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Sat October 22nd


Docutrim Demonstrated · Paul J Steinke ·...

At PRINTING United, the exhibitors showed more gear than earlier, which was the case for Standard Finishing. In this film, we get a great chat with the Director of Sales, Paul J. Steinke, about the market and products, and we end with a walk-through of the Docutrim to see and understand what it does.

Thu May 19th


Docus sells Ricoh and Digital Signage So...

Docus is the biggest exhibitor at this year's Sign, Print & Promotion exhibition in Helsinki, Finland. In this interview, I get the chance to talk to Jari Kunnas who is one of the owners - and besides the interesting products from Ricoh and MultiCam, I was surprised to learn how Docus is bringing Samsung displays through their resellers to market to enable both print and e-signage. Great to see when companies embrace technology and use their knowledge, skills, and network to enable continuing growth!

Fri May 7th


Do you also feel the vibe? · Pat McGrew ...

We love Art - and in this Print Sample TV edition, the featured print sample shows off! This is a Jazz festival poster that has been done with the utmost care for decades. DMR Graphics are producing it, and it's not a standard CMYK job, but something that requires skills out of the extraordinary - watch the sample, learn from Pat McGrew, and as always, use print samples in the promotion of your company!

Wed June 20th


Do Physical Books Have a Higher Retentio...

Håvard Grjotheim is now CEO of Scandbook - a public company within the Scandinavian printing industry, and we got the chance to talk with him at Print Next in Stockholm earlier this year. The exciting thing about the book printing companies is that they seem to have got a renewed interest in the printed book - not only from readers but also from the publishers. See what Håvard Grjotheim thinks about this.

Tue February 27th


DJM@Argos Inspiration Days Days · March ...

DJM makes inkjet print heads - meet them at in Brussels!

Tue December 3rd


Disruption is our Friend · Mark Hunt · D...

Mark Hunt is the Director of Strategic Alliances from Standard Finishing Solutions. Standard Finishing Solution is the American distributor of Horizon and Hunkeler, and we met him at the Think Smart Factory event in Kyoto. In this INKISH interview, Mark Hunt speaks about the transition both Hunkeler and Horizon have been in since they started working with both companies many years ago. Obviously, the market has changed, and in the interview, Mark Hunt concludes that both companies are VERY well fit for the future of digital printing. Enjoy!

Tue April 26th


Dirk Walgenbach · Jindal Films · Xeikon ...

LinkedIn profile:

Sun June 9th

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Dirk Deroo · Dataline Solutions · the VI...

Interview in Dutch - subtitles in English. Hoe bescherm je de marges het best en hoe pak je een steeds competitievere markt aan? De Multipress MIS-software van Dataline Solutions klinkt – zeker in de Benelux – bekend in de oren. De huidige Print Service Providers (PSP's), printproducenten, hebben vaak zeer specifieke behoeften/eisen. Het zwart op wit kunnen aantonen van de “monetaire” meerwaarde voor een organisatie, van haar investering zeg maar, is iets waar Dataline dan ook trots op is. Dataline geeft een ​​succesgarantie af, na een speciale prestatiescan, “in bloed getekend” aldus een zelfzekere Dirk Deroo. -- EN -- How do you best protect margins and how do you tackle an increasingly competitive market? The Multipress MIS software from Dataline Solutions sounds familiar - especially in the Benelux. Today's Print Service Providers (PSPs), print producers, often have very specific needs/requirements. Being able to proof in black and white the “monetary” added value for an organization, its investment, so to speak, is something Dataline is proud of. Dataline issues a success guarantee after a special performance scan, “drawn in blood” according to a confident Dirk Deroo.

Tue May 4th

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Digital Transformation · Thomas Goecke ·...

Digital Transformation is a commonly used buzzword that many people maybe don't understand the consequences of. Though the interpretations are widely discussed, nobody questions the importance. There is a tendency that new, young and innovative companies seem to have a 'patent' on digital transformation. In this film, we talk to Head Of Digital Business Transformation / Digitalization Thomas Goecke from Koenig & Bauer, responsible for the company's digital transformation. What does it mean, what is the impact, and will it bring people closer to each other? I must admit that I am thrilled with this interview, where Thomas Goecke openly shares his thoughts and considerations.

Sat December 3rd


Digital Transformation · Sandra Wagner ·...

At the INKISH NON-EVENT '22, Vice President Sandra Wagner from Koenig & Bauer shared the story about how a 205-year-old company can become a modern and agile player in a digital time. The feedback on her presentation from the audience at the NON-EVENT was really positive, not just for the content and the presentation, but also the fact that the openness Koenig & Bauer has when it comes to sharing - everything aligned with the Industry 4.0 mindset - thanks to Sandra Wagner, and enjoy the presentation that we live-streamed during the event December 1st, 2022.

Wed September 14th


Digital Print Simulation · Frank Wolteri...

This was a truly great session. Frank Woltering from ESKO took me through a software offered by ESKO called Digital Print Simulation. In ten minutes, you'll get an idea of how Digital Print Simulation can help you in not only achieving better digital print of your customer's artwork but, maybe even better, setting the terms for what tolerances your customer accepts based on what technology is available. I've seen similar software before, but Frank Woltering shows how easy it can be done using ESKO.

Wed July 24th


Digital Print Enhancement · Print Sample...

Scodix has been around for a while, and there is a good reason for this. In this 22nd episode of Print Sample TV with your host Pat McGrew you'll learn how Scodix is promoting their technology. As we can only encourage the best way to market anything print related is by using print. In this film, Pat McGrew show you some of the great examples Scodix has done and why both the company as well as the applications they can produce should be of interest to you! Watch, Like, and Share!

Mon October 3rd


Digital First Mover in Lithuania with HP...

CEO and Owner Valdas Bukšnys has quite a different background from most printers we have met. Before establishing his company, Printela, in Kaunas, Lithuania, he was a double-bass player in a national orchestra touring Europe as a professional musician. Now the owner of a very successful company, Printela, is not only "conducting" a different type of "musicians" but has taken chances investing in technology nobody before him in Lithuania. Bukšnys shook hands with all his employees as we went through the production, and as we talked, I realized that Bukšnys seemed to be a personal leader leading the company with the right people, focusing and trusting his gut feelings, and less (way less) spreadsheets. A super interesting company that, since its origin, has decided to focus on 100% digital production of labels and pouches. Valdas Bukšnys believes greatly in the future, and we wouldn't be surprised if he reaches his objective of being twice the size in a few years' time - as planned. The equipment Printela use is fra HP, GM, Karlville, and Cartes, workhorses in the label/flexible industry! Enjoy the film! LinkedIn Profile:

Mon January 4th

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Digital Enhancement with Scodix Extend O...

LamiFaktur is a quite unusual Scodix customer, but this is the story about the small sub-contractor LamiFaktur from Münster in Germany, who decided to step up from delivering only laminations also to offer digital enhancement options. Norbert Altevolmer and Yannick Altevolmer manage the family-owned company. Despite investing in the Scodix machines just months before the pandemic started, they can already see success and new opportunities for the company. Learn and enjoy!

Wed September 13th


Digital embellishment á la Carte · Micha...

In this interview, Global Director - Digital Embellishment Solutions, Michael Aumann, explains the three types of digital embellishment technologies that today exist and how these are used based on application. We also talk about sustainability and many more interesting things - but dig in, we are certain you will like this! Kurz has built a super nice booth at LabelExpo, where they show both technology and applications. In the interview, we learn more about whether metalization is sustainable and how Kurz addresses sustainability both in the production and in the finished products. We also get a chance to learn about the technologies Kurz supplies and, therefore, better understand when to use which technology. It was super nice meeting Michael Aumann again, who recently stepped into a global marketing role. It's worth listening to! LinkedIn Profile:

Wed February 14th


Digital Corrugated High Speed High Quali...

A year ago - on February 14th, 2023, the HP PageWide C550 was launched, and just a few months later, the first installation in North America was a reality with Sutherland Packaging in Andover. In this INKISH episode, you learn about the considerations and the result of the investment - and from the perspective of being a family-owned company that until this investment primarily focused on brown boxes, this step is major. Sutherland sees entirely new opportunities and an opportunity to convert brown-box customers into multi-colored boxes. However, the C550 is also used to produce Point-of-Sales displays, a lucrative business for Sutherland - but listen and see. Super nice people and super nice company - it was fun being there - thank you, Jake and Manny!

Wed March 1st


Digibook · Jens Krüger · Hunkeler Innova...

Trends and changes in ways of producing print can also be spotted by looking and talking to the suppliers of solutions processing them, like (photo) book printing. The changeover from offset technology to the benefit of Inkjet and digital printing techniques is a fact, according to Jens Krüger from Digibook technology. Let’s meet this Swiss company supplying keen solutions for hard- & softcover products. Digital production seems the way to go, and with not many players in the medium range, Digibook feels they make a strong case. We find out together.

Mon June 3rd


Dieter Niederstadt · Technical Marketing...

LinkedIn Profile:

Wed March 27th


Dieter Niederstadt · Asahi · Replay · Pr...

LinkedIn Profile:

Sun December 8th


Diego Diaz at the INKISH NON-EVENT 2019 ...

INKISH hosted for the first time ever our NON-EVENT. The Non-event is celebrating the people that have been in front of the camera, or been supporting INKISH during the past years. This is a new recurring event, and the idea is to give space for the people we have featured to connect in a new way. We invited 150 people, and 32 decided to join us. Our guests came from Japan, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Sweden, and Denmark - and we are confident that next year, even more, will come. We asked most of our participants to talk LIVE during the dinner - and here is Diego Diaz from the USA. Diego Diaz is a workflow+ specialist working for The Bernard Group in Chanhassen, Minnesota, USA. We first met him in a testimonial video we did for Tilia Labs and Enfocus, and later Diego Diaz was invited to speak in Denmark at a workflow event organized by Medit Consult and Grakom. Diego Diaz is also soon about to release ten articles with hands-on tips for printers about workflow on INKISH.NEWS. Enjoy!

Tue April 30th


Diego Diaz · SPM Automation · HP

Robots are essentially dumb; therefore, they need more than anything else tailored software to make them productive tools. When Diego Diaz joined HP, he needed to develop further automation solutions for HP. At DSCOOP Indianapolis, HP, for the first time, presented what they had been working on for over a year. The AMR is here, and it's not just a licensed robot but a robot tailored to HP PrintOS and, in particular, Production Beat. The robots make Lights Out Productions an almost reality, and what HP has in development further down the road is the promise of new technology solutions making print even more automated. This is a MUST-SEE film from us!

Thu April 9th


Diego Diaz · Over The Skype · The King o...

Diego Diaz is a well-known person in the workflow/automation environment, and he has his own channel on INKISH.NEWS where he shares his insights. One of the best things about his insights is that it's based on actual work in a printing plant, so the solutions are built to serve a working environment. With a lot of equipment, software solutions, and legacy systems, Diego Diaz makes sure to ensure a consistent and effective workflow. Diego Dias works at Bernard Group as Vice President of Manufacturing. Diego Diaz has also given speeches at workflow conferences in the US and abroad. As with all our 'Over the Skype' interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri June 3rd

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Diana Esser about Europe’s first H...

(German language - English subtitles) Esser printSolutions changed years ago from being an offset printing company to becoming a digital-only printing company. With both web-based and cut-sheet printers and finishing options, the company has placed itself in a good position in the German market. Procurator Diana Esser describes her company in this film, but she and her colleague COO Thomas Juros also talk about their investment in the Horizon Stitchliner Mark 5. If you haven't heard about the Mark 5 before there is a reason - it's a brand new addition to Horizon's line of products. Horizon Stitchliner Mark 5 is roll-to-cut-sheet stitching with quite some cool features and very high quality along with high speed. Esser printSolutions is one of the launch customers in Europe, and as you can hear in this film - they are very pleased with the investment!

Tue April 13th

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Dharminder Biharie · Fast Forward · Burn...

Business is also having luck. Being on the right time, on the right place. If you are a Sales Manager of Tesla or iPhone...are you brilliant? No! The product is brilliant because it's on the right time, the right place and at the right moment. I worked 12 years for Xerox. And I learned a lot about all the processes. So I'm a very successful company in the toner printing industry. From a leader to a follower. And what I really regret is that they still have Palo Alto Research Center. They have 11000 patents. Still they can't invent new business models. I believe it has to do with management style and egos of CEOs. And that's my Dutch directness about this topic. Price looks very important, but at the end, you're selling trust, not price. Because how many deals happened in the past where you think: Oh, I'm 20 percent cheaper than the competitor. And still the competitor buys the product that's 20 percent more expensive. But the end price is all about trust. Because what the customer wants has to do with the liability and the operation of my business. Tiny Habits has to do with how can you change your behavior? Your brain is conditioned. And that means your brain is unbelievably lazy. When you make a decision and always search for the fastest path. And your brain creates a neurotransmitter synapse. You think you are doing this rationally. That is not the case. To break this rule, you need to change habits. And changing habit means you don't have to go directly into the big steps. But do tiny steps. I donate two and a half percent of my annual revenue to the Brain Foundation. I'm in the consultancy business. But also about knowledge business. And I need this part to be successful. The reality is one out of four people will get a brain disease sooner or later. And it can be a very simple one. But also Alzheimer, Parkinson, depression. The things we can build, create but also destroy is all done with a brain. And that's why I really love the Brain Foundation.

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