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Wed October 30th


LIVE DEMO: CHILI Publish · Sean Crowe · ...

At PRINTING United we did 2 hours LIVE TV daily, and October 24th was dedicated to the great people from CHILI Publish. During the day we got interviews with the people from the booth, but also a chance to get a presentation of the software by Solutions Expert Sean Crowe. Here is the first one, where editor Morten Reitoft from INKISH.TV is getting a quick tour, including walk-through of some of the new features. Excellent presentation, great software, and whau - awe-inspiring.

Thu May 25th


Lisa Li · Product & Marketing Direc...

Chinese Language - English subtitles

Sat October 22nd


Lindy Cook, Kodak and Pat McGrew, Print ...

In this Print Sample TV edition, Pat McGrew meets up with Lindy Cook from Kodak. They are looking at the beautiful samples the new Kodak Ascend delivers. As Pat McGrew explains, the machine featured is not compared to almost anything else. It's a digital printer with built-in embellishment options that would generally take MORE machines to do, but it also excels as it can print on LONG and thick substrates. So this is not only for commercial print but even for packaging and indoor signage. New dawn, we dare to say!

Sun September 18th


Lights Out Product – The Software ...

On the second day of LabelExpo-Americas, CERM invited Adrian Steele from Mercian Labels, UK, Stuart Morrison from Screen, and Matt Burton from ABG to discuss lights out production of labels, moderated by CEO Geert van Damme. It was interesting to learn from, so I interviewed the four gentlemen afterward about how to do it, what obstacles, and how this can benefit the entire industry. Here you have The Software part by Geert van Damme. Enjoy!

Sun September 18th


Lights Out Product – The Customer ...

On the second day of LabelExpo-Americas, CERM invited Adrian Steele from Mercian Labels, UK, Stuart Morrison from Screen, and Matt Burton from ABG to discuss lights out production of labels, moderated by CEO Geert van Damme. It was interesting to learn from, so I interviewed the four gentlemen afterward about how to do it, what obstacles, and how this can benefit the entire industry. Here you have The Customer part by Adrian Steele. Enjoy!

Sun September 18th


Lights Out Product – Printing · St...

On the second day of LabelExpo-Americas, CERM invited Adrian Steele from Mercian Labels, UK, Stuart Morrison from Screen, and Matt Burton from ABG to discuss lights out production of labels, moderated by CEO Geert van Damme. It was interesting to learn from, so I interviewed the four gentlemen afterward about how to do it, what obstacles, and how this can benefit the entire industry. Here you have the Printing part by Stuart Morrison. Enjoy!

Sun September 18th


Lights Out Product – Finishing · M...

On the second day of LabelExpo-Americas, CERM invited Adrian Steele from Mercian Labels, UK, Stuart Morrison from Screen, and Matt Burton from ABG to discuss lights out production of labels, moderated by CEO Geert van Damme. It was interesting to learn from, so I interviewed the four gentlemen afterward about how to do it, what obstacles, and how this can benefit the entire industry. Here you have the Finishing part by Matt Burton. Enjoy!

Mon November 18th


Liesbet Olbrechts · Enfocus · Workflow S...

The future trends of workflow according to Enfocus. Link to presentation:

Sun December 6th


Leverage the Power of Workflow Software ...

This event is all about the ideas surrounding a Smart Factory and Industry 4.0; thoughts for how print and digital factories will inject innovation, intelligence and hyper-productivity. But hold on there partner, in order to get to 4.0, you need to make sure you are leveraging technologies that will help you get there. In this session, with our guests, we will talk about how you should “walk your workflow” and take note of where you have manual processes, slowdowns and bottlenecks, where there are opportunities to consolidate technologies or update with more capable, feature-rich solutions. Then we will offer you ideas for how to take this information and chart a smart path to your Smart Factory Industry 4.0. And this session will benefit any organizations dealing with or both types of product delivery channels. More specifically, we will also share some views on how PDF is becoming the defacto print and electronic standard for a multitude of industries and communication types.

Mon October 25th


Less Waste, New Materials, Sustainable F...

BOBST is focusing on less waste, new materials, and a sustainable future. In this film, BOBST Groups, Francois Martin takes us through some of the agendas that in the companies mind will take BOBST to the next level! In this film, you will get an insight like not seen before - at least not through the eyes of INKISH. We love the openness that more and more vendors have, and we totally believe in this agenda. Dig into this film and enjoy! LinkedIn profile

Wed September 11th


Lee Simmonds · Director Product Sales EM...

After an introduction to the FlexoCleanerBrush by Craig Black, we get deeper with his British colleague Lee Simonds. So is the follow up story on this simple and innovative product. Take a look! LinkedIn Profile:

Fri February 26th

De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Learn With Us · Steve Baker · Baker Labe...

Baker Labels is a sub-contractor of labels to other printers and print professionals in the UK and, of course, operates with a lot of different types of equipment. In our Learn With Us Inkjet sessions, he explains why the Screen Inkjet has earned its place in Baker Labels. Enjoy.

Fri February 26th

En Es Fr Nl Pt

Learn With Us · Ralf Bittighöfer · MyLab... is, as the name indicates, a German label company. In this film, CEO Ralf Bittighöfer talks about his company and his investment in the new Mouvent LB702-UV digital inkjet label press - and it's a good story to learn from. The high quality, the high speed (100 m pr. minutes), and the machine's flexibility are just a few of the KPIs Bittighöfer explains. This film was part of Learn With Us Inkjet event. It's in German, but with subtitles (as usual) in German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch! Enjoy!

Tue August 17th


Learn With Us · Communication · Replay

In this LIVE session from INKISH.TV, Editor Morten Reitoft share his views on marketing from the 4P's to the very purpose of marketing. Thanks to Mark Stephenson from Fujifilm to join the live session. Credits to: Coca Cola Commercial from the '40s Miss South Carolina All Packaging 1 All Packaging 2 Conor Neil Inspiration from Professor Wolters

Thu April 23rd

En De Es Pt

Leading the Way to a Sustainable Textile...

Though Kornit is a twenty years old company, the company has over the past years got more attention than before. One of the reason is their amazing Direct to Fabric machines, that enable digital print directly on a long-range of types of textiles. This does not only lead to considerably faster turn-around time, but also to way more sustainable fabrics. In this INKISH interview VP & General Manager, Direct to Fabric, Danny Gazit gives us a tour in the factory, in the showroom, and openly explains why Kornit for sure seems to be on the right track. Amazing technology and a great company to visit.

Mon March 7th


Leadership round table · Jon Bailey, Ric...

In this round table the leadership of DSCOOP, Jon Bailey, Rick Bellamy, and Peter Van Teeseling talk about the values of the events, the network, and how members profit from being part of the event. It's been more than a thousand days since the last show, and as Jon Bailey said, it took only three minutes to get back in the DSCOOP mood. Interesting conversation and as always interesting to learn from other people's experiences!

Tue May 17th


Leadership round table · Jim Benedict, S...

Take three DSCOOP attendees into a nice room - set up a couple of cameras, and let the talk begin! Experience, knowledge, and open-mindedness are simply what this conversation between Jim Benedict from Enpointe, Shanna Vollmer from Pixa Creative, and Brian Craig from Woods Printing Company. How did you get into the industry? This is just one of the many good questions from this conversation. We are certain you will love it!

Wed March 9th


Leadership round table · David Burkus, C...

Two great keynote speakers from Dscoop in a leadership round table conversation with Dscoop's Chris Hyde. David Burkus, a successful author and considered as one of the world's leading business thinkers, helps answer the 'one' question Chris Hyde asks Jesse Cole, owner of the Savannah Bananas, and has more than 1,000 people on a waiting list to get a job at The Savannah Bananas - "How do you think somebody in our industry can get to where you are?" The conversation is great, open-minded, full of insight and inspiration. You will love this!

Tue November 16th


Leadership in America’s leading tr...

Our CONVERSATION with 4over’s CEO Shaheen Javadizadeh revealed some of the new blood entering the very traditional print industry. As the United States’ premier online trade printer, and technological ecommerce leader, 4over investment owners had the vision to bring in a leader with a high tech and financial background. Find out Shaheen’s vision for print’s future. LinkedIn Profile

Mon September 30th


Last Print® Show as ‘Brand Print&#...

When Print®19 open the doors in a few days, it will be the 51st show under the Print/GraphExpo show, but it will also be the last. From 2020 APTech has joined forces with Tarsus in forming a new global event named Brand Print. In this Interview, APTech President Thayer Long talks over both Print®19, Brand Print, APTech, and how he also sees the future. Enjoy!

Wed December 6th


Lars Komogowski · BHS Corrugated · FEFCO...

Lars Komogowski was one of the speakers at the FEFCO Technical Seminar 2023 in Lyon, and in this chat with Editor Morten B. Reitoft, he explains how heat and steam need to be better controlled. Not only to lower energy consumption but also to improve the quality. Interesting to learn about.  

Tue June 13th


Lars Engel · Managing Director · BHS Cor...

BHS Corrugated is one of the largest and most influential and innovative companies in the corrugated industry globally. Founded as a state-owned company and later taken over by Engel's father, Paul Engel, and his friend, Edmund Bradatsch, it soon became a strategy to own and control the entire value chain; Managing Director Lars Engel shares some of the learnings and considerations on the journey. BHS Corrugated has become a tremendous success, and besides the fantastic business story, the company also has a vast CSR responsibility that plays a role with both employees and people directly or indirectly influenced by the company. Super story!

Wed February 9th


Large Format and Sublimation Paper on th...

High quality and industrial reliability require excellent materials and media. Paola Tiso takes the time to guide us through some of the different types of transfer papers that SAPPI brings to this market. High fashion, sports apparel and even skiing gear get their “skin” through some of these applications.

Tue May 26th


Laetitia Reynaud · Learn With Us –...

In this 'Learn with Us' session Policy Advisor Laetitia Reynaud from INTERGRAF explain the legislative processes in the European Union. She also explains how INTERGRAF have influenced legislation to support printing companies. A truly great presentation about a quite hard to understand the subject served in a very nice and easy way to comprehend. Thank you!

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