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Tue May 14th


Andreas Weber · PreDrupa LIVE · May 14th...

The conversation is an interview with Andreas Weber, discussing his involvement with the printing industry and his contributions, including writing a book on Drupa. Weber mentions his experience of being a part of Drupa multiple times and his excitement about it. He highlights the significance of Drupa in the printing industry, its historical context, and its impact on the German economy. Andreas shares insights on the book he co-authored to celebrate Drupa's 40th anniversary, reflecting on the exhibition's history and its role in advancing the machinery business in Germany. Weber and Reitoft discuss various topics, including the internet's influence on trade shows and the printing industry, the importance of cross-media campaigns, and the challenges of adopting innovation in the industry. Andreas stresses the need for the industry to evolve with new business models and embrace print and digital media. Weber also points out the industry's reluctance to adopt innovative ideas, citing an example of an on-demand newspaper project that failed to gain publisher support despite clear demand. The conversation touches on the economic importance of trade shows like Drupa and the changes in visitor numbers post-COVID. They also discuss the value of print media in an increasingly digital world and the potential threats and opportunities posed by digital transformation. The interview concludes with Andreas Weber expressing the need to reanimate the pioneering spirit of Drupa's founders to support the industry's future.

Tue February 27th


Andreas Weber · PreDrupa FEB27TH

In this engaging conversation, the speaker reminisces about their extensive experience with Drupa, the renowned print media fair, starting from their first attendance in 1977 as a young freelancer. Over the years, they have participated in various roles, from exhibitor to consultant and journalist, witnessing the evolution of Drupa from a simple exhibition to a vital platform that shapes the printing industry. They emphasize the importance of communication over products and highlight the transition towards more efficient, automated, and productive printing technologies. The discussion also touches on the industry's challenges and changes, including the impact of digitalization and the need for Drupa to adapt to attract younger generations and remain relevant in the future.

Wed April 22nd


Andreas Weber · Over The Skype · ValueCo...

Andreas Weber has been a voice in the printing industry for many years. A man with strong opinions, and seen by some as controversial. In this, 'Over the Skype' session, he explains his background, and the values his communication is based upon. Just a few days before this recording Andreas Weber sends an open love letter to the printing community about his relationship to Heidelberg through many years. You can find the story here: It's in German, but it is easy to understand with Google Translate. As with all our ‘Over the Skype’ interviews, quality is limited to bandwidth, web-cams, and ability to literally LIVE mix the conversations. However, it works, and with Over the Skype, we will bring you more than 20 exciting people, and angles on the industry as it is right now. Enjoy!

Wed September 28th


Andreas Fischer · Product Specialist Fol...

Andreas Fischer is one of Horizon's Product Specialists, specializing in folding. In this film, Andreas Fischer explains the AFV566 folding machine that brings automation to a new level. Setup time is minimal, and watching skilled people see the presentation is fun - they almost don't believe their own eyes. Enjoy the presentation yourself - it is in so so German, but I will get English subtitles shortly!

Fri July 1st


Andreas Bluhm & Herbert Jesse Web...

You see the marking every day. When you buy anything in a construction market each piece is printed with size, description, and a bar code - and in Europe, quite a few of the printers printing this come from Weber Marking Systems. For years they have used the Seiko Printheads and it seems to be a growing market as more and more can now be marked using inkjet. LinkedIn Profile: Andreas Bluhm Herbert Jesse

Thu May 16th


Andreas Aplien & Karl Ciz · CoCoCo ...

These days, a new player on the Software scene is being presented—the company's name is CoCoCo, and the founders are well-known people from the industry. In this interview, we get the chance to talk to two of the three founders, Andreas Aplien and Karl Ciz. It's 35 35-minute interviews, but super interesting to learn from - what is CoCoCo, why does it matter, and what benefit does the software provide its customers? In the interview, Aplien and Ciz share an example from one of the company's customers, where it seems apparent that the savings using CoCoCo deliver a truly rapid return to the buyer - but listen for yourself!

Tue June 11th


Andrea Stefanelli · Color Management Exp...

Mark Vruno's quest - takes him to Andrea Stefanelli, talking about color management of course :-)

Tue April 16th


Andrea Riccardi · DURST

When Andrea Riccardi joined DURST many years ago, his position was different, the HQ was different, and even all the products were different - and the journey has been amazing not only for Riccardi but as we all know, also for DURST. In this long interview, Riccardi and Reitoft talk about this development, but also how DURST not only develops products and technologies following the market demands but also takes leadership and develops technologies the company believes can drive the industry. Super interesting!

Wed April 27th


Andre Soterio · Head of Sales Labels EME...

Andre Soterio of ACTEGA describes their range of adhesives and coatings for the Label and packaging sectors of print. Their global footprint for production allows country-specific products to meet local regulations. Any printer in this space needs to have the right solutions for the variety of substrates their printing presses can manufacture.

Thu May 25th


André Schlösser · Marketing Manager · Im...

They are best known for their photo book technology and machines; we are of course talking about the Swiss-based Imaging solutions. The Fespa show was the chosen location for the launch of their new canvas mounting machine and systems. A very sympathetic André Schlösser is happy to give us some more details, who they are and what they do. Cool talk and super high-quality photo books to show for it.

Mon May 15th


Andre D’Urbano · RISO · Graphics C...

RISO has, for many years, developed some of the fastest inkjet printers in the industry. In this interview with VP Sales, André D'urbano, he explains that RISO is now emphasizing the inks to offer speed and better quality. Always great to talk to André, so please enjoy!

Thu May 25th


André Albrecht · Digital Solutions Manag...

LinkedIn Profile:

Sat December 3rd


And then the WAR came · Martijn Eier · C...

He could see on satellite photos that Russian troops were being prepared in Belarus. A plane was canceled as the cabin crew and pilots refused to fly to Ukraine. He was under the impression that a war in the 2020s would be a cyber war. He and his team hoped for the best but planned for the worst. Here is the story about managing a global software company being attacked by Russia. Very emotional, very good, learn! LinkedIn Profile:

Mon March 25th


Anat Ruhrberg · HP · HP PreDrupa Event...

At the HP PreDrupa event, the new HP Indigo 120K was released - a machine offering high quality and higher productivity than previous generations. 6,000 B2 sheets an hour, and many new AI features built into the machine, making it even easier to operate. Anat Ruhrberg and I have a walk while we talk about the 120K and the new 18K - two impressive machines targeting two different markets. Jump in :-)  

Thu February 8th


AMS Spectral UV@Argos Inspiration Days ·...

AMS Spectral is one of the leading manufactures of LED-UV lamps for a range of printing machines. Meet AMS at in Brussels - can't wait :-)

Sun March 4th


AMS Spectral UV on Merging with Baldwin

AMS Spectral UV was acquired by Baldwin Technology Company almost a year ago and INKISH got the opportunity to go to River falls in Wisconsin to talk to President Steve Metcalf and more people from the company that used to be known as Air Motion Systems. AMS Spectral UV is one of the world's leading developers of LED-UV curing systems and has been extremely successful over the past years. In this film, we get an insight into the potentials the acquisitions give AMS and also how it has influenced Steve Metcalf who has spent a major part of his life in the company. We hope you like the film!

Tue August 15th


AMS Spectral UV on brand new fully equip...

Arriving at the Windles Group headquarters in Thame indicated that this printing company is above most - and we weren't disappointed. Windles Group has specialized in the production of greeting cards and other, well, let's say, more complicated printed products that include covers and other products where you need to go the extra mile to get what you want. The brand new Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106 printing press is a perfector press. Still, it has built-in multiple curing systems - one is the AMS Spectral UV LED curing system, which we will hear and learn more about as the nice folks from AMS Spectral UV sponsor this INKISH film. The four curing systems on the press give Windles Group options to pick the right dryer or the right combination of driers to create stunning prints with PMS colors, foil, embossing, even metal dust, and more. Miles Podmore is the 3rd. Generation, head of production, has a new engineering degree and is now very pleased about his job, where he can combine his education with his passion for hands-on production. Super nice visit - and shout out to Jack Fischer - our new filmer - who filmed this project - Ziga still mastered the editing :-)

Wed May 8th


Amir Shalev · Director of Market Develop...

Amir Shalev is responsible for market development, which also includes what we would call pre-sales activities with customers - understanding the needs the investment needs to address. That's what Amir Shalev and his team do. We also get to discuss "more" the Landa payoff for drupa. 'More' must be understood broadly - but listen to Amir Shalev and learn more!

Wed January 19th


American made fabrics and sustainability...

Ken Bach is Business Development Director for Aberdeen Fabrics in North Carolina, USA. The company exhibit at EFI Connect 2022 and use this opportunity to promote American-made fabrics, but also very much a sustainability agenda.

Sat October 22nd


Amazing Possibilities with MultiCam Rout...

Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems acquired MultiCam recently, and at their huge booth at PRINTING United 2022, they showcase both Kongsberg and MultiCam products. In this film, we get a chance to learn from Router Product Manager Russel Boudria, who shows what's possible and explains the difference between the different MultiCam offerings! Excellent samples in our minds!

Mon September 17th


Amazing Growth in 2018 and it doesn̵...

Sagen de Jonge is CEO of Tilia Labs - a company that we have already covered a few times here on INKISH.TV. We met him at Albelli in The Netherlands recently and asked him about the very nearby future. It seems that the company is busy and not resting on their laurels. With a 100% growth in 2018 and an appetite for more in 2019, we look forward to following this exciting company. Listen to Sagen de Jonge here.

Tue May 7th


Alon Bar-Shany · Chairman of the Board ·...

It's no secret that Highcon has been in difficulties and that it still requires walking the extra mile to make Highcon a profitable company - but strong leadership with Shlomo Nimrod as the CEO and capacities like Alon Bar-Shany, Benny Landa, Adina Shorr, and more on the board - Highcon is on the right track. When we visited Highcon in Israel, we asked Alon Bar-Shany to join us for an interview, and despite a busy program, we got the chance - and here he is!

Wed September 21st


All Plants Uses OMET Technology · Vito V...

Vito Vicino is the Production Manager of Eurostampa North America. In this interview filmed at OMET's booth at LabelExpo-Americas 2022, he talks about how satisfied he is with the technology. He also explains how Europstampa has grown since his first arrival at the printing company. Nice story!

Wed August 8th


All I say is just an opinion – The...

With the new Richard Askam Channel opinions will be said. Opinions about philosophy, business, marketing and who knows even some personal insights? The episodes will be published monthly, take about 10-12 minutes each and will end with a question. The question you should ask your colleagues, your customers, or even better - yourself. This is group therapy at a high level. Richard Askam is a keynote speaker, a writer and always ready to discuss. Not the types of discussions with conclusions or already established arguments - but more the kind of discussions that will leave both you and Richard open to any further discussion. This is what The Richard Askam Channel is all about. Be inspired, be generous, give back, be inspired, spread the word and let’s build a better print world. A better world can only be made if opinions are shared freely and open - and with the new Richard Askam channel all opinions matters - are you game?

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