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Wed June 10th


Bernhard Cantzler · Over the Skype · MON...

Over the Skype with Bernhard Cantzler, Head of Marketing & Innovation UFP, Mondi Group Based in Vienna, Austria, Bernhard Cantzler is an excellent, internationally experienced specialist in print, packaging, marketing & communication in the digital age. During his studies he came into contact with Mondi in Russia. He had his first professional experience at Mondi with paper for digital printing, especially for inkjet productions. Andreas Weber, CEO / Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, was particularly interested in this over the Skype conversation: Your tasks have expanded considerably in recent years. And especially now with COVID-19: What are you currently doing? How does that affect the market? What does the postponing of drupa 2020 mean for M? How do you see digital and analog? What influence does digitalization have on your work? What trends do you see and what influence does or will it have on Mondi’s offer? Note: As with all of our “Over the Skype” interviews, the picture / sound quality is based on the available bandwidth and the respective web cams as well as the possibility to literally conduct the conversations LIVE. Despite everything, it works amazingly well and with Over the Skype we have brought together far more than 50 special personalities so far and give insights into the industry as it currently is. Enjoy! Over the Skype mit Bernhard Cantzler, Head of Marketing & Innovation UFP, Mondi Group Blick nach Wien: Bernhard Cantzler ist ein exzellenter, international erfahrener Fachmann in Sachen Print, Packaging, Marketing & Kommunikation im Digitalzeitalter. Schon während des Studiums kam er in Russland mit Mondi in Kontakt. Seine ersten beruflichen Erfahrungen machte er bei Mondi mit Papier für den Digitaldruck, gerade auch für Inkjet-Produktionen. Folgendes interessierte Andreas Weber, CEO/Country Manager INKISH D-A-CH, ganz besonders in diesem Over the Skype-Gespräch: In den letzten Jahren haben sich ihre Aufgaben stark erweitert. Und speziell jetzt durch COVID-19: Was beschäftigt Sie derzeit? Wie wirkt sich das auf den Markt aus? Was bedeutet für Mondi die Verschiebung der drupa? In welchem Verhältnis sehen Sie digital und analog? Welchen Einfluss hat die Digitalisierung auf Ihre Arbeit? Welche Trends sehen Sie und welchen Einfluss zeigt oder wird es zeigen auf das Angebot von Mondi? Hinweis: Wie bei allen unseren “Over the Skype”-Interviews richtet sich die Bild-/Ton-Qualität nach verfügbarer Bandbreite und den jeweiligen Web-Cams aus sowie der Möglichkeit, die Konversationen buchstäblich LIVE zu führen. Es funktioniert trotz allem erstaunlich gut und mit Over the Skype bringen wir bis dato weit mehr als 50 besondere Persönlichkeiten zusammen und geben Einblicke in die Branche, wie sie derzeit ist. Viel Spaß!

Thu August 24th


Bernhard Cantzler · New Role · Marketing...

Bernard Cantzler has a new job within Mondi Group, and we wanted to ask him what difference it makes for him, the market, and the customers - and here we are! With 18 years of experience in the Americas, Australia, and, obviously, Europe, Cantzler knows the industry. His friend said to him 18 years ago, Why not a Finish mobile phone company rather than the paper industry - Funny enough, Mondi is still here :-) Enjoy!

Fri April 24th

Bernd Zipper · Over The Skype · ZIPCON C...

Bernd Zipper is a well-known name in the printing industry. With his ZIPCON Consulting out of Germany, the writer, consultant, keynote speaker, event organizer, and more, have influenced the printing industry more than most. With a dedicated focus on online printing as well as the newest and latest technologies, how to bring print forward - you can be sure that Bernd Zipper and his team are on the forefront. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri April 29th


Benoit Chatelard · President & CEO ...

INKISH loves to hear about opinions and strategies from industry leaders. In this too short interview with Benoit Chatelard, President of Flint group Digital & Xeikon CEO we get to hear about the importance and relevance of the different printing technologies they bring to the market and why they are doing a show like Xeikon Café. A great interview in an open spirit and I feel confident that we will have more interesting stories and initiatives from XEIKON to report on in the future! Enjoy!

Sun May 12th


Benjamin Bösch · Sales Director · Koeni...

Benjamin Bösch joined Koenig & Bauer Durst just weeks before this interview. Still, with a background from manroland, HP, Landa, and now Koenig & Bauer Durst, we, of course, had to ask him if his the 'living evidence of the digital transformation,' - and here we go. Will the increased digital transformation in packaging also change how sales are done, and will that commoditize the market? We are excited to see Benjamin Bösch with Koenig & Bauer, and hopefully we will get more chances to talk to him in the future. Enjoy!

Wed May 23rd

Benelux Online Print Event · Brussels, B...

The Benelux Online Print Event is an event that as the title implies is about online printing. The Keynote is by Bernd Zipper who is one of the most recognized knowledge providers from the online printing industry - author, keynote speaker, event owner (The Online Symposium) and more. Many speakers - both local and international - are present at this exciting day in Brussels, that will be covered by INKISH.TV. We hope to see you! Read more about event:

Thu May 2nd


Ben Leviz · Director & Partner · St...

You visit printing companies producing beautiful metallizations, embossings, etc., but we have never visited a company like Studio on Fire. Employees are art-educated and have a fantastic dedication to what they do, and what they do is precision foils in multiple colors, embossing, and de-bossing like no one else, letterpress, and materials that are beyond what you find with most printing companies. When you are a customer, the creative team spends hours, days, weeks, and even months to create the perfect packaging for a perfect product - and zero compromises - the process is developed to perfection, and the entirely analog production gives the finished product a sense of beauty that blow your mind - this is simply art, packaging, creativity, and craftsmanship at the highest level possible. You can't do anything but love the process, the people, the products, and the technology that comes from Kluege, Heidelberg, and recently, the KAMA ProCut76 and KAMA FF52i. When you see our film, Ziga Kovac (the filmmaker) has captured the work—and yet fantastic—it doesn't justify the real thing. Ben Levitz likes what he does and wants to work with others, but he realizes that other printing companies often have different passions than Ben Levitz and his team—but you should learn. This is the real deal! GREAT—simply GREAT!

Fri February 26th

De En Es Fr Nl Pt

Beltz Grafische Betriebe Invest in Digit...

In this film, Michael Tuchscher from Beltz Grafische Betriebe explains what considerations and why they ended up investing in a Hunkeler and HP-T-series solution. With the Hunkeler investment, Beltz can produce book blocks that can be handled in the company's binding department, and, well - judge for yourself - but it looks pretty cool! This film was made for our Learn With Us Inkjet series and is recorded remotely.

Thu December 8th


Being Operator Friendly is key · David W...

David Walden is the Plant Manager for PrimeSourceOPC out of North Carolina and, of course, influences the decision process when investing in new equipment. At the BOBST Open House event, he explains some of the KPIs when choosing equipment. But listen to what he says, and learn :-)

Sun August 27th


Behavioral Psychology and how to Improve...

If you are not already following Gee Ranasinha and learning from his almost daily posts on LinkedIn, you should. With great insight into the human mind's understanding of what works and what doesn't work, he shares his views on topics we should all learn from. The altruistic approach to content, why clicks and likes is a highly overrated matrix, how the various SoMe platforms do everything they can to keep content and users on their platforms, etc. When we asked Gee for an interview, it was like coming home. We share many ideas, and in this format, you will be exposed to many things you should consider in your business - HIGHLY recommended!

Wed October 20th


Beaver Group Outlook · Tobias Sternbeck ...

We get better acquainted with some of their offerings and ask about their economic outlook for the coming years. Interesting points of view to hear from an important player in this segment. Do check it out. LinkedIn Profile:

Fri May 1st


Beatrice Klose · Over The Skype · INTERG...

Beatrice Klose is the Secretary-General for INTERGRAF based in Brussels, Belgium. Intergraf organises 20 European Print Federations and do an extremely important job concerning both servicing the local federations, but maybe even more important representing the printing industry concerning legislation suggested by the European Commission. In this 'Over the Skype' session, Beatrice Klose explains the work of Intergraf, which we find is way undervalued - so please enjoy and share. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Fri January 21st


Be Online or Go Away · Joe Fedor · eProd...

The MarketDirect Storefront (MDSF) is described by channel sales manager Joe Fedor. Boasting a flexible UX and simple integration with any of the eProductivity workflow and management solutions, MDSF is scalable e-commerce for small to medium size print service providers as well as enterprise web-to-print customer integration. It is also API enabled for integration with third party MIS systems.

Mon June 10th


Bastian Pinsenschaum · Head of Product M...

It's always nice to meet specialists, and Bastian Pinsenschaum is definitely one of them. In this interview from Weilburger's booth at Drupa 2024, we discuss water barrier coatings and give examples of real-life applications!

Thu April 20th


Bartosz Mierzwiak · Member of the Manage...

Bartosz Mierzwiak likes being innovative and explains to editor Morten B. Reitoft how he believes that if you don't innovate, you can't survive. In the interview, Bartosz Mierzwiak also talks about digitalization, how the company was started by his father in a garage, and the relation with BHS. Nice story!

Tue October 4th


Back Stronger and With Many New Ideas · ...

Mark Subers is the President of PRINTING United Expo. In just a few weeks (October 19th-21st, 2022), PRINTING United Expo takes place in Las Vegas. After two years of COVID and cancellations, editor Morten B. Reitoft talked with Subers about what to expect in the 2022 edition. Subers explain the many changes, like more equipment on the floor, fewer but better educational sessions, and integrated activities in various pavilions. The new PUX platform enables other organizations to organize user events days before PRINTING United, hopefully leading to more people staying for the expo. The exhibition floor has grown, and Subers is optimistic about the number of attendees, which most likely will exceed the 30,000 attendees from the 2019 edition in Dallas. His expectations are based on a much higher sale of hotel rooms here two weeks before the event. INKISH will cover PRINTING United intensively, so be prepared for our daily coverage.

Fri May 7th

Babies, Napkins, and photo books –...

Amazing to see the print samples from Kodak. In this Print Sample TV episode, your host Pat McGrew shows print samples printed on various substrates, even plastic materials. Kodak offers both print heads to be installed in a hybrid setup with offset and presses to deliver stunning results. In this Print Sample TV episode, you will see it all.

Thu February 15th

Axode@Argos Inspiration Days · March 6th...

Quality and consistency are two key issues in any print application. With Axode's high-speed camera and registration, systems quality is assured. Axode delivers solutions for various kind of print equipment. Meet them at

Thu September 29th


Axel J Mangelsdorf · Sales Manager · Cr...

Can paper really influence productivity on your inkjet device? Well, according to Axel J Mangelsdorf from Crown Van Gelder, paper has a large impact on productivity AND quality. The uncoated paper from Crown Van Gelder has such a smooth surface that it almost feels like a coated paper, enabling higher print quality, but the paper is also engineered for speed. So listen to Axel J Mangelsdorf and get the latest update on new GSMs developed and how Crown Van Gelder is good for your inkjet press!

Tue May 22nd

AUTOMATISERING – Smart drift god f...

Grakom indbyder i samarbejde med Medit Consult til årets tekniske konference med oplæg fra en række danske og internationale fagspecialister. De senere år har vi været vidne til banebrydende forretningskoncepter, der grundlæggende tilbyder grafiske produkter, men som har vendt op og ned på den grafiske branche. De mest banebrydende grafiske forretningskoncepter baserer sig på et gennemautomatiseret workflow. Den grafiske branche har være udsat for disruption længe før, det ord blev daglig tale. Intet af det var imidlertid blevet realiseret, hvis ikke en lang række processer var blevet automatiseret. På konferencens indlæg belyses det forretningsmæssige potentiale af professionelle forretningsudviklere, krydret med cases fra virksomheder der har gjort det i praksis. Sideløbende ser konferencen indad i den grafiske virksomhed og sætter klassiske optimeringsgevinster som effektivisering, fejlminimering og kvalitetssikring i nyt lys. INKISH er mediapartner og vil dække konferencen. Læs mere og tilmeld dig på:

Wed October 18th


Automation, automation & automation...

It has been a busy year for Canadian Ultimate TechnoGraphics. New major upgrades to its Impostrip software, an entirely new nesting engine, new partner announcements, and Scalable software technology - as you can understand, good reason to talk to Raymond Duval. We will also meet Ray and his colleagues at PRINTING United to dig more into details, but this is, as always, great talking to him. Enjoy!

Sun December 6th


Automation philosophy, stages to automat...

In this session Robert F. Godwin will share his insights into the following VERY exciting topics. Generic description of the philosophy, strategy and technology required to automate stages of print workflow. How automation can play into using Gamification for employees (philosophy). Business benefits in regard to efficiency and profitability. Business challenges in regard to technology resource to maintain automation.

Tue November 2nd


Automation Journey with Ultimate TechnoG...

Sendmoments is a German photo-products printing company specialized in the products of copy one. In this film, CMO Sven B. Binder from explains how the company uses Ultimate TechnoGraphics in its production. Great film and good learn from - enjoy! LinkedIn Profile

Sun December 6th


Automation Journey & Software Mix ·...

This is ‘real people’ from Bennett Graphics, talking about how they found themselves where they are today. This is how Adam Seiz and Dan Still started considering massive changes to the software mix four years ago. This is how they switched their MIS, picked up Switch, NOPcommerce, and a handful of other tools, and in this session, Dan and Adam would like to discuss the thought process behind why we made our choices. Here are some of the points they will be touching: Knowing where you are at as a company in regards to technology and how to evaluate this properly. What types of tech is best for your particular company, and how to discover this? How to add “Best in Class” software while keeping your tech stack flexible B-to-B storefronts How to pick the right one? Are online B-to-B storefronts profitable? Can they be fully automated? Automation starts from the top down. Automation is EASY; people present issues with automation. How to introduce automation to a plant that has little or no automation When is it the right time, and what are the needs for custom development in automation, rather than buying a “Boxed” solution

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