will share her opinion and with her professionalism give you the insight that can inspire you to sell more print. Pat McGrew is, of course, still Director with Keypoint Intelligence, and active woman in many different projects so this is just one more on her long list of truly great ventures. We at INKISH are SO proud that we are working with Pat McGrew on this project. This is a non-exclusive collaboration meaning that everybody should share the content from Print Sample TV and ensure a wide spread to the joy and benefit of the printing industry. We expect to release a new Print Sample TV episode once a week. Stay tuned and please submit your print samples using this form: where you also can see terms, prices, conditions, etc. Thank you for your support. Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Wed May 23rd


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · High Lay...

In this Print Sample TV episode, Pat McGrew shows a really interesting print sample produced with print heads from Xaar using a technology called High Laydown. The effect is similar to raised ink, but done digitally - either online, near online or offline. Using UV and layered ink the print sample becomes tactile in its appearance. Really cool. Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Fri June 29th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · GREAT po...

Print on textile has for a while been a quite interesting discipline and at the recent FESPA it was quite an agenda. We at Print Sample TV, of course, also want to be front runners - and here, our great host and editor Pat McGrew showcase Twine. Twine is an Israeli based company who have produced equipment to digitally dye threads opening up the market for - well see the film, and Pat McGrew will show you some examples. Amazing and SO cool! Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Mon March 18th

Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Ever con...

Most people would probably answer "no" to this question - however, think about the applications possible if you start doing it! In this Print Sample TV episode,​ your host Pat McGrew tell you about the amazing possibilities.

Mon March 18th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Digital ...

Digital Printing for packaging is one of the more important subjects these days and many vendors are working on solutions to print on corrugated material as part of this development. In this Print Sample TV episode, Pat McGrew show you some really cool print samples produced with the HP C500.

Mon July 16th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · David Jo...

David Jonathan Ross who is a font designer and the person behind Font of the Month Club appears in this episode of Print Sample TV. Your dedicated host Pat McGrew appreciate the work and also the small printed booklet that showcase the fonts. Take a look at this cool print sample and don't forget to send in your print samples. You can submit your print sample here: Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence Links: David Jonathan Ross Collective Copies, Amherst

Mon March 18th

Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · Custom M...

Your host Pat McGrew this times takes a look at some really cool print samples made by the Belgium based company Sametta. Sametta produces personalized magazines/brochures for its loyalty members and uses data to drive sales- and marketing. This is a great example of how digital print and variable data can be used to drive your business. Enjoy Pat McGrew and remember to watch, like, and share. Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Tue June 12th


Print Sample TV By Pat McGrew · A Print ...

This time Print Sample TV's Pat McGrew takes a look at a gorgeous sample printed on textile - polyester - but she is surprised since she has got it from a software company - Caldera, France. With the printed textile Caldera is, however, able to showcase many their offerings - enjoy Pat McGrew and her very lovely printed textile. Pat McGrew appears courtesy of Keypoint Intelligence

Mon February 22nd


Print Sample TV · LIVE

The importance of Print Samples!

Fri November 19th


Print on Demand depends on Ultimate Tech...

Tertius Van Eeden is the owner and Managing Director of Print On Demand in Cape Town, South Africa. INKISH visited the company that has become the first PSP in South Africa capable of producing books of one. His company 'Print on Demand' has invested in Inkjet, smart binding, and all are tight together using Ultimate TechnoGraphics software. In this film, we talk to Tertius Van Eeden to understand the South African market and how working with various partners like Ingram, Amazon, and more enables a global approach to the business. LinkedIn Profile

Mon April 27th

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Print is Still a Profitable & Growi...

A lot of people talk about digital transformation, but in the small town Donauwörth, just a couple of hours drive outside Munich the printing company Schätzl Print Emotion is not talking but doing. The CEO Ulrich Schätzl have a clear vision of how digital print production in the copies down-to-one is the future for the printing company. With vast investments in HP Indigo machines, Scodix digital enhancement, and most recent extremely efficient binding equipment from Müller Martini - and a few more large investments around the corner (inkjet), the company is geared towards a 100% digital future. Schätzl Print Emotion sell books to customers (publishers, white-labels, etc.) all over Europe, and even in the US customers have discovered Schätzl Print Emotion. INKISH went to Schätzl the first time a little more than a year ago in 2019 with Scodix, and what we saw was a company highly dedicated to being on the winning side - and coming back in 2020 was sure even more interesting since the company has grown even more. Print isn't dead. Print is changing, and with a digital mindset, the company should be an inspiration for everybody.

Tue January 21st


Print and Digital at the Same Time? · Pa...

In this Print Sample TV edition, host Pat McGrew shows off one of our own print samples. These texts are made by me, Morten Reitoft, and I didn't even know that it was on the program - so big was the surprise :-) We are, however, very happy with this piece, and for our sponsors, we even offer this for only $30 per piece when ordering 100 pcs. - including global shipping. Regardless of this self-promotion, it's still great to see how various technologies can be used to combine a great user experience.

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