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Mon December 11th

INKISH 2018 – What to expect from ...

Thank you for your support in 2017. INKISH.TV is still a relatively new channel and our success is based on your support. Your likes, your sharing, your support and the support from our Sponsors are essential for us and our future. In 2018 we are launching some new initiatives and in this little "dramatic" 1.30-minute teaser we share some of them. First and most important is our commitment to making more films. We are planning 40+ - some of the films are "business as usual" and some will be tested in new formats. INKISH.TV will also in 2018 be a partner with Argos Solutions from Belgium in their first ever 'Argos Inspiration Days' in Bruxelles from March 6-8th - which we are very excited about. We have also a partnership with Enfocus - also from Belgium about their truly great X-treme Switchover which will soon be presented on INKISH.TV. In 2018 we will also take some new initiatives - first of all, is the introduction of PaperDb - PaperDb is the world's maybe largest paper database with more than 27.000 types of paper - and all with more than 40+ parameters - so cross-referencing, comparison and other things will be made much easier. We will even offer a free API for software developers to include in their software - like ERP, MIS and, Web-to-Print solutions. To showcase PaperDb we have developed a simple INKISH.CALC App for Android and IOS where you can enter your size and choose your paper to get weight and spine size. Not revolutionary but on steroids compared to many of the current ones out there - and of course free of charge. Both IOS and Android versions should be online when you read this. In 2018 we will also become a book publisher and in Q1 we expect to publish our first book written by your humble editor Morten Reitoft about prices. The title will be - well - easy to remember "Prices". We hope of course for your continuing support and if you would like to use our content - feel free to do so. Finally - once more thank you and of course a very happy holiday season to all our viewers, friends and supporters.

Fri January 6th


Ink is not just ink but part of a bigger...

In this film, Jochen Christiaens explain that ink is not ink - or, to be more precise, that different technologies need different types of ink and that the supply chain or the full package is as, or sometimes, even more important. Interesting to hear from an ink manufacturer, we; unfortunately, don't have many of them on INKISH - but here we go :-) Now Zeller+Gmelin is part of the EcoFlexo group. Each member remains an independent company but can offer end-to-end solutions by working together. EcoFlexo has the following members besides Zeller+Gmelin - Hamillroad, GEW, COE, and MPS We produced a film from each EcoFlexo member while in The Netherlands. For further information, visit the EcoFlexo website:

Sat June 15th


Ingolf Fritzsche & Ron Reddmann · M...

170 m2 is all it takes to have a fully automated book production site based on the latest Müller Martini products. In this Walkthrough, you will see each part of the process, filmed by INKISH and explained by Ingolf Fritzsche and Ron Reddmann—both fun guys and proud of what has been built! We know it's a long Walkthrough, but we also believe it's a complex solution from rolls into finished books delivered! LinkedIn Profiles: Ingolf Fritzsche: Ron Reddmann:

Thu March 6th

De En

Ingo Mannherz · CTO · Printhouse GmbH · ...

Interview in German DE - INKISH präsentiert - Ingo Mannherz und Printhouse GmbH, ein deutsches Kraftpaket, das branchenführende Software wie Ultimate Tech, Impressed und andere nutzt. Printhouse GmbH, zusammen mit ihrer Schwesterfirma, ist ein vielseitiges Druckunternehmen mit Sitz in Deutschland, das sich auf digitalen Druck, Offsetdruck und Rollendruck spezialisiert hat. ------- EN - Presenting on INKISH - Ingo Mannherz and Printhouse GmbH, a German powerhouse utilizing industry-leading software like Ultimate Tech, Impressed, and others. Printhouse GmbH, along with their sister brand, is a versatile printing company based in Germany, specializing in digital, offset, and roll digital printing.

Thu May 28th


Ingi Karlsson · Spot Nordic · Learn With...

You may ask, “what is SMS colors?” You may also ask “Is there a need for a new color-matching system?” – and in this session, Founder Ingi Karlsson explains not only his system but also why there is a need for it. Ingi Karlsson has a background as a print-operator and has mixed PMS colors himself and therefore knows what it takes.

Thu April 16th


Ingi Karlsson – Over The Skype · S...

Ingi Karlsson used to operate printing presses, and back in 2003, he started thinking about how impossible it was to match colours across gamuts, substrates, and output devices. At that time he began developing the Spot Matching System, which essentially is a colour-bridge that guarantee even colours on coated and uncoated paper, as well as electronic devices, i.e. video, screens, etc. The idea is simple since SMS colours are defined about the combined gamut that RGB/CMYK can offer and therefore guarantee an even output when standards such a G7/Gracol/Fogra etc. is used. Dedicated, I must admit - and yes, he is on to something, so take a look, and reach out for further information. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Wed September 13th


Infigo – Now ALSO made for Labels ...

Infigo web-to-print has been around for some time; during the past years, however, we have seen them at more and more tradeshows worldwide, and the company is on an exciting journey. At LabelExpo, they revealed their latest update, a web-to-label with two-way communication to CERM. In this interview, Alex Bowell explains the advantages for the customers - and how Infigo visited customers and had beta customers for a long time to understand the label segment and create a web-to-label solution to be the best in the market. Super interesting to hear, and some of the features are super cool!

Sun December 4th


Industry Outlook from the UK · Dan Brunt...

For the INKISH NON-EVENT '22, we asked Pat McGrew to talk to editors from around the world to get their perspective on the future of print. You'll hear Dan Brunton from Brunton Business Publishing in the UK - great insights and perfect questions from Pat McGrew.

Sun December 4th


Industry Outlook from Italy · Alexia Riz...

For the INKISH NON-EVENT '22, we asked Pat McGrew to talk to editors from around the world to get their perspective on the future of print. You'll hear Alexia Rizzi from Stratego Group in Italy - great insights and perfect questions from Pat McGrew.

Sun December 4th


Industry Outlook from Canada · Tony Curc...

For the INKISH NON-EVENT '22, we asked Pat McGrew to talk to editors from around the world to get their perspective on the future of print. You'll hear Tony Curcio from Graphic Arts Magazine in Canada - great insights and perfect questions from Pat McGrew.

Sun December 4th


Industry Outlook from Australia · Janet ...

For the INKISH NON-EVENT '22, we asked Pat McGrew to talk to editors from around the world to get their perspective on the future of print. You'll hear Janet Maitland & Stephanie Gaddin from Image Publishing in Australia - great insights and perfect questions from Pat McGrew.

Mon December 7th

De En Fr Nl Pt Zh-Hans

Industrial Scale Digital Print Enhanceme...

Made in Switzerland is highly relevant for the international print industry. With precision, passion, reliability, efficiency and a wealth of experience, not only very good print productions arise, but also innovative technologies. Jürgen Stocker, Head of Sales and Product Management at Steinemann DPE AG in the canton of St. Gallen, answered questions from Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH. It was about so-called "Enhanced Digital Print Solutions". This refers to possible innovative refinements for sheet-fed and reel-to-reel productions based on inkjet technologies. It is exciting to see what has happened here and where we are headed. By the way: Steinmann DPE AG has been part of the successful international enhancement specialist Leonhard Kurz Stiftung, based in Fürth, Germany, since 2019. --- Made in Switzerland ist für die internationale Printbranche eine gesetzte Größe. Mit Präzision, Leidenschaft, Zuverlässigkeit, Effizienz und reicher Erfahrung entstehen nicht nur sehr gute Print-Produktionen, sondern auch innovative Technologien. Jürgen Stocker, Head of Sales and Produkt Management bei Steinemann DPE AG im Kanton St. Gallen, stand Andreas Weber, CEO INKISH D-A-CH Rede und Antwort. Es ging um sogenannte „Enhanced Digital Print Solutions“. Gemeint sind damit auf Basis von Inkjet-Technologien mögliche innovative Veredelungen für Sheet-Fed- und Reel-to-Reel-Produktionen. Spannend, was sich hier getan hat und wohin der Weg geht. Übrigens: Steinmann DPE AG gehört seit 2019 zum internationalen erfolgreichen Veredelungsspezialisten Leonhard Kurz Stiftung mit Sitz in Fürth, Deutschland. LinkedIn Profile:

Thu February 2nd


Independence equals more opportunities ·...

At the latest #EPSConnect, EFI announced that Fiery is now an independent entity still owned by Siris Capital Group. At C!Print 2023 in Lyon, Editor Morten B. Reitoft met with Chris Schowalter from Fiery to talk about opportunities and how he sees the change. Enjoy!

Tue August 22nd


Incredible unimaginable Magink from Fran...

This story is amazing. Philippe Alzina is the Founder, Owner, and CEO of a small ink manufacturer in France. We got in touch because Editor Morten B. Reitoft mentioned in a LinkedIn post that he was flying back from Boston in an Airbus A380. If you are curious about that story, you will have to dig in - but you will learn SO much more as Philippe Alzina manufacture inks with capabilities that you almost can't believe - from black that turns grey on the dancers of the Parisian Opera, to invisible inks, to pretty much everything you can imagine. This is an amazing story, and we are SO happy that we contacted Philippe Alzina and learned about his company Mistral Graphics. His payoff is Magink - and yes, it's magic!

Mon April 1st


Increased Productivity using CERM and ES...

Increased productivity is extremely important - and yes, CERM and ESKO play an enormous role with the Sicialian label producer Auroflex. Still, the business is developed around a quality and passion for supporting the Sicilian wine, food, and luxury products industry. But Auroflex does many things that are a bit out of the standard, for example, an annual design competition, where designers are invited to challenge Auroflex - and all the designs are produced to show what's possible - and as Fabio Butera tells INKISH, this develops a close relationship between Auroflex and the designers, that eventually will make some of the most complex and interesting design. Auroflex produces labels in both flexo, digital, and offset. The most important reason for investment in print technology is from Nilpeter - an offset/flexo hybrid machine - by all means, an amazing company, and see how CERM and ESKO are used in planning, pricing, color management, and, of course, inspection - in tightly integrated solutions - merging beauty with efficiency - love it.

Tue June 25th

Increased Margins With Digital Enhanceme...

Digital Enhancement experience a massive interest from printing companies all over the world - and within just a few weeks we have talked to three owners of three very different printing companies, and all underscore that digital enhancement is both worth the investment - but also an investment that attracts new clients. In this film, we are visiting NINO Druck from Neustadt an der Weinstraße in Germany. The printing company offer both digital- and offset printing, in-house binding, and enhancement - and the quality of the products you see here are just stunning. I wish we could show and tell you more about some of the products they showed while being there, but customers always have to be respected - and this time - you have to take our word for it. NINO Druck uses their Scodix for both offset- as well as digitally printed sheets and the combination of digital foil, raised inks make the print look great! NINO Druck uses Heidelberg and HP Indigo equipment, but you also find flat binding finishing from Imaging Solutions and case binding, sewing from Meccanotecnica, and more - just excellent. As usual, watch, listen, and learn. Marcus Kalle and his team is an excellent example of why investments in new technology often make you stand out and can remain both profitable and innovative.

Sat November 26th


In Tokyo, On Budget & Confident as ...

Outside the Tokyo Big Sight convention center, we met with Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems President and CEO Stuart Fox. Fox explains in this INKISH film why he is in Tokyo but also reports on the first full fiscal year being on its own. As always, interesting views and an exciting company. Enjoy!

Thu May 24th


In the Future GRAFKOM needs to be in Eng...

Magnus Thorkildsen is a new part owner of Grafkom and a surprise to many that he chose to join the company. Mostly because he came from a position as CEO of the Norwegian Federation of Printers - however, this seems to be a benefit for both parties. At the Print Next 18, more than 30 delegates from Norway participated and it's most likely due to the constellation with Magnus Thorkildsen on board. In this interview, we talk with Magnus Thorkildsen about the need for changing the event into English, since Grafkom will extend their offerings to Finland and the Baltics. We also ask Magnus about how it is to change working from an established organization to be in a private company.

Fri October 21st


Improve Productivity with Better Data · ...

Steve Metcalf is a true entrepreneur and is now involved with AMP. AMP develops a software platform for connecting IoT sources to monitor production on a very fine level - all vendor-agnostic and using industry-standard protocols. But listen to Steve Metcalf here, and reach out to learn more - this is super cool!

Wed February 7th

En Fr-FR

impriCLUB · Didier Burguet, Maqprint Gro...

impriCLUB est le groupement de 106 imprimeurs français et fait office de centre de référencement, où près de 71 fournisseurs de l'industrie graphique sont référencés pour différents types de produits (papier, prépresse, valorisation des déchets, encre, numérique, packaging…). ) Un sacré client réuni dans un groupe au grand pouvoir d’achat. Didier Burguet est l'un de ses administrateurs et ce fut l'occasion pour nous de faire leur connaissance et d'en savoir plus. ___ impriCLUB is the group of 106 French printers and functions as a referencing center, where nearly 71 suppliers from the graphics industry are referenced for different types of products (paper, pre-press, waste recovery, ink, digital, packaging, etc.). ) A hell of a customer, united in a group with great purchasing power. Didier Burguet is one of its administrators and it was an opportunity for us to get to know them and find out more.

Mon October 24th


Impostrip helps SG360° Optimizing Workfl...

SG360° is one of the leading Direct Marketing companies in the US with several locations and can deliver almost any kind of direct marketing service in print, electronically, on film, web, etc. - a true omnichannel supplier. We have been invited to the Wheeling facility to talk to John Zawisza, Director of Digital Operations, about how they use Ultimate Technographics Impostrip. That alone is an exciting story, but in this more extended INKISH edit, we also learn about their printing equipment and many more exciting things. We are sure you will like this rare insight from one of the larger operators in the US market. Enjoy! You can also read the article we did on INKISH.NEWS.

Thu September 24th


Implementing the Smart Factory · Diego D...

Pro Print in Dallas has decided to spend money on the best solutions for the future - how, what goes into it, and how does that make sense business-wise? - By Diego Diaz.

Thu October 20th


Implementation – The Missing Link ...

Tom Peire is the CEO of the Belgium-based company Four Pees. The company has specialized in implementation, and what the company has learned during the pandemic is that implementation work CAN be done remotely and therefore opens up a global market. At PRINTING United, CEO Tom Peire tell how important the implementation process is as it opens up for further automation using software PSPs often have already. Interesting!

Tue August 29th


Impact of the UFLPA Ban · Herve Milner ·...

This interview with Herve Milner, President of, is super interesting, and though now a response to the recently published interview with David Gibbons, it's two sides of the same case. Tonernews has for 20+ years covered the manufacturing and re-manufacturing of toner/ink cartridges and has seen how overproduction and challenging business ethics have created a very unhealthy business environment. In this interview, you will certainly understand why the US ban (UFLPA) has resonated so well among some of the people in this industry segment.

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