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Wed March 27th


Eric Vessels & Nick Gawreluk · What...

LinkedIn Profiles: Eric Vessels: Nick Gawreluk:

Fri May 15th


Eric Vessels · Over The Skype · WhatThey...

Do you know why WhatTheyThink! has the name WhatTheyThink!? Did you know that WhatTheyThink! was one of the first media in the printing industry that launched a daily newsletter, and that Eric Vessels and Adam Dewitz was literally chasing news every night to get enough content for their newsletter? So many great and amazing stories, and who's better to tell the story than Eric Vessels who is one of the three owners of WhatTheyThink! WhatTheyThink! is one of the most recognized media in the printing industry, and we are happy to call them friends - thank you for finally getting in front of the camera Eric! As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Tue May 5th


Eric Hawkinson · Over The Skype · Canon ...

Eric Hawkinson is the VP Marketing, Canon Solutions America, and in this, Over the Skype session we get a great insight not only about new products, but also how Canon and their people get input from the industry by visiting printing companies, and from the user-conference thINK Ahead. We also get an insight into how Canon position themself to a future after the corona - GREAT conversation, really fun. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri June 14th


Erez Zimerman · CEO · Massivit · Reporti...

Still among the most impressive 3D printers in the market, and in this combined interview and walkthrough by CEO Erez Zimerman, you get a bit of both - one exciting takeaway is that large format printers delivery instore and outdoor is among the segments Massivit addresses as large 3D printed 'products' can be used in combination and draw traffic - the booth give excellent examples. But also for prototyping and even for mold production, Massivit now has solutions!

Thu March 6th


Eran Lazar · VP Product, Strategy and Bu...

Eran Lazar has only been with HP Indigo for ten months, but what ten months. First at drupa and now at HID25. In this interview, we get to learn about the HP Indigo 120K, new inks and consumables - and great application examples. We, of course, also get to talk about HP's slogan, Better Together, which is a powerful message of how PageWide and Indigo integrate so well. Enjoy!

Tue February 6th


Epson · Bruno Destribats · C!Print Lyon ...

Epson cherche à optimiser les processus, à rationaliser la technologie et à apporter une vision au secteur de l'impression. Tout cela et bien plus est réuni sous leur devise « ReThink your style ». Bonne discussion avec Bruno Destribats sur la façon dont ils veulent changer le jeu en 2024. —— Epson seeks to optimize processes, streamline technology and bring vision to the printing industry. All this and more comes together under their motto “ReThink your style”. Good discussion with Bruno Destribats on how they want to change the game in 2024.

Sat June 1st


Enrico Barboglio · Stratego Group · Repo...

LinkedIn Profile:

Mon October 14th


Enfocus Switch Rewards Their Customers ·...

Enfocus is one of the maybe most known names in the printing industry. In this interview Managing Director, Wim Fransen goes as far as calling PitStop almost a house-hold name in Europe and the US. In this interview directly ask Wim Fransen whether their in-direct sales channel is the right one for software such as Enfocus Switch. Wim Fransen, who has been Managing Director for a couple of years, tell that this business model is such an important core of Enfocus that he almost compared as important as PitStop itself. As usual watch, like, and share this film.

Thu November 8th


Enfocus Switch gives Sign-Age huge advan...

Maybe you remember, but back at DRUPA 2016, Enfocus announced a really interesting initiative called X-treme Switchover. The X-treme Switchover is a project that elects a printing company to get a free implementation of a workflow based on Enfocus Switch and, the lucky printing company who got this is Sign-Age in Clearwater, FL, USA. After Sign-Age was picked last year INKISH was invited to follow the requirements phase, the implementation phase and the 'after go-live' phase to document the ups/downs of this process. Almost a year ago we published the first film where you see the requirements phase and where we speak to different people at the company about what to expect. A year later the implementation is still on-going, but as both President Linda Levitan and Vice President Michael Quigley explains, is not because of difficulties or obstacles, but more because the company simply have been too busy. At the same time, Clearwater was hard hit by a hurricane which both gave power problems as well as extra work replacing signs. In this film, we speak to various stakeholders and here a year after results are starting to show and the staff is really positive. From an INKISH perspective, we find it interesting to see for several reasons. One is the positive response from staff. Second is the continued high expectations from management - and last and more from our perspective, how modest the demands are and what a huge impact it already has on the company. When Sign-Age discover how much more Enfocus Switch can do I am certain that they will appreciate their solution even more. Take a look and enjoy!

Fri February 26th

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Enfocus Switch enables Wihabo to Handle ...

In this film, Robert Zegwaard explains how they use Enfocus Switch as the totally indispensable tool for managing more than 1,000 daily orders. Requirements from customers, combined with the requirements for efficient production, are handled by Switch. Wihabo has used Switch for a long time, but with more than a hundred flows, and an increasing need for automation, Switch is an essential tool enabling its growth! Enjoy!

Thu February 8th

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Enfocus · Laurent De Wilde · C!Print 202...

Enfocus est présent dans la maison et a amené ses spécialistes au salon. Laurent nous met à jour, sans effort, tout comme leurs solutions logicielles comme ils le prétendent fièrement. — Enfocus is in the house and they brought their specialists to the show. Laurent brings us up to speed, effortless, like their software solutions as they proudly claim.

Tue June 19th


Endless Branding & Endless Possibili...

Peter Janssen is the CEO of Endless Branding from Beek, The Netherlands - and one of the interesting things Peter Janssen emphasize in his speech from Benelux Online Print Event 18 in Brussels is that we "pretty much produce the same things we have always done, however, the way we do it has changed a lot"... This is interesting since this is what a lot of printers experience and some are successful others are still struggling. Listen and learn!

Thu October 20th


End-to-End Automation · Andrew Bailes-Co...

Automation, automation, automation. The same word, repeated three times, pretty much describes what customers need and what Ultimate TechnoGraphics provide. In this interview, you will hear Andrew Bailes-Collins and Ray Duval talking about why automation is so needed, but also see what the software does and how it scales with your business. At the booth, Ulitmate TechnoGraphics also emphasized the importance of Binding Automation. If you are interested in workflow/automation, you should check out the options Ultimate TechoGraphics provide!

Sun October 23rd


End Papers, Gauze & Barcode Printin...

At PRINTING United, we got a chance to meet with Colin Flinn from Horizon USA. We first met Colin Flinn back at the Think Smart Factory event in Kyoto, where he surprised us by being fluent in both Japanese and English. We have also met Flinn at several online events LIVE from Japan, where he and his team has built up a comprehensive online/offline demo facility - but now it's at PRINTING United where Colin Flinn demonstrates Horizon's new Gauze, End Paper, and bar code printing capabilities, enabling customers to use the BQ-series binders for softcover AND book blocks for hardcover books - quite amazing, but see for yourself :-)

Mon September 19th


Enabling the Digital Transformation with...

We have visited many great printing companies, but Rotolito is in its own league. It's among the biggest commercial printing companies in Europe, based in Milan, Italy, and it's a smart company. In this interview, we focus pretty much on the HP investments - counting a T380, T490, and an Indigo 100K, but besides investing in digital technology for print, Rotolito also invests in robot technology, workflow/automation, and talking to second generation owner Emanuele Bandecchi, you don't feel that we are even near the last investment. Smart company, great products, and a great example of how this industry can continue being interesting for decades to come! Enjoy!

Mon July 4th


Emilio J. Estrelles · Projecta @ #SeikoO...

Talking to Emilio Estrellas was a good experience. Projecta is an Italian manufacturer of tile/ceramic printers, and while we in the graphics arts industry just started the digital transformation today the tile market is 98% produced in digital. Interesting to learn, and also show that talking digital and inkjet is more of a replacement market rather than a transformation market. Interesting!

Wed September 7th


Embellishment, Embellishment, Embellishm...

Michael Aumann, Director, Digital Embellishment from KURZ USA, has a vision that can't come as a surprise - "more embellishment, more embellishment, and more embellishment." He is responsible for digital embellishment, though very honest about the need for both digital and analog embellishment options for a long time to come. INKISH got the chance to meet with Michael Aumann, Allan Quimby, and Myron Werner from KURZ USA - and this is the first of the results - stay tuned!

Sat June 8th


Elói Ferreira · CEO · MTEX NS · Reporti...

MTEX has a background in the textile industry, which makes perfect sense, as MTEX is situated in Portugal. CEO Elói Ferreira speaks about the advantages of being part of Astronova. Enjoy!

Mon October 5th


Ellen Manning · Over The Skype · Eagle S...

In this 'Over the Skype' session, we talk to VP Marketing & Sales, Ellen Manning, from Eagle Systems. You will get the insides from how Ellen Manning got into the printing industry - and yes, it was on a drupa show. More importantly, we get the chance to talk about why foiling becomes more and more important for printers around the world. As you can see already from the cover photo, Ellen Manning is a 'sparkling' woman - fun and always good to hear engaging stories from engaged people! Enjoy this one!

Fri May 1st


Elizabeth Gooding · Over The Skype · Ink...

Elizabeth Gooding is one of the two founding partners of INKJET INSIGHT. Only three years old they have established themselves as the number one go-to resource for inkjet. In this 'Over the Skype' session, Elizabeth Gooding talks about how they are serving their audience and how they get the information that keeps them up-to-date. Great story. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Sat April 11th


Elisha Kasinskas · Over The Skype · Roch...

Elisha Kasinskas is the Marketing Director of Rochester Software Associated or in short RSA. RSA developed one of the very first web-to-print solutions more than 15 years ago dedicated to in-plants. In the conversation, Elisha Kasinskas explain some of the needs in-plants have and why RSA has focused on this particular segment. However, RSA does also produce software for the broader commercial print market - but listen to the conversation for your self. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Mon August 14th


Elisha Kasinskas · New Director of Marke...

Starting in a new position is always exciting, and on INKISH, we share the considerations and ambitions of people getting into new positions. In this interview, Elisha Kasinskas talk to Editor Morten B. Reitoft about the new job as Director of Marketing for BCC software. Only a few days "old" in the position puts a lot of limitations on what you know. However, we find this tense field interesting as this is where knowledge, skills, and ambitions are manifested now, knowing the new company. We love this!

Thu August 8th


Elie Khoury · Founder · Alwan Color Expe...

Mark's quest for American exhibitors or stories allowed him to talk to Elie Khoury, who talked about a jam-packed show. Alwan Color Expertise shows a spectrometric color management system that enables a printer to match print output with a reference image/color - interesting! LinkedIn Profile:

Mon March 25th


Eli Mahal · HP · HP PreDrupa Event

At the HP PreDrupa event in Indianapolis, HP revealed products to be seen at Drupa. Eli Mahal works with HP's labels/flexible products, so we talked about the Indigo 200K, continued to the 35K, and ended with the Indigo V12. The V12 is, by the way, almost out of beta and broadly available - but listen to Eli Mahal - a great walkthrough :-)

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