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Tue September 12th


Print Across America · Deborah Corn · Pr...

Print Across America is a super interesting idea formulated by the one and only Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse, Deborah Corn. American and Canadian printing companies are invited to have an Open House event on October 25th - to teach, inspire, to embrace print - and more than 40 printing companies have already registered!  

Tue September 11th


Press Tour 2018 · Onlineprinters

Onlineprinters is among the three biggest online printers in Europe and INKISH got the chance to visit the huge printing company together with 15 other members of the press in September 2018. Flights, Hotel, and accommodation were paid by Onlineprinters. They have NOT interfered with editing except a few facts that were not correct. This is a 100% editorial presentation by INKISH.TV

Tue January 16th


President · Dave Leskusky · PRINTING Uni...

Dave Leskusky has worked with NAPCO since 1995 and has had a fantastic career - now President of PRINTING United Alliance & NAPCO Media. In this interview, Editor Morten B. Reitoft from INKISH asks about the role of print and if print today might need to change the metrics on how print is measured. We also talk about print as an art form. It was SUPER nice talking to Dave Leskusky and understanding more about the motivations behind PRINTING United Alliance and why big is necessary when seeking political influence and truly making a difference for our industry.

Thu September 15th


Presentation of KURZ Uniliner · Michael ...

Michael Aumann from KURZ USA delivers an excellent overview of the KURZ Uniliner - fascinating technology, so listen, watch, and learn!

Mon February 22nd


Prepare for tomorrow, by taking control ...

2020 taught us many things – but for those in the print industry it showed that companies need to be able to pivot, change and evolve. This only really comes from implementing technology and systems that are flexible, mature and protect your investment, allowing you that room to move and grow. Understand how to Future-proof your business by adding value to print with Xerox's XMPie personalisation platform. Do more than ad hoc static print jobs. Expand into new and lucrative services by providing beautifully designed, data-driven communications, reduce workload and processes and provide you real opportunities to grow, unifying print and digital media. Solve the problems of today, while planning and protecting for the future.

Tue September 12th


Prati launches DIGIFAST20000 – Chi...

CEO Chiara Prati tells INKISH TV about the new wider version of its DIGIFAST digital converting line as the family-run company celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Sat January 11th


Pouches Coming to a SCREEN Near You · Pr...

As you are very well aware that printing is not only about books and magazines. New substrates, new applications, and for sure new technology enable printers and brand owners to produce more different solutions than ever. Even in short-runs. At LabelExpo your host Pat McGrew immediately fell in love with samples from the British company They produce different kind of pouches printed on a Screen Jetpress 350UV. Judge for yourself, but we believe it looks stunning.

Fri May 7th

Postcards, Postcards, Postcards · Pat Mc...

Postcards, postcards, postcards. Easy and effective print marketing. Print Sample TV host Pat McGrew explains why postcards are so important and so easy to use in your communication, whether it's politics, commercials, or even - well, pretty much everything. Love it!

Tue March 4th


Mon May 28th

Postcard from FESPA 2018 · Berlin, Germa...

To the printing industry. FESPA is one of the major events, and of course, INKISH was there. Please find our postcard from the event and next time - maybe we see each other? You should have been there, Love INKISH

Wed January 19th


Post Installation Support as important a...

In this interview, Application Sales Manager Adam Toqe, from Esko USA, talks with INKISH Producer Robert Godwin about Installation and Post Installation support of software - and agrees how important both are. Enjoy the film!

Wed September 13th


Positive expectations from manroland Gos...

When INKISH visited the HQ of manroland, we also got to talk to David Soden, President of manroland & responsible for the American operations. Enjoy!

Wed March 1st


Plockmatic · Tony Michiels · Hunkeler In...

Tony Michiels is the founder and owner of Argos, known for their LED-UV coaters and web cleaners - they are exhibiting their newest and latest UV-coater on Canon's booth at Innovationdays. In this film, we learn why the machines are now sold under the Plockmatic brand and whether it's possible to have a double-sided coater. Learn!

Wed October 5th


Please Welcome Mark Andy’s CEO Jas...

CEO Jason Desai meets with Editor Morten B. Reitoft to explain how strong values drive Mark Andy into a Digitally Transformed reality. An extremely exciting conversation where you get closer to who Jason Desai is. We get an insight into how Mark Andy sees a future with flexo, digital, and hybrids - and also how Mark Andy aims to be a full-service supplier with technology, service, and consumables as part of the future offerings!

Tue August 22nd


Please Welcome Jenny Holmén · CEO · Aros...

Jenny Holmén is one of the people that we at INKISH.TV have followed in the past years - and we plan to continue doing so. She is CEO of the Swedish bindery Aros Bokbinderi and one of the reasons this story is interesting is that Jenny Holmén, Carl Arnesson and Bo Roger Sandberg in 2015 decided to invest in a medium sized bindery with NO advanced knowledge about the printing industry. We have decided to follow Jenny Holmén and her team on their path to success. The path is based on a modern and very active management that leads the way investing time and money. See this film and enjoy future films as well. See the first film here:

Mon November 29th


Plastic Free Packaging made of Cellulose...

In a small company in the suburbs of TelAviv in Israel, you'll find a company called MibaStar. For years, the company has been researching and developing bread bags and food packaging materials that look and feel like plastic - but it's not. MibaStar, today part of the global packaging group PolyStar, has invented a product that has similar properties to the know mixed paper/plastic products used daily worldwide, but without the use of plastics. The journey has been quite interesting and with quite some a-ha experiences. Today CEO Itzhak Yoffe and his team can deliver finished products for bread, fish, and other products, and raw material for other printers to use. The story is amazing and shows how innovation and craftsmanship, hand in hand, can develop solutions to almost every problem defined! This is a very important step in the right direction - enjoy! LinkedIn Profile

Mon February 22nd


Pivoting in a Changing World

As a result of the pandemic, shopping went online, handshakes become waves, and people stayed home such that trips to the mailbox became the most exciting part of the day. Companies were forced to rethink how to stay connected to their customers. Explore how digital print offers the flexibility to adapt & thrive in an ever-changing world. ​

Sun May 2nd

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Piet Saegeman · Fast Forward · LIVE · St...

This was a project I did with Twintag. That uses unique identifiers like QR codes to link printed products or physical products to live and digital experiences. When everything locked down I got nervous. I was convinced that I needed to be live to be any good. The focus is now more on the quality of content. People are really done with sitting in front of a zoom call. I think a lot of companies were basically not ready for this. A lot of companies had to play catch up. If good content and content creation is not in your DNA as an organization, it's really difficult to just start doing it. So one morning I walked out and I see a little Google car go by. I wrote a SMS to my mother going: Hey Mom, I am famous. I'm on Google Street View. I took like a little audio recorder where I could record ideas. I wasn't really lonely. It got lonely in other moments. I think we have gotten insanely lucky. Mortality rate is not very high. This was a good warning. And we should draw some lessons. But also: how do we communicate about this? Just as I come up a hill. And typically this is where I stopped playing the audio book. And I start recording ideas. The risk is, and I noticed this by myself, is that you start consuming so much media that you no longer process it. I read a lot of books when I was traveling. Even if you don't remember anything about the books you've read, they have changed you. Here we go. This is the one. It's called 'Cognitive Psychology And Its Implications'. This is the one. I'm in my comfort zone. It's unplanned. A lot of the best ideas just come from freewheeling. One of my customers actually forced me to do it. I did some of my best work without ever meeting the customers. There was a bunch of people, lots of excitement. We want to do this live. Because the energy level we get from you online. If that is just a part of what we're getting, we should do this live. I miss travel. I like meeting people in different places. Travel makes you focus on the essential. You take your best shoes, you take your most comfortable sweater. You take your favorite and best equipment. I've grown to do the same thing now. Not just when I travel, but when I leave the house.

Thu May 28th


Piet Saegeman · CHILI publish · Learn Wi...

As always Piet Saegeman from CHILI publish gave an excellent presentation. In this 'Learn with us' session, he talks about Smart Templates, the subscription solution recently introduced, and as usual a great insight into what CHILI Publisher can offer its users.

Sun June 9th

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Piet De Pauw· Enfocus · the VIGC talks f...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. VIGC- én INKISH vrienden sinds jaar en dag zijn de mensen van Enfocus. We vragen aan Piet de Pauw wat de nieuwste trends en mogelijkheden zijn die we moeten onthouden na een bezoek aan de grote en gemeenschappelijke beursstand samen met Esko,Pantone en X-Rite. Als vooraanstaand softwarebedrijf zijn ze goed geplaatst om de actuele stand van zaken te schetsen ivm performant werken in the Cloud en meer. -- EN -- The people of Enfocus have been VIGC and INKISH friends for many years. We ask Piet de Pauw what the latest trends and possibilities are that we should remember after a visit to the large and shared exhibition stand together with Esko, Pantone and X-Rite. As a leading software company, they are well placed to outline the current state of affairs regarding high-performance working in the Cloud and much more.

Mon May 15th


Piet de Pauw, Marc Raad & Chris Min...

Web-to-Print, workflow/automation, robots? Well, these three gentlemen have answers to how the future of print can look - enjoy! LinkedIn Profiles: Piet de Pauw · Enfocus Marc Raad · Significans Chris Minn · Infigo

Fri June 7th


Piet De Pauw · Head of Marketing · Enfoc...

In this film, Piet De Pauw from Enfocus shares a view into the 'maybe' future in the ESKO/Enfocus future lab. Enjoy!

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