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Thu October 20th


On a Journey with a Clear Mission · Stua...

We have been fortunate to follow President & CEO Stuart Fox from Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems from when ESKO sold Kongsberg. Initially, the focus was on getting the company up and running - which is only natural. At PRINTING United, editor Morten B. Reitoft meets a relaxed and full-of-energy CEO with the energy to take Kongsberg and MultiCam to new levels, explore new market opportunities and continue developing new and exciting products. Great to talk to Stuart Fox again, and we are certain you will enjoy it!

Thu November 12th

De En Es Fr Nl Pt Sv

OMIKAI has become a Growth-Enabler for T...

Subtitled Swedish language: Tellogruppen is a successful fullservice commercial print company based in the city of Söderköping with offices on 4 locations in eastern Sweden. In 2019 Tellotryck acquired Norrköpings tryckeri and are preparing for continued growth. IT and the overall digital transformation is something the company has realised they must use better and be part of if to to reach their long term goals. In this film the CEO Fillip Ringqvist gives a short background of the company, how they work and why their IT and ERP-system are increasingly important for the future. Tellogruppen är ett framgångsrikt fullservicetryckeri med huvudkontor i Söderköping och med verksamhet/kontor  i Norrköping, Västervik och Stockholm. 2019 förvärvades Norrköpings tryckeri och nu satsar företaget på fortsatt tillväxt.  IT och det generella digitala transformation är något företaget inser är av högsta vikt att använda och dra nytta i sin framtidsresa. I denna film berättar Tellogruppens VD Fillip (Fille) Ringqvist om företagets historia, hur de arbetar och varför IT och affärssystemet har högsta prioritet för att klara framtida tillväxtmål.

Thu May 25th


Olivier Deloge · Field Service Engineer ...

Overview of the world-premiere and new large format printer WF1 from Brother by Olivier Deloge.

Fri May 26th


Oliver Mills · Technical Marketing Speci...

Lot’s of smiling faces at the Fujifilm booth; business is going well for them, and they brought a new hybrid machine to the show - here is the Fujifilm Acuity Prime Hybrid. As one of the first, INKISH gets the details, presented by Oliver Mills, of this world première on camera at Fespa. Speed, flexibility, and quality are at the rendezvous, and that’s how we at INKISH like to work, too, showcasing this World Premiere and other films and news from the industry. Good vibes and atmosphere here in Munich. Enjoy! Read more about the machine here.

Wed March 27th


Oliver Baar · Koenig & Bauer · Repl...

LinkedIn Profile:

Tue April 26th


Olga Heckman · International Sales Manag...

LlinkedIn Profile:

Mon November 18th


Olaf Haug & Florian Kraus · MBO · W...

Success with ROBOTS in post-press production. Link to presentation:

Thu September 29th


Ola Karlsson · Owner · Branschkoll · Hor...

Branschkoll is Swedish for "a hold on the industry" and is the leading information source in the Swedish market. Ola Karlsson visits the Horizon Finishing First event in Quickborn, Germany, to learn what makes Horizon interesting for the Swedish market. As Ola Karlsson explains - "We are a Swedish media/service but from a global perspective." Always nice meeting Ola Karlsson - one of the most important supporters of INKISH since we began eight years ago!

Fri May 7th


Obligation to Opportunity · Pat McGrew ·...

Who should have thought that Print Sample TV would be featuring a postal service from Canada - however, this just happened. In this Print Sample TV episode, host Pat McGrew shows how the Canadian post has turned an obligation into an opportunity. White on white print samples and good examples on how to learn from various postal services worldwide! Dig in - Now!

Mon February 21st


Now We Know What They Think! · Pat McGre...

In this Print Sample TV episode, host and evangelist Pat McGrew talk about the magazine. As she mentions "How long time ago is it you referred to an online publication?" hint - you probably more often refer to a printed magazine. So the printed magazine has a lot of value, and whether used to communicate a certain message for a publisher - like the two first examples - or as a teaching and marketing communication piece for a PSP - well, the magazine is not a bad place to get started!

Wed December 18th


Non Event 2024 Honoree Pat McGrew

Pat McGrew takes center stage in this engaging session, blending humor, expertise, and life stories into a thought-provoking conversation. From her beginnings near the Rocky Mountains in Denver to her impactful work in the print and technology industries, Pat shares a rich tapestry of experiences. She talks about her passion for storytelling, innovation, and problem-solving, delving into her philosophy that technology is a tool, not an end in itself. The session brims with personal anecdotes, such as Pat's surviving a house fire in Texas, losing treasured mementos, and rebuilding her life in Colorado. Pat reflects on resilience, finding humor in disaster, and her knack for turning life's challenges into opportunities to teach and inspire. Pat’s fascination with print as a medium for persuasion and nuance shines as she discusses everything from the smallest books to evocative stickers made by children for civic engagement. Her insights on innovation, motivation, and the evolving role of technology in print industries are delivered with the clarity and passion that have made her a respected voice in her field. Whether you’re here for laughs, wisdom, or inspiration, Pat McGrew’s unique perspective will leave you pondering the power of print, the importance of telling stories, and the art of navigating life’s unexpected turns. Sit back and enjoy this dynamic conversation—insightful, heartfelt, and uniquely Pat. LinkedIn Profile:

Thu April 25th


Noam Zilbershtain · General Manager HP I...

"We are only at the beginning," Noam Zilbershtain says when talking about the opportunities with digital print - and we are talking to a very confident General Manager. Noam Zilbershtain is a super nice and open person who walks into you - easy to talk to, and still with great opinions about the market and how he and his team can drive HP in the right direction. We also get a chance to talk to Noam Zilbershtain about the war in Israel, about liking people, and, of course, he gets an option to mention football :-)

Mon May 4th

No Sales, No Production · Patrick Nermar...

Realtryck & Screenbolaget is a successful Swedish printing company located in the suburbs of the Swedish capital Stockholm. The company have specialised in the print on plastic, cardboard, and campaign materials in both digital and offset. The company see higher competition than in the past but are still very successful in the Swedish market. Realtryck and Screenbolaget have an amazing showroom where customers can see some of the many applications possible to produce. In this INKISH film, CEO Patrick Nermark talk about the company's history, products, investment strategies, etc. Produced by INKISH.SWEDEN - in Swedish, with English subtitles.

Wed July 24th

No Animals Hurt During Production! · Pri...

In this 27th episode of Print Sample TV, Pat McGrews gives this print sample from HP Indigo an A+++. This is a truly great print sample, and it does a fantastic job showcasing many different technologies while this can convince print customers about the value of print. HP demonstrates their printing technologies, of course, but binding, perforations, combined with a stunning design justifies Pat McGrew's high grade on this printed product. Take a look, and please remember to Share, and Like

Tue May 19th


Nizam Appas · Over The Skype · YesGo

In this "Over the Skype" session Founder of YesGo Nizam Appas, explains the background for YesGo. YesGo is an institute training students in the use of packaging software. Now the focus is on Esko's solutions. Still, in the session with K.S. Ashik from INKISH India, Nizam Appas reveal that YesGo will support other software solutions in the future as well. We also learn in this session about the expansion plans for YesGo - not only in India but globally. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon March 25th


Nimrod Cohen · HP · HP PreDrupa Event

The Tech Fair is a tiny yet important corner of the DSCOOP hall, where HP's PreDrupa event also took place. HP's Nimrod Cohen allowed us to learn what Tech Fair is about, and in short, this is where new products and ideas are shown. The examples at the PreDrupa were direct print on aluminum cans, HP Indigo transfers, Conductive print, and much more, but listen to what Nimrod Cohen shared with us in this video!

Thu October 26th


Nils Gottfried · BHS Corrugated · FEFCO ...

Nils Gottfried is one of our recurring guests who always brings interesting news to the industry. BHS is among the world's largest producers of corrugators, and since the company announced the Box Plant 2025 strategy, everything they do turns around the plan - and part of that is to add printing capabilities to the line of products and services BHS offers. In this interview, Nils Gottfried talks about the new monochrome print bar that can be added to new and existing corrugators, enabling black print. This opens up many new opportunities, and that is just among the things we talk about - watch/listen - and enjoy!

Fri May 26th


Niels Rask · Owner of NS Systems & ...

Niels Rask is a member of FESPA and Chairman of the board of FESPA Denmark. Here Jacques Michiels asks Rask about what FESPA bring back to their members - and Niels Rask has some good answers. Enjoy!

Thu April 16th


Nidihi Agrawal · Over The Skype · Design...

Nidhi Agrawal is the CEO and co-founder of Design'n'Buy. Over the years, the Indian based software company have become an international player in the web-to-print industry. In this Over the Skype Nidhi Agrawal tells about the advantages she sees working from home, and of course, also about the new products/features that were supposed to be presented at the now postponed drupa. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon May 15th


Nidhi Agrawal · Design’n’Buy...

Nidhi Agrawal, CEO and Co-Founder of Design'n'Buy, and editor Morten B. Reitoft often meet at tradeshows. Still, Nidhi Agrawal is also a constant at our NON-EVENTs in Copenhagen. Always good to see her, and the company's success is great to follow. In this interview, Agrawal explains the continued success of their design plug-in - worth a watch!

Fri May 15th

Nicola Kopp-Rostek & Dr Martin Dreh...

English (German introduction below the English version) Over the Skype - Premiere in German with DFTA and Andreas Weber, INKISH D-A-CH As guests today, at our premiere for 'Over The Skype' conversations in German, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to Ms Nicola Kopp-Rostek and Prof. Dr Greet Martin Dreher. Nicola Kopp-Rostek is managing director of the DFTA Flexographic Printing Association e.V. Prof. Dr Martin Dreher is a professor for packaging printing at the renowned Stuttgart Media University (HDM). Both are also managing directors of the association's DFTA technology centre. Despite the Corona crisis, the interlocutors were relaxed, level-headed and open to conversation. Topics were a .: What is special about the flexographic printing industry? What does the association do? What is the mood like among the members? What are the prospects? The abbreviation DFTA stands for German-speaking Flexographic Technology Association. The association has existed for 40 years. The statutes provide information on the tasks. Here is an extract of the purpose and tasks of the DFTA: - The DFTA is the professional association of companies, institutions, associations and people who deal with flexographic printing. - The DFTA promotes technical and scientific progress in the areas of packaging printing with a focus on flexo printing. - The tasks of the DFTA are in particular of a technical, business and organizational nature as well as training and further education, public relations and marketing for flexographic printing. - The DFTA supports the work of the DFTA Technology Center. Note: As with all our "Over the Skype" interviews, the picture/sound quality is based on the available bandwidth and the respective webcams as well as the possibility of literally leading the conversations LIVE. Despite everything, it works amazingly well, and with Over the Skype we have brought together more than 50 special personalities so far and give insights into the industry as it currently is. Have fun! --- GERMAN Introduction --- Over the Skype — Premiere in deutscher Sprache mit dem DFTA und Andreas Weber, INKISH D-A-CH Zu Gast heute, bei unserer Premiere für Over The Skype-Gespräche in deutscher Sprache, dürfen wir sehr herzlich Frau Nicola Kopp-Rostek sowie Herrn Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher begrüßen. Nicola Kopp-Rostek ist Geschäftsführerin des DFTA Flexodruck-Fachverband e.V. Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher ist Professor für Verpackungsdruck an der renommierten Stuttgarter Hochschule der Medien, kurz HDM. Beide sind zudem Geschäftsführer des zum Verband gehörenden DFTA Technologiezentrums. Trotz Corona-Krise waren die Gesprächspartner entspannt, besonnen und gesprächsoffen. Themen waren u. a.: Was macht die Flexodruck-Branche aus? Was leistet der Verband? Wie ist die Stimmung bei den Mitgliedern? Welche Perspektiven bestehen? Das Kürzel DFTA steht übrigens für Deutschsprachige Flexographic Technology Association. Den Verband gibt es seit 40 Jahren. Zu den Aufgaben geben die Statuten Auskunft. Hier heisst es auszugsweise zum Zweck und zu den Aufgaben der DFTA: - Die DFTA ist der fachliche Zusammenschluss von Firmen, Institutionen, Verbänden und Personen, die sich mit dem Flexodruck befassen. - Die DFTA fördert den technischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt in den Bereichen des Verpackungsdruck mit Schwerpunkt Flexodruck. - Die Aufgaben der DFTA sind insbesondere technischer, betriebswirtschaftlicher und organisatorischer Art sowie Aus- und Weiterbildung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Marketing für den Flexodruck. - Die DFTA fördert die Arbeit des DFTA Technologiezentrums. Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren "Over the Skype"-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato mehr als 50 besondere Persönlichkeiten zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Thu April 28th


Nick Khatri · Group Marketing Manager · ...

Nick Khatri from Lake Image Systems is a world leader in variable data integrity and print quality inspection for the security, labels, packaging, and commercial print industries. By reading and processing the variable data on many printed items, they provide solutions to inspect, verify, track and report on billions of secure documents, labels, plastic cards, and packages daily.

Tue April 20th

De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Nick Gawreluk · Fast Forward · Mavericks...

That photo represents to me the Mavericks. The outlaws. The entrepreneurs in the printing industry. That I have so much respect for. If you're not already thinking in the future. I guarantee you there are companies who are doing that. If you subscribe monthly. That vendor has to deliver value to you each and every month. Disruption is something that's natural in business. And I think it's something that should be sought after and encouraged. There's a gentleman who's the CEO of a company called Zuora. His name is Tien Tzuo. And he wrote basically the authority on subscription economy. And it's called 'Subscribed'. And that for me has been so inspiring. You know, not only for my position in the printing industry. But just someone who's a fan of business. It's so nice to know that during these times of challenges that there exists scholarship foundations like PGSF. In particular, one that's able to help provide over half a million dollars a year. And support hundreds of students. It Is so critical that the industry has that type of support. And I would just encourage anyone listening to this, you know, whether it's monetary donation or mentorship. We all play an important part in helping support the future of the industry. That is from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. And it's the part time MBA program that I'm involved in. And you might find yourself sitting next to a commercial airline pilot, a medical doctor or a McKinsey consultant or even a guy from the printing industry. That picture of New York City back in the day represents, to me, challenging the status quo. Why I chose that photo is because I'm just in love with the companies who come up with disruptive business models. And fundamentally change the way people look at an industry. And the way that the interact with the products. I never would have thought we'd see the day. But things like, for example, an ecosystem... It fundamentally changes the way printers, suppliers and end consumers, all those traditional relationships, how they interact. And not to accept something just because that's the way that it's always been.

Thu March 6th


Nick Bruno · President · Harris & B...

Nick Bruno speaks with Pat McGrew at #HID25 about the coatings they offer in the digital space and explains that they have learned a lot from the offset space and have also worked with several partners throughout the years. They also discuss the competitiveness and sustainability perspective of using coatings over laminations, so dig in and learn!

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