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Wed September 20th


Felix Cutillas Garvi · Eurotecma Maquina...

Eurotecma Maquinaria is the Happy Japan distributor in the Iberian region. We spoke with Félix Cutillas, a businessman who has been in the embroidery business for 20 years. During the exhibition, he presented ultra-fast equipment that offers a speed of 1,500 stitches per minute. We like embroidery. Eurotecma Maquinaria es distribuidor de Happy Japan en la región Ibérica, platicamos con Félix Cutillas, un empresario que lleva 20 años en el negocio del bordado, durante la exposisión presentó un equipo ultra veloz que ofrece una velocidad de mil 500 puntadas por minuto. Nos gusta el bordado.

Sun October 25th


Feel Home With Canon · Pat McGrew · Prin...

Canon has supported both Print Sample TV and INKISH for years - and it's with great pleasure presenting great print samples from Canon. In these examples, you clearly see the creativity from Canon, but as Host Pat McGrew also explains, utilize various technologies to show users and potential customers the opportunities print can deliver in your communication! Augmented Reality for one!

Sun October 25th


Feed Your Print With Unique DNA · Pat Mc...

Everybody who has watched Print Sample TV for the past years knows how important design, papers, print, and the message is. However, suppose you want to be so unique and to make it impossible to counterfeit your print. In that case, it could be pharmaceutical products or anything else where you want to be sure that the packaging is the real thing - then DNS - Diversified Nano Ink - is the answer to your prayers.

Tue September 12th


Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives launches new su...

Alina Miccolis discusses Fedrigoni’s new Manter neck label range, recycled papers, and RE-Play range, which enables siliconized liners to be recovered and recycled.

Tue September 6th

Federation of Printers in Norway give aw...

Seeding your own market for future clients, is unlikely a great investment. The Federation of Printers in Norway have started a huge give away to more than 100.000 children in Norwegian kindergartens. Please enjoy!

Thu February 3rd


Faster Growth and Higher Profits with PO...

Linemark serves three different business segments - direct mail, print-on-demand, and general commercial business. Entering the production, you very soon realize how organized and busy people are, and you understand right away how the company sees the future. Books-of-One is for sure an exciting opportunity, and as David Ashton explains in the film, POD is the fastest-growing segment and also the most profitable. Investing in digital printing equipment combined with the Müller Martini solution - and skilled people - Linemark does make a difference! LinkedIn Profiles: Steve Bearden David Ashton

Sat October 22nd


Farewell PRINTING United with Ford Bower...

In this film, we wrap up our experience from PRINTING United together with Ford Bowers, the CEO of PRINTING United Alliance. Still, we also get a chance to see some of the products and print samples HP has spent the past three days showcasing. We find PRINTING United an overwhelming success - congratulations to the hard-working team. It's not an easy job to set up a show like this!

Mon July 4th


Fabio Tallarico · Seiko Instruments @ #S...

The potential with Inkjet is amazing, and recently Seiko Instruments in Germany employed Fabio Tallarico, who has an engineering background in textile. With his background, he is supporting the growing interest in the textile industry in inkjet. Interesting!

Sun December 8th


Fabian Prudhomme at the INKISH NON-EVENT...

INKISH hosted for the first time ever our NON-EVENT. The Non-event is celebrating the people that have been in front of the camera, or been supporting INKISH during the past years. This is a new recurring event, and the idea is to give space for the people we have featured to connect in a new way. We invited 150 people, and 32 decided to join us. Our guests came from Japan, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark - and we are confident that next year, even more, will come. We asked most of our participants to talk LIVE during the dinner - and here is Fabian Prudhomme from Belgium. Fabian Prudhomme is the Global VP Sales & Alliances at CHILI publish. With a broad background within the printing industry and maybe even more on the side that deals with software, Fabian Prudhomme is a well-known and recognized person. We had the pleasure working with Fabian Prudhomme both when he worked at Enfocus, and even more since he joined the CHILI publish team. Enjoy!

Sat January 22nd


Extremely Satisfying Experiencing CONNEC...

DJ Buell has attended eProductivity Software/EFI Connect for seven years. In this film, he, among other exciting things, shares how satisfying it is to see ideas being discussed at CONNECT being implemented. DJ Buell works as IT Director at Primary Packaging, specializing in "heavy-duty" plastic bags.

Mon February 22nd


Exploring the growth of automation in pr...

Join Matt Burton where he’ll talking how automation is dominating the print finishing market and how it’s adoption is an important part of business growth. He’ll cover several aspects of automation from how advances in digital embellishment are enhancing the web to print market to how developments in non stop production are enabling converting lines to run faster whilst also generating less waste.

Wed December 7th


Experience makes you ask better question...

The BOBST Open House in Alpharetta is, of course, about presenting technology to potential customers. It's about selling. But for the attendees, it's also about asking questions that can avoid future investment mistakes, and during Dean Haertel from BOBST's presentation, I overheard a very interesting question. The question was how BOBST avoids stitching issues. Stitching can be seen when multiple printheads are clustered in a print bar and can either leave a tiny white line or a line of double print. The question came from Jodi Westphal from Western Shield Label & Packaging. Stitching is handled by BOBST in a smart and simple way, but this we will explain in INKISH.NEWS.

Tue January 16th


Expectations · Mark Subers · PRINTING Un...

We were in Philadelphia filming a super interesting printing company. Of course, we took the opportunity to meet our friends from PRINTING United at a headquarters that, by all means, showed that you'll soon find them at a new address. Mark Subers is the President of PRINTING United Expo, and we got the chance to talk to him about expectations for PRINTING United 2024 at a time when both drupa and also Label Expo are taking place - Label Expo even on the same dates as PRINTING United. As always super nice talking to Mark Subers!

Thu September 30th


Exciting Opportunities with Fujifilm in ...

The Peak Performance Print Experience event in Brussels was about machines, people, and of course, business. Bernd Rekirsch is a huge dealer representing multiple brands - and in Brussels, he and his company celebrated their new distribution of Fujifilm products in Germany. LinkedIn profile:

Wed January 19th


Excited being at Connect for the first t...

For many, eProductivity Software/EFI Connect is a recurring annual event, and for some, it's a first-time experience. First-time visitor Korby Gutherie, Executive VP, shortly explains why he believes eProductivity Software/EFI Connect is great.

Mon July 8th


Excellence in Management Makes the Diffe...

The Federation of Swedish Printers - Grafiska Företagen, has updated a report that in our opinion, is a valuable tool to understand the printing industry. Based on surveys among 2.000 companies over seven years, and comprehensive analysis work from Bisnode turned out a figure where you could easily see who in the printing industry makes money. Now, this report has been updated, and there are differences from the first one. Where Large Format was one of the most profitable segments, and even though Large Format is still a precious segment, the trends are unfortunately developing in the wrong direction. Enjoy the conversation editor Morten Reitoft has with CEO Ravindra Parasnis.

Wed February 7th

En Fr-FR

Exaprint France · Xavier Perez · C!Print...

Xavier Perez est le responsable marketing d'EXAPRINT, acteur du web to print bien connu en France et en Espagne. En tant que membre du groupe Cimpress, ils changent la façon dont les imprimés sont achetés, fabriqués et livrés au client, dans de nombreux cas en quantités d'un (1) seulement. — Xavier Perez is the marketing manager of EXAPRINT, a well-known web to print player in France and Spain. As part of the Cimpress Group, they are changing the way print is purchased, manufactured and delivered to the customer, in many cases in quantities of only one (1).

Wed February 7th

En Fr-FR

Euromedia · Philippe Bouvier · C!Print L...

Belle rencontre avec Philippe Bouvier, le patron d'Euromedia, partenaire estimé d'HP et l'un de leurs plus gros distributeurs en France. Rencontrez un Philippe Bouvier très dynamique, qui partage ses réflexions sur la manière de servir le client. —— Nice meeting with Philippe Bouvier, the boss of Euromedia, an esteemed partner of HP and one of their largest distributors in France. Meet a very dynamic Philippe Bouvier, who shares his thoughts on how to serve the customer.

Thu September 14th

En Pt-BR

Etirama launches SPS3 flexo press · Ronn...

Brazilian press manufacturer Etirama has launched its new SPS3 flexo press at Labelexpo Europe 2023. With a 350mm web width, the machine runs at up to 150m/min LinkedIn Profile:

Thu February 2nd

Fr En Fr

ESKO – produits phares et un nouve...

L'entretien a été vraiment sympathique et détendu avec la grande dame d'Esko France & Benelux. Esko est connu en tant que leader dans le monde des étiquettes et du packaging, et le groupe est présent à C!Print, "le" rendez-vous en France. Isabelle Manche a révélé en première et devant les caméras d'INKISH certaines informations concernant le groupe mère Danaher, actuel propriétaire des marques Esko, Pantone, Xrite et TiliaLabs. Un entretien à ne pas manquer.

Thu September 14th


Eshuis uses CERM to optimize planning · ...

CERM's booth at LabelExpo was busy. Not only with demos and meetings, but a considerable percentage of the booth was reserved for panel debates where attendees could listen to different customers' stories about CERM. Editor Morten B. Reitoft attended one with Marco Oude Nijeweme from the Dutch label printer Eshuis and got the chance to talk to him after the debate. In this session, the topic was planning. Nijeweme explained how CERM helps them optimize job planning and even how scheduled maintenance and rush jobs can add to the planning, which dynamically changes to realities and SLAs. Interesting story to learn from.

Mon May 15th


Erik Norman · SwissQprint · Graphics Can...

Great meeting with Erik Norman, who became President of SwissQprint North American in October 2022. With a solid background in the wide format industry and, of course, supported by super products, Norman sees nothing but growth ahead of the company's operation in North America. Enjoy!

Sat August 29th


Erik Holdo · Over The Skype · Konica Min...

Erik Holdo works for Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA. In this 'Over the Skype' session, we get the chance to talk about technology, printing companies, the COVID-19 pandemic, exhibitions, and maybe also how new technology can offer everybody new ways to experience products in the future. Great session that we really enjoyed!

Fri September 27th


Erik Frank · SVP Marketing · Koenig ...

It's not so often we have time to get behind the person. We meet at tradeshows and talk about technology and customers, but on a two-day trip with Koenig & Bauer in New Berlin and Bloomington, we had plenty of time, so here is an interview with Erik Frank from Koenig & Bauer. The interview ranges from attracting young talent to the industry and how Erik Frank personally invests time mentoring young people to digital transformation and everything in between. Super interview - Great inspiration! LinkedIn Profile:

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